A boy at school snapped her bra – What she did next Is gold


Bullying takes place way more often any of us assumes. Sadly, in schools, this issue affects one in five children and it doesn’t seem that the educational institutions do much to prevent it.

One mom was called by her daughter’s class teacher because she hit someone at school. When she learned of the reason why her daughter reacted that way and opted for violence, the mom defended her daughter to perfection.

Read the story below.

I’m an Emergency Room nurse and we’re not allowed to have our phones on us; they’re to be kept in our lockers. A call comes into hospital reception on a private line for me.

Phone: “This is [Teacher] from [School]. There’s been an incident involving [Daughter]. We need you to come in.”

Me: “Is she ill or injured? Can it wait until my shift is over in two hours?”


Phone: “[Daughter] has struck another student. We’ve been trying to call you for 45 minutes. It really is very serious.”

I go to the school and am ushered into the Principal’s office. I see my daughter, her advisor, a male teacher, the principal, a boy with blood around his nose and a red face, and his parents.

Principal: “Mrs. [My Name], how kind of you to FINALLY join us!”

Me: “Yeah, things get busy in the ER. I’ve spent the last hour administering over 40 stitches to a seven-year-old who was beaten by his mother with a metal ladle and then I had to deal with the police regarding the matter. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

(After watching him try to not act embarrassed, he tells me what has happened. The boy had snapped my daughter’s bra and she had punched him in the face… twice. I got the impression they were more angry with my daughter than the boy.)

Me: “Oh. And you want to know if I’m going to press charges against him for sexually assaulting my daughter and against the school for allowing him to do it?”

(They all get jittery when I mention sexual assault and start speaking at once.)

Teacher: “I don’t think it was that serious.”

Advisor: “Let’s not over-react.”

Principal: “I think you’re missing the point.”

(The boy’s mother then starts crying. I turn to my daughter to find out what happened.)

Daughter: “He kept snapping my bra. I asked him to stop but he didn’t, so I told Mr. [Teacher]. He told me to ‘ignore it.’ [Boy] did it again and undid my bra so I hit him. Then he stopped.”

(I turn to the teacher.)

Me: “You let him do this? Why didn’t you stop him? Come over here and let me touch the front of your trousers.”

Teacher: “What?! No!”

Me: “Does that seem inappropriate to you? Why don’t you go and pull on Mrs. [Advisor]’s bra right now. See how fun it is for her. Or on that boy’s mother’s bra. Or mine. You think just because they’re kids it’s fun?”

Principal: “Mrs. [My Name]. With all due respect, [Daughter] still beat another child.”

Me: “No. She defended herself against a sexual attack from another pupil. Look at them; he’s nearly 6 feet and 160 pounds. She’s 5 feet and 84 pounds. He’s a foot taller than her and twice as heavy. How many times should she have let him touch her? If the person who was supposed to help and protect her in a classroom couldn’t be bothered, what should she have done? He pulled her bra so hard it came undone.”


(The boy’s mom is still crying and his dad looks both angry and embarrassed. The teacher won’t make eye contact with me. I look at the principal.)

Me: “I’m taking her home. I think the boy has learned his lesson. And I hope nothing like this ever happens again, not only to [Daughter], but to any other girl at this school. You wouldn’t let him do it to a member of staff so what makes you think he can do it to a girl of 15 is beyond me. I will be reporting this to the school administrators. And if you—” *turning to the boy* “—EVER touch my daughter again I WILL have you arrested for sexual assault. Do you understand me?”

I was so angry, I gathered my daughter’s things and left. I reported it to the School Board, several of whom I know, and was assured it would be strongly dealt with.

My daughter was put into a different class for that subject, away from the teacher and the boy.

What are your thoughts on this? Did the mother did the right thing?

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Jennifer Garner made a decision to save her family’s history


Fun, famous, and grounded! Jennifer Garner has all it takes to be an American sweetheart we all love.

