Doctors remove life support as family says farewell to newborn, but then he starts breathing


Life is unpredictable. The truth is that we are never aware of the obstacles and challenges that can get on our way, but what we should never forget is that we must never stop fighting and believing that things would eventually get a turn for the better.

Chelsea Hough couldn’t wait to meet her baby. Her pregnancy was a normal one, and just as she reached 36 weeks, she gave birth to a baby boy whom they named Karson Jax Hough.

During the first moments of his life, Karson resembled a perfectly healthy baby, but then, all of a sudden, his heart beats slowed down and his heart stopped. Doctors tried skin to skin contact with his mother and that’s when his heart started beating again, but that didn’t last long. The sweet bundle of joy was in need of a ventilator to help his heart work and to facilitate his breathing.

“The only way to describe what has happened is that this beautiful baby boy has suffered two very rare conditions that are completely unrelated to one another. One being unidentifiable as to a cause,” Karson’s Nana, Lisa Hough, wrote. What doctors suspected was that sweet Karson suffered from a hemorrhage in his left temporal lobe, as well as nonketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH), a rare genetic disorder which causes accumulation of glycine in the body’s tissues and fluids.

According to the doctors, the chances of survival were slim. After some time, they advised the family to switch Karson off life support.

They considered that carefully, and decided it would be for the best to do what doctors advised. As they united in prayer, they were told they would only have around 10 minutes with Karson before he passes away.

Once the ventilator was turned off, the sweet baby suddenly started breathing on his own. The doctors were stunned and dubbed it a miracle.

“Today, we witnessed a miracle!!” Lisa Hough wrote. “We were given 10 minutes after withdrawing intensive care and the ventilator and told he would not breath on his own and to expect his heart to stop within those 10 minutes… Well God and Karson had other plans!

“I’m not sure why I ever thought we were so undeserving of a miracle.. and I’m not sure how long we have with him, but we have him now. And now we will take,” Lisa said.

Once home, Karson thrived. His weight is healthy and his heart rates are stable. The Glycine levels in his body have dropped dramatically and he’s beating the odds each and every day.

We wish this beautiful baby a happy and healthy life ahead of him.

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Heartbreaking photo shows shelter pit bull ‘losing hope’ after adoptions fall through — still looking for a home


Once considered “nanny dogs” and America’s most favorite breed, Pit Bulls are now seen as aggressive and not suitable to be around young children. The number of Pit Bulls that end up in shelters is the highest compared to any other breed. The sad reality is that most of these dogs end up being put down. The reason why is because of all misconceptions surrounding these otherwise loving and gentle dogs.

Over the years, people started using them for dog fighting which contributed to their bad reputation. Because of this same reason, they are bred and later abandoned.

But, whoever owned one may tell you that nothing really beats Pit Bulls. They are loyal and would do anything to defend their owners whenever they feel they are threatened.


Rocky is a three-year-old Pit Bull that ended up in a shelter. He’s been under the care of Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester since October 2022 when his family decided they no longer wanted him to be part of their lives.

Used to living in a home and being surrounded with people, Rocky had a hard time adapting to the new environment.

Sadly, ever since ending up at the shelter, Rocky was adopted twice but he was returned back to the shelter both times.

“He was most recently returned this past September and has had no luck since. He’s a great dog, but he would thrive in a certain type of home that may be more difficult to find,” communications specialist Lindsay Brewer told Newsweek, explaining that Rocky would do best as the only dog in an adults-only home.

The photo of him passing his days at the kennel is beyond heartbreaking.

This beautiful dog is anticipating a new start, but there no seem to be a family around that would provide that to him.

This story is just another reminder that no dog should ever be left behind.

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Husband constantly mocks unemployed wife for doing nothing, finds a note after ambulance takes her away


Contrary to the opinion of many, stay-at-home moms do have a lot on their plate. From running errands, making sure the house is all clean, and taking care of the kids, the work these moms do sometimes goes unnoticed.

When a woman named Sara got married and gave birth to two children, she decided to quit her job as an interior designer and focus on raising her sons, Cody and Sonny.

She was responsible about plenty of things around the house while her husband had a well-paid job as a gave developer.

He did provide for the family, but he somehow never appreciated his wife’s work only because she didn’t have a ‘real’ job. What’s most, he was barely around. As his job required working overtime, Harry stayed at the office late, and whenever he would return home, he expected his wife to have taken care of the house, the children, and even his stuff.

One morning, as Sara and the kids were waiting for him to have breakfast with them, Harry entered the kitchen while looking at his phone and didn’t even greet his wife and children back. He just grabbed a piece of toast and returned to his room. A moment later he started yelling at Sara for not having his white shirt ironed for the upcoming meeting that was of crucial importance to him.

“I didn’t have enough whites for a full load until now. You have other white shirts!!” Sara explained.

