Marine Sgt. Nick Walsh was just 26 years old when he got killed by a sniper in Iraq. His wife Julie was left all by her self to take care of their son Triston who was 4 at the time.
Growing up, Triston never forgot his father. Although he wasn’t around, Triston held the memory of him close to his heart.
One thing that Marine Sgt. Walsh loved so much, besides his family, of course, was his 1991 Ford Bronco. Triston knew that very well and couldn’t wait to get a driver’s licence in order to be able to drive his late father’s valuable possession.
The car stood parked in the garage for many years, and Julie wasn’t sure if it was in a good condition. She even though of selling it, but she knew just how much it meant to her son, so she couldn’t do it. Instead, she asked from local mechanics and dealership owners to help her have it restored.
When Triston asked about the Ford Bronco, Julie told him she sold it because she wanted to buy him a new car with the money. Triston got really mad. He couldn’t believe his mom would do something like that. Of course, he didn’t know his mom wasn’t telling him the truth because that would spoil the surprise.
“If looks could kill…just hatred in his eyes…tear rolled down his cheek,” Julie said, adding that her son didn’t speak to her for two weeks.
Once the car was fully restored, Julie was ready to show it to her son. But before that, she contacted her late husband’s marine buddies, who were more than willing to take part in the emotional surprise.
The restoration cost between $10,000 and $12,000, and it was all covered by the dealership and local mechanics who were more than happy to step in.
Seeing his dad’s car made Triston emotional. It was the best gift he could ever get.
“I just feel (Nick) around us so much … I know he’s sending all of us signs he is still here and looking out for us. It’s a really comforting feeling to have. It really is,” Julie said.
Triston added, “Every time I’m going to drive this…I feel like he’s with me…sitting right over there.”
He was also very happy because of his father’s friends.
“It’s just to show the boys, no matter where they go, no matter what they do, somebody’s going to look out for them,” said one of his Marine friends, with another adding, “For him to be able to have his dad’s vehicle was just a full circle.”
You can see the heartwarming video below. Isn’t this one of the best surprises you’ve ever seen?