On her Instagram, she shares plenty of videos, mostly of her cooking. Her videos also give her fans a glimpse of her life as a mother.

Today, besides being an actress, Garner is also doing something else, saving her family’s history.

Back in the day, Garner’s grandparents from her mother’s side bought a piece of land from the money her grandpa received for fighting in the World War I.

Garner’s mom, Patricia, spent her childhood on that land in Locust Grove, Oklahoma where the family built a farm. Growing up, Garner’s mom would share stories of the life on the farm and those sweet memories stuck up with Garner.

Speaking of the time they purchased the land, Patricia shared, “My parents didn’t even have a car, so when they heard about the land that was for sale, they hired someone to drive them to the property. The farm consisted of a two-room house and 20 acres–minus 1 acre at the heart of the property, which was a Native American cemetery.”

She then added: “Mother told me the story of Dad leaning on his heels and negotiating all day over $20. When they finally agreed on a price, the deal was sealed, and the land was purchased. It’s been in our family ever since.” 

Over the years, the ownership of the farm switched from one family member to another until Garner decided to buy it for herself in 2017 from her uncle Robert. They agreed that Robert and his wife would live on the farm in a house they built and that they would maintain the farm.

The Alias star turned the farm into profitable business after she founded Once Upon a Farm and with that, her dream of producing healthy kids’ food that does not leave parents stressed about their children not getting enough nutrients has come true.

Speaking of Once Upon a Farm, Garner says, “We dreamed of bringing baby food back to the roots with organic fruits and veggies harvested from local farmers, blended with love and served fresh from the fridge. We dreamed of feeling less stressed about mealtimes because we could feed our little ones foods that give them all the nutrients they need – and then some!”

With striped overalls and work gloves, Garner said in a TikTok video in May that the Oklahoma farm was her “favorite place.”

“My tractor is calling me,” she said in the video, announcing that she’d be at the Oklahoma farm soon to plant. She signed the video, which has more than 3.4 million views, as “Farmer Jen.”

Her company’s products are sold at some of the biggest retailers in America as well as online on the company’s website.

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Christmas drama unravels as saleswoman faces consequences for body-shaming customer


Nothing good ever comes from being rude to someone. The truth is that we never know what people struggle with and what issues they face in their life so showing kindness can be that ray of sunshine they need in order to feel better, at least for a short time.

A woman named Claire shared an extraordinary story of how someone she has just met made fun of her weight.

Namely, it was around Christmas time and Claire was shopping for a dress. She was hosting a Christmas dinner for the entire family and wanted to look good.

She entered one of the stores and looked around. The dresses were nice and she hoped to find something that would look good on her, but the young woman working there made the entire experience horrible.

As Claire tried one of the dresses, the saleswoman started laughing at her and said loudly so that the rest of the customers could hear her, “You definitely need a bigger size, or it’ll blow up on you on Christmas, or maybe a diet will help you.” 


What followed were more mean comments. Claire couldn’t believe what she was hearing so she decided to leave the store.

As tears started running down her face, she called her husband and told him how she was treated. He offered to go and pick her up and face the rude woman, but Claire said it wasn’t worth it. Plus, it was Christmas and she didn’t want to spoil the holiday spirit with someone so rude.

She decided to focus on the good things instead, such as the joyous occasion that followed and her meeting her son’s girlfriend for the first time.

Christmas arrived, and Claire was getting ready for the dinner. She couldn’t wait to meet her future daughter-in-law and wanted everything to be perfect.


However, the moment her son and his girlfriend arrived and Claire opened the door, she was left in shock. The girlfriend was that same saleswoman who made fun of her some days ago.

The young woman’s face changed into a variety of reds, but Claire decided to act as though she was seeing her for the first time. “Oh, Claire, it’s so great to finally meet you! Please come! We’ll take care of you.”

As the night went on, the girlfriend tried to avoid any close contact with Claire. She was aware that she made a mistake, but Claire couldn’t just let her act go unnoticed.