“This is a big day for me, and you’re making excuses?” Harry retorted.

“You’re overreacting, Harry. Your presentation is what matters. It’s just a shirt. So stop barking, alright?”

“Oh really? I’m barking? You wanna do this now?”

“Do what, Harry? You’re making a scene for a stupid little thing. And nobody would be interested in what color shirt you’re wearing when all eyes would be fixed on your goddamn presentation.”

“A goddamn presentation? Come again…Did you just say that? Do you have any idea how I’ve been busting my butt off day and night for that project?”

Man and woman, married couple arguing at home.

“Watch your words. The kids….”

“You sit at home all day doing nothing,” Harry blurted out. “Is it too hard to remember one simple thing? All you do is Blah Blah Blah and NOTHING at home.”

“Harry, stop this. The kids are watching. You’re scaring them.”

“Oh really? And nobody watches you when you’re on the goddamn phone gossiping all the time with your friends. Nobody watches that, huh, Sara? You can never be a good wife if you can’t do even a simple thing for me!”

Harry’s words broke Sara’s heart. She couldn’t put up with the way he treated her any longer. She let go of her career for him and the kids, but he never appreciated her efforts.

Harry put a random shirt on and headed to the office. His presentation was a successful one, and he couldn’t wait to share the news with Sara and the kids, although he was a bit puzzled because she didn’t call him during the day to apologize for arguing with him. Sara was the one who always apologized first, no matter if she was right or wrong.

Young married couple having argument in the kitchen in the morning

When Harry entered the house, he stumbled upon a note written by Sara which read that she wanted a divorce.

Harry was confused and called Sara’s sister Zara who informed him that Sara was admitted to the hospital.

Harry went to the hospital. He asked to see Sara and talk to her. The doctors told him she had a mild attack and that he could only stay for a few minutes in her room.

Seeing Sara, Harry got teary. He asked her if she really meant it when she wrote she wanted to divorce him. Her answer was a resounding yes. He tried to change her mind, but she didn’t want to listen.

When she was discharged from the hospital, Sara didn’t return home. She left the kids with Harry and left.

He was now in a very difficult position. Not only he was going to work, but he was also taking care of them.

circa 1955: Three children in pajamas look out of a snow-covered window. (Photo by Harold M. Lambert/Lambert/Getty Images)

As he was struggling to balance between home and work, Harry started being late and not being able to complete his tasks on time.

One day, his boss, who was also his friend, invited him over for a drink because he wanted them to discuss something about work.

“Harry, we’ve noticed you’ve been missing deadlines and coming in late. And we’re a business…If you know what I mean,” the boss, Mr. Adams said.

Harry, trying to lighten the mood, joked, “So, you plan to let your best game developer go?”

“I’m afraid, yes,” Mr. Adams replied seriously. “It’s out of my hands. I’ll give you good recommendations.”

“What? Please, don’t do this! I need this job for my kids.”

As Harry left the bar, he received a call from Sara. She hadn’t call him in a while, and what she told him left him entirely speechless.

His ex-wife informed him that she wanted the custody of the children.

“Custody?? How dare you? After you left us?” Harry fumed.

“Harry, I’m their mother. I have rights,” Sara insisted.

“You abandoned them, and now you want to take them away? They’re used to me now,” Harry argued.

Sara was determined. “I deserve to have them back. I’ll see you in court.”

Royalty-Free Stock Imagery by Rubberball

On the day of the hearing, the judge got to listen to both Sara’s and Harry’s side of the story.

Now that he lost his job and was only working as a freelance video editor, he wasn’t making much money. Sara on the other hand landed a job as an interior designer and made more money than her ex.

After the hearing, the judge decided to give full custody to Sara.

Harry was devastated. He was used to taking care of his sons. Sara was missing for six months, and he was the only person in their lives during that period.

“….Mr. Harry, you’ll have the right to visit your children and take them with you two days a week. You’re required to pay $860 as support to your children every month. This case is now closed.”

When the day arrived for Sara to take the kids with her, they weren’t willing to leave their dad.

“You’re just tearing us apart,” said Cody as he let go of Sara’s hand and bolted to Harry.

“We want both Mommy and Daddy!” added Sonny.

That was it. Sara couldn’t stop tears from rolling down her face. She approached her children and hugged them. She understood that they really needed both their parents by their side.

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Kate Middleton ‘bullied’ into giving out more details about her health issues, royal expert says


Following her two-week hospital stay, the Palace announced that the Princess of Wales would return to Windsor where she would continue her recovery.

According to the palace, the abdominal surgery Kate Middleton had undergone at the private London clinic was a planned one. However, they hadn’t provided any further details, which intrigued the public’s curiosity.

