Teachers are a perfect proof that not all heroes wear capes, some are armed with a bunch of crayons and a bag full of papers to grade, as well as innumerable tiny and sparkly notes and cards that remind them how good they are at what they do.
Constantly torn between lots of commitments such as preparing lesson plans that are supposed to fit each student’s needs, check lists, reminding tiny humans not to eat their pencils, only 5 minutes break to finish their lunch, and a lot more, they don’t have it easy.
However, the fact they are perfect in the eyes of so many kids who grew into nice humans only because of their teacher’s positive influence is worth all the struggle.
Sonya Romera teaches in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her goal is not only to make sure her students learn new things, but she cares whether they have clothes and food for the day.
This inspirational teacher’s story got to the one person who truly appreciates everyday heroes who do so much for the society, Ellen DeGeneris. Sonya was part of Ellen’s show not assuming it will be all about her.
When the moment of truth comes, Ellen invites a shocked Sonya to come on stage with her, which she does with her mouth hanging open. She goes on to tell Ellen about the incredible things she’s done for her students.
Besides making sure that the children are fed and washed up before class started (using her own money to buy breakfast and toiletries for all the students), Sonya has gone as far as to take in needy students. She has taken in two foster children who were former students and has been caring for them as her own for the last six months.
That’s when Ellen showed her a video that her crew made of her students and co-workers thanking her. Needless to say, Sonya, her son, and Ellen herself were absolutely in tears by the end of the video – and so were we!
But, of course, that was not the end.
Ellen proceeded to give Sonya not one but two incredible gifts. And if the video didn’t have us crying, this act of charity certainly did! You have to watch it for yourself to see all of the emotional moments.
It couldn’t be more clear the impact that this teacher has made on everyone she comes across. She is truly one of those magical people that changes every person she meets for the better and we hope people are inspired to follow in her inspirational footsteps.
What do you think of Ms. Sonya and her heart of gold? Were you touched by her story or Ellen’s incredible gift? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.