She believed her son had the right to know what kind of a woman he was dating.

At one moment, Claire decided to share what happened at the store and how his son’s girlfriend insulted her and body-shamed her.

The young woman then left the house, embarrassed, and Claire’s son was thankful he learned what kind of person his girlfriend really was.

Claire was glad she taught that woman a lesson she would never forget.

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‘Disgusting’ comments about Kate Middleton from Harry & Meghan fans spark fury


Following the successful abdominal surgery Kate Middleton has undergone, fans sent her their well-wishes.

According to the statement released by the Palace, the Princess was told she should spend ten to fourteen days at the hospital, after which she is supposed to continue her recovery at home.

“Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales was admitted to The London Clinic yesterday for planned abdominal surgery. The surgery was successful and it is expected she will remain in hospital for ten to fourteen days, before returning home to continue her recovery. Based on the current medical advice, she is unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter,” the statement from Kensington Palace on its social media pages.

“The Princess of Wales appreciates the interest this statement will generate. She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible; and her wish that her personal medical information remains private.”

Rasid Necati Aslim/Anadolu via Getty Images

The statement continued: “Kensington Palace will, therefore, only provide updates on Her Royal Highness’ progress when there is significant new information to share. The Princess of Wales wishes to apologise to all those concerned for the fact she has to postpone her upcoming engagements. She looks forward to reinstating as many as possible, as soon as possible.”

During her time of recuperation, Prince William would be the one to be taking care of the couple’s three children, of course, with the help of their long-time nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.

Borrallo has been with the family since Prince George was just 8 months old.

“She is not married and doesn’t have a boyfriend, as her life is totally dedicated to the family she is working with. She is known for being totally professional – married to the job,” an insider told Hello Magazine.

When the couple are away from home, the nanny makes all the decisions regarding the children.

Borallo was trained at the prestigious Norland College in Bath. “Maria is firm, but she never acts unilaterally with the children on discipline. Kate and William, along with Maria, are strict with the children but have this magic ability to appear not to be,” a royal insider said.

Tim Clayton/Corbis via Getty Images

Royal expert Jennie Bond believes the children would do fine but they will certainly be confused.

“William is, sadly, perfectly placed to help. He knows exactly how it feels to be worried about your mum, and, in his case, to lose her. So he will be taking extra care to reassure the children and tell them as much, or as little, as he judges they need to hear,” Bond said.

“I’m sure that as soon as it is appropriate, William will take them to see her in hospital, because children need that kind of face-to-face reassurance. They’ll be FaceTiming a lot, I’m sure and showing them that Mum’s alright.”

Jennie Bond added: “He’ll be feeling emotional, stressed and probably rather bewildered by this sudden turn of events.”

“You can have every privilege in life, but your health is paramount and beyond your control. William will certainly visit Kate as much as he can, but also be there for the children. They want to keep things as normal as possible, so I’d expect William will be doing the school run, helping with homework, cooking and doing the bedtime routine.”

Karwai Tang/WireImage

As expected, moments after the Palace announced the news regarding Kate Middleton’s surgery, people from all over the world took their time to wish her speedy recovery.

“Feel better soon, Catherine. Even while she’s not well, she’s worried about everything going on around her. You take care of you and I’m sure people understand the need to respect your privacy for your children. They would want the same for their own,” one wrote.

Another added: “Prayers for a successful recovery for the Princess of Wales and for her lovely family as they navigate this difficult time.”

A third said: “My thoughts and prayers are with her and her whole family.”

“14 days is a long stay, hope she’s ok,” a fourth stated.

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Among the well-wishers were Harry and Meghan.

“The King and the Princess of Wales have received support from Prince Harry and Meghan regarding their health,” the source said, adding that the couple have “contacted both parties in different ways to pass on their concern and best wishes.”

Their message have been interpreted by many as an olive branch from the Sussexes whose relationship with the rest of the members of the Firm continues to be a rocky one and Harry and Meghan didn’t do much to make things right. On the contrary, their interviews, Harry’s book Spare, as well as their Netflix documentary, only made things worse.

