In life, there comes a time when we face challenges and go through struggles not many people from our surrounding are aware of. The reason for that might be that we feel ashamed of the issues that bother us, or simply because we don’t want others to feel sorry for us.
Meagan is a young lady who has felt self-conscious most of her life. When she was just 15 years old, she was diagnosed with a condition that results in tissue swelling and fluid retention. Because of that, her right leg is quite bigger than her left one, and is not proportional to the other parts of her body.

Not wanting people to know of her condition, Meagan tried to keep it a secret from the rest of the world, even from her boyfriend.
One day, however, the two went on vacation and it was the first time she decided to be herself and feel happy about it.
It was then that her boyfriend Robert learned of her condition, and he only noticed there was something wrong when he took a closer look of the photos he took of Meagan.

With Robert’s help, Meagan managed to get past the fears and eliminate the stigma associated with her illness. What’s most, she decided to embrace herself and even help others who are in the same position to learn how to love themselves the way they are.
Today, Meagan lives her life to the fullest and everyone who knows her finds inspiration in her strength and resiliency.
There were times when she hated herself and she hated her life. She was even afraid to go to school because she feared her classmates would make fun of her so she tried really hard to hide her condition.

We are so happy this young lady learned to love herself.
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Bored Daddy
Love and Peace