The bond between siblings is for life. Getting to share your dreams and childhood with someone is a gift from God, and that’s the best thing about having a brother or a sister, and if you are lucky, you’ll likely have both.
The following story, which is heartbreaking beyond words, speaks of the love and the sacrifice of one young boy who lost his life so that his brother could live.
Back in 2011, the Australian state of Queensland was hit by a devastating tidal wave which claimed the lives of several people. A woman named Donna Rice and her two sons, Jordan and Blake, were taking a ride back home when their vehicle was swept away by the flash floods. They desperately tried to get help and managed to contact the emergency services, but the water continued rising with each passing minute. As half of the car was under water, they somehow managed to get out of it to avoid drowning.
Finally, other people who found themselves at the scene rushed to help the family. One person tried saving them using a rope and just when he tried reaching 13-year-old Jordan, who couldn’t swim and was petrified of water, he could be heard saying: “Save my brother first.”
Moments later, 10-year-old Blake was taken to safety, but time ran out and Donna and Jordan drowned after they were dragged away by the waves.
John Tyson, the boys’ father, opened his heart about the tragedy in which he lost his wife and his son. “I can only imagine what was going on inside to give up his life to save his brother, even though he was petrified of water,” he told the Chronicle. “He is our little hero.”
This story which tugs at our heartstrings reached a huge number of people who learned of Jordan’s heroism.
“Being tough doesn’t mean being cool and wild. Being tough sometimes just means saying a few words quietly but forcefully by a boy who couldn’t swim, while he was drowning. Anyone can be tough when the need is greatest,” the father later told Hrtwarming.
Years after Jordan lost his life, his father received a bravery award on his son’s behalf.
Rest in peace, Jordan and Donna. You are missed by many.