But of course, as there are some who believe that the Sussexes are to be blamed for the troubles within the Royal family, there are also those who support Harry and Meghan.

Mike Coppola/Getty Images for 2022 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Gala

Some of the fans of the latter referred to Kate’s hospital stay as to “payback after a long, stressful period.”

This angered many of Kate’s fans, among which Daily Mail royal expert Richard Eden who took to X to address these posts.

“Some of the posts on here about the Princess of Wales’s health problems from #PrinceHarry and # Meghan’s supporters really disgust me,” he wrote, as per Express.

Many users on X supported Eden’s stance, with one saying: “Meghan Markle’s fan base represent her perfectly.”

Another claimed: “Well said, Richard. It’s horrific”, while a third stated: “What do you expect? Many are being paid by Markle! Evil personified.”

“Richard we’re used to it as they have attacked Catherine for 4 years. The thing is, [the Princess of Wales] is actually a lovely kind woman and they do it in the name of a fame chaser who has shown time and time again, that she’s not a nice person. Misplaced and ignorant,” a fourth person wrote.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

As expected, there were also comments under Eden’s post in favor of Harry and Meghan.

“Do comments about the Sussexes & their children from the William & Kate supporters also disgust you? U never mention it. I wish K8 a speedy recovery but u & yr colleagues write of H&M like they’re the Moors Murderers. U r all to blame 4 this toxic situation u have helped create,” someone commented.

We only hope that things would improve between Harry and Meghan and the rest of the Royals in the time to come.

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Kate Middleton’s brave confession about ‘rotten’ condition that put her in hospital


Following her planned abdominal surgery, Kate Middleton is recovering at the hospital where she is expected to say for around two weeks.

According to a statement released by the Palace, the Princess won’t return to her public duties until Easter. Her work schedule has been cleared for the months that follow as she will be recuperating in the comfort of her home.

Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales was admitted to The London Clinic yesterday for planned abdominal surgery. The surgery was successful and it is expected she will remain in hospital for ten to fourteen days, before returning home to continue her recovery. Based on the current medical advice, she is unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter,” the statement from Kensington Palace read.

“The Princess of Wales appreciates the interest this statement will generate. She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible; and her wish that her personal medical information remains private.”

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

The statement continued: “Kensington Palace will, therefore, only provide updates on Her Royal Highness’ progress when there is significant new information to share. The Princess of Wales wishes to apologise to all those concerned for the fact she has to postpone her upcoming engagements. She looks forward to reinstating as many as possible, as soon as possible.”

Mere hours after they shared the news about Kate’s surgery, the Palace released yet another statement concerning King Charles. Namely, they announced that the King would also visit the hospital for treatment for an enlarged prostate.

According to royal expert Victoria Murphy, the timing of the news was just a mere coincidence.  “The royal family understandably generally try to keep details of their health as private as possible, however when they are forced to cancel public engagements or when a senior royal is admitted to hospital, the public is generally informed in some form,” she wrote for Town & Country.

In King Charles’ case, Murphy claims the announcement was “hastier and a result of having to postpone meetings at the last minute on the advice of a doctor.”

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Another royal biographer and expert, Angela Levin, believes the King should have waited with the news of his doctor’s visit.

“With the Queen, you would never know until she’d been to perhaps hospital and had what she needed to be done and then got home. Then she would say something,” she told GB News

“It’s very rare indeed. I don’t think it’s appropriate to come out with it on the same day that we were astonished by Catherine’s problem in hospital. I think that it could have waited, but I think as well it’s very quick.”

She added: “It was only discovered a week or so ago in Scotland and obviously, once you know about these things, you have to have them done quickly. But I admire him enormously for encouraging people to do it.”

Karwai Tang/WireImage

When it comes to Kate’s surgery, experts doubt that her surgery was indeed planned.

Her hospital stay worried many, but this isn’t the first time that she had undergone a surgery. As a child, she had gone under the knife for reasons unknown to the public. Her scar was first spotted at a private dinner at Clarence House in 2011 when Kate conducted her first solo royal engagement.

Sources told the Daily Mail that it had been “a very serious operation,” while surgeons said it was unlikely the result of a tumor but instead that the scar was caused by a birthmark being removed.

Kate isn’t fond of hospital visits, and she had spoken about that in the past.

When pregnant with George, the Princess was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum, which is acute morning sickness. She had to go to the hospital, an experience she recalled as “rotten.” Sadly, she experienced the same while carrying her other two children too.

Anwar Hussein/WireImage

In 2020, Kate Middleton was a guest on Giovanna Fletcher’s podcast Happy Mum, Happy Baby, where she spoke of her condition.

“[It was] utterly rotten. I was really sick,” she said.

“I wasn’t eating the things I should be eating and yet the body was still able to take all the goodness from my body and to grow new life, which I think is fascinating.”

The princess continued: “William didn’t feel he could do much to help and it’s hard to see you’re suffering without actually being able to do anything about it.”

She was happy when she was in labor, she added. “Because actually, it was an event that I knew there was going to be an ending to,” she explained. “But I know some people have really, really difficult times, so it’s not for everybody. No pregnancy is the same, no birth is the same.”

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7 yrs after rescuing lioness, he sees her again – She pounces in jaw-dropping reunion


Kevin Richardson, dubbed the Lion Whisperer, witnessed a lioness abandoning her cubs by scuffing of their neck and tossing them aside. He knew he had to step in and save the little babies that otherwise wouldn’t survive without their mother by their side. Kevin grew fond of the loving cubs and now seven years later, he was about to reunite with them.


By this time, the cubs became gorgeous lionesses who learned how to hunt by themselves. As Kevin says, they don’t really need to be taught how to do it because catching a pray is in their DNA.

When he was about to approach his old friends he felt a bit nervous. However, as he says, when working with big cats he relies on intuition rather than static rules in his interactions so he could feel how they would react once he tracked them down.


Kevin and his crew detected one of them and placed a GoPro camera around her belly because they wanted to film the reunion firsthand.

What the camera caught is one of the most majestic interactions between a wild beast and a human. This lioness trusts her savior so much that she’s ready to enter the water for him.


The way she approached the water resembled a position these animals take before attacking their pray, but Kevin knew she wouldn’t hurt him, the only thing she wanted was to be with her friend.

Thankfully, both their cameras were running and captured the perfect moment that took our breath away.


Kevin knows that moments like this are worth every sacrifice he makes. He’s been scratched and punctured before, but this didn’t discouraged him to continue working with these magnificent creatures, because as he says, “Obviously one realizes the danger when working with animals of this calibre, I’ve weighed the pros and I’ve weighed the cons, and the pros far outweigh the cons.”


Take a peek at their heart-stopping reunion for you.

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After painful divorce, Kevin Costner’s ex-wife, 49, has found a new man – and you might recognize him


Following the painful divorce which involved a nasty custody battle, actor Kevin Costner has moved on, but it seems that the same is true for his ex-wife of nearly 19 years, Christine Baumgartner.

According to the media, the Yellowstone star is dating singer Jewel.

The two were recently seen together at a tennis event on Richard Branson’s Necker Island for the Inspiring Children Foundation.

As per TMZ, the two took a plane to the Caribbean and spent nearly a week together.

An insider told the magazine, “There was definitely something going on,” confirming that the pair indeed vacationed in the Caribbean together.

Kevin Costner was recently ordered by a judge to pay his ex wife $129,000 a month temporarily. Credit / GVK / Bauer-Griffin / GC Images / Getty

Costner, however, had a hard time accept that his marriage was over. What’s most, people close to him claimed that when Baumgartner filed for divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences,” Costner was in complete shock. He was aware that his absence from home was affecting his relationship with his now-ex, but he always believed the two were getting alone well.

A representative for Costner released a statement reading: “It is with great sadness that circumstances beyond his control have transpired which have resulted in Mr. Costner having to participate in a dissolution of marriage action.

“We ask that his, Christine’s and their children’s privacy be respected as they navigate this difficult time.”

UNDATED: (FILE PHOTO) This undated handout image shows actor Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner posing. The couple annouced their engagement June 26, 2003. No date for the wedding has been announced. (Photo by Getty Images)

Baumgartner was seeking $161,000 a month in child support for their three children, Cayden Wyatt, 15, Hayes Logan, 14, and Grace Avery, 13.

In order to try and guarantee this income, Baumgartner went to court, but it was Costner who scored the victory, as per his fans, although the actor said there were ‘no winners’ in the bruising battle.

Namely, a judge in Santa Barbara slashed Baumgartner’s child support payments to $63,000 per month, which is less than half of the $129,000 she currently gets and considerably less than the $161,000 she asked for.

“You know, when you have a life that long with somebody, there is no winner…and it’s this big, crazy thing called life and how it unravels so quickly,” the actor told Fox News Digital. 

“One minute you feel like you’re on top of the world, and then you realize how, you know, how vulnerable you are,” he added.


Costner took the stand for a second time during the final hour of the hearing and explained how he feared that he would need to take on jobs he’s not comfortable with so that his now-ex wife be awarded an ‘inflated’ level of child support.

“I want to help but the thought of having things inflated to the point I can’t do what I want to do…,” he said, apologizing to his ex-wife. “Somehow in this unusual world, we didn’t make it and for that, I’m sorry.”

Months after the split, Baumgartner has been reported to be dating someone new. As per the Daily Mail, she’s seeing well-known financier Josh Connor after the two were spotted together as she was dropping him off at his home. Both of them live in Santa Barbara.

But this isn’t the first time these two to be linked together. They were seen together during a summer vacation to Hawaii last July, and Baumgartner was forced to answer a question about their relationship with one another while in her divorce court proceedings.

“No,” Baumgartner answered when asked where Connor was her boyfriend. 

Baumgartner’s attorney confirmed that Connor had lent her $20,000 last summer when she was in the midst of distress relating to her divorce from Costner.

Connor is also divorced and shares three children with his ex-wife.

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Pair adopts a 6-year-old boy, find him nursing a strange baby in his room the next day


A couple, Colleen and Ray Ferguson, considered adopting a child for quite a while. After filling in a bunch of documents, and after waiting for a considerable amount of time, they were finally able to welcome 6-year-old Ben into their lives and their home.

The new parents were aware the child would need time to get used to the new life, so they were willing to give it to him.

Colleen knew children Ben’s age loved comfort food, so she prepared mac and cheese for him, but as soon as he finished his food, Ben asked to be left alone in his room.

Wanting ti get close to him, Colleen entered Ben’s room after some time and was shocked by the sight. Her adopted son was having a baby in his arms that he was feeding with milk. She simply couldn’t believe her eyes.

With a trembling voice, she asked, “Ben, who’s baby is that?”

“She’s my sister,” Ben said, his face tense.

“Your sister?” This made Colleen sound confused.

“No, not really. Her new home is where I used to live. “I had to stay with her,” Ben said.


Colleen suggested calling Mrs. Campbell, who is in charge of foster care, but Ben said no. “No! She can’t bring her back. They are not good people, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, who are my foster parents!”

Ben explained that if his sister went back to the foster parents, she would be treated badly, just the way he was.

After some time, the parents convinced Ben they would think of a solution, and that he needed to take some rest.

“What are we going to do?” Colleen spoke softly. “The child can’t stay with us. We’re going to be caught.”

“I don’t know,” Ray said. “But I don’t think Ben’s lying.”

Upon waking up, Colleen and Ray asked Ben some more questions about the foster family he stayed with before being adopted. The boy said that they would hit him with belt and film it.

Although they assured Ben they wouldn’t give his sister up, Ray and Colleen had no idea what to do next, especially because they knew they couldn’t keep the baby.

“But Ben, we can’t keep her a secret. I know someone else who works for Mrs. Campbell,” Colleen said. “We can do something about this.” The couple then called Alana, who works for DCFS. “Sorry I called you late, Alana. We are in a tough spot…


When Alana heard Ben’s story, she paid them a visit. “Do you think Ben is lying?” Ray wondered.

“I don’t think so,” Alana said. “When kids are in trouble, they hide the truth. He told you that, which means he believes in you,” adding that she felt there was indeed something wrong with the Franklins. “Children get moved around from their house frequently.”

“What should we do about the baby then?” Colleen inquired.

Alana made a decision. “I’ll let you be her foster parents for a short time,” she said. “I’ll have to hide it. But that’s the matter. Do not tell anyone. Please let me know if Mrs. Campbell calls you or does anything else.”

A couple of days went by, and Colleen got a call from Mrs. Campbell. She was interested to learn if Ben spoke about the foster family. Colleen was quick to answer that he doesn’t speak of his past, hoping to finish that conversation as quickly as possible.


Mrs. Campbell then asked Colleen to call her right away in case Ben says anything out of the ordinary.

While the two were still on the phone, Ben yelled, “Mom, the baby is trashing around!”

Colleen was over the moon hearing her son calling her mom for the first time, but she also feared that Mrs. Campbell heard that Ben mentioned a baby.

Colleen told her husband everything about the call, and the two were afraid that they could get in trouble fro hiding the baby.

The following day, Ray noticed a truck parked in front of their house, and he suspected it could be Mr. Franklin.

He alerted Alana of that and the three agreed that they needed to act quickly. At first, they thought about calling the police and even moving to Colleen’s mom’s place for some time, but just as they reconsidered their decisions, someone knocked on the door.

It was Mrs. Campbell with the Franklins. “You know me, Mr. Ferguson!” she said to Ray. “If you don’t let us in to get that baby, I’ll take your son!”

Ray replied, “You wouldn’t dare! Not after what we know about you!”


As Mrs. Campbell fell, Alana stepped forward. Cindy, you are the only one making threats here. You should leave before we call the cops!”

“We’re taking that baby!” Mrs. Franklin yelled in anger.

“That’d be a crime!” Alana gave a sigh. “I’ve made the Fergusons her foster parents legally.”

“You had no right!” Mrs. Campbell got angry.

“I did. “And I’ve started an investigation against you,” Alana replied.

After numerous threats from both sides, the Franklins and Mrs. Campbell were thrown out of the house. As Campbell was leaving, she yelled, “I will report you for assault!” 

“We will report you for trespassing!” Colleen replied.

When the police arrived, Alana explained to them that the baby was now under the foster care of Colleen and Ray, but Campbell claimed those documents weren’t legal because the baby was previously stolen from the home of the Franklins.


When she threatened to place Colleen and Ray in jail because of kidnapping, little Ben started yelling and said he was the one who took his sister. He then went on to tell the police officers that he was often beaten by Mr. Franklin while his wife was recording.

One of the officers, who knew Mrs. Campbell, stood by her side and said the baby should go with her, but Ray knocked him on the ground.

“Well, Mr. Franklin, you just hit a police officer,” Officer Tristan said. “You’re under arrest.”

Once at the police station, everyone got to tell their part of the story and the police decided to investigate the case which started with search of the house of the Franklins.

“The kid, Colin, stepped forward. Told the police everything they needed to know about the Franklins. Their house is being searched right now. Mr. Franklin is still being held. Mrs. Campbell went away. If she runs away, though, that will only make things worse for her.”

Eventually, it was determined that the foster family was indeed abusing and neglecting the children they were supposed to take care of.

Following this outcome, Colleen and Ray were given the chance to adopt the baby girl, and they embraced that opportunity.

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