Sadly, they, along with the media, put pressure on the Palace into revealing more information regarding Kate’s surgery, which some experts dub a form of bullying, something Kate experienced before in her life.

What rose suspicion was the fact that Kate decided not to share the news of her surgery with no one except her family members. According to People Magazine, Kate Middleton’s hospitalization was a complete surprise for those working closely with the royals, relatives, and friends within William and Kate’s broader circle. The Princess of Wales hid that something was up.

On Kate’s birthday, which she celebrated with only her closest family and friends at Anmer Hall on January 9, there was no indication that anything is wrong with her.

“The carefully guarded news about Kate’s situation came as a surprise even to those who work closely with the royal family,” People reported.

Samir Hussein/WireImage

The London Clinic, where Kate had her surgery, is in many ways related to the royals. During the years, several members of the Firm were involved in opening certain facilities of the hospital. Then-Prince Charles opened its physiotherapy department in 1989, and just two years later, Princess Margret opened the MRI unit. The hospital’s new cancer unit was opened by late Queen Elizabeth II in 2010.

The facility has a leading cancer center which provides radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

In the past, Princess Margaret was treated there when she had a benign skin lesion removed, and Prince Philip was admitted there for what was described as an “abdominal investigation.”

Rasid Necati Aslim/Anadolu via Getty Images

When it comes to Kate, she needs to take some time off from her public duties. As per the Palace, she would only be able to return to her duties around Easter.

Dr Max Pemberton, a full-time psychiatrist with the NHS explains that the Princess of Wales should take her time until she recovers completely.

“The Palace has said she’ll be taking time off official duties until Easter and on this, I think she’s incredibly sensible. We don’t know what’s wrong or why she needed the operation, but Kate has always struck me as quite down-to-earth, level-headed and stoical, so I’m sure she wouldn’t have heeded medical advice and taken that much time off unless really necessary,” he said, as per the Daily Mail.

“Abdominal surgery is serious. Of course, there’s always someone who will tell you how they had a hysterectomy in their lunch break, or their appendix removed while on the school run. But in reality we should all be taking a leaf out of Kate’s book and convalescing properly.”

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Further, he advises the readers that before getting back to work following a surgical procedure, they should fully recover, both mentally and physically.

The doctor shared his personal experience with an abdominal surgery and said he wished he appreciated how major his own operation was before he returned to work.

“I hope Kate makes a speedy recovery, but also hope she doesn’t return to duties until she’s good and ready,” the doctor concluded.

As much as Kate wants to keep the details of her surgery private, the public puts pressure on her and the Palace to reveal further details.

Jeff Spicer/Getty Images

Royal expert Richard Eden appeared on the show Palace Confidential and revealed that readers constantly send letters to The Times, asking questions regarding Kate’s procedure.

He dubbed this efforts by the public “bullying.”

“I think that there’s no reason why she should feel bullied into giving more details,” Eden said, per Express. “If she wants to, at a later point, fine, that’s up to her. But, she shouldn’t feel that she has to.

“It’s been ‘She should give more details,’ and ‘Why doesn’t she?’

“And there’s been more pressure, there’s even been letters written to The Times newspaper, saying it would be a great example to other women if she was to be more open about her medical problems and this sort of thing.”

RICHMOND, UNITED KINGDOM – JUNE 17: Kate Middleton watches Prince William compete in the Chakravarty Cup charity polo match at Ham Polo Club on June 17, 2006 in Richmond, England. (Photo by Indigo/Getty Images)

In the past, Kate experienced bullying, especially when she attended the all-girls boarding school Downe House.

Despite her parents paying around £28,000 pounds in tuition, attending Downe House didn’t turn out to be the best decision as Kate experienced a very hard time there. According to her former classmates, she was often teased and bullied and she felt like she didn’t fit there.

We wish Kate Middleton a speedy recovery.

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Barron Trump’s ‘unusual’ gesture to his father – body language expert reveals hidden meaning


The Trump family have a lot on their plate. Donald Trump has won both the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Republican primary, and most points toward him becoming the Republican candidate for the 2024 Presidential election, but at the same time, he’s splitting his time between the campaign trail and the courtroom. On Thursday, Trump testified in the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial, in which the former advice columnist and freelance writer is accusing Trump of sexually assaulting her in the 1990s.

On January 10, the family received yet another blow when Melania’s mother, Amalija Knavs, died at 78.

Melania announced the news with sadness.

“Amalija Knavs was a strong woman who always carried herself with grace, warmth, and dignity,” the former First Lady said.

In the statement she released, Melania further wrote about her late mother that “[Amalija] was entirely devoted to her husband, daughters, grandson, and son-in-law.

“We will miss her beyond measure and continue to honor and love her legacy.”

The news of Amalija’s ill state came to light when Melania was missing from the Christmas family photo. Back then, Donald Trump explained that his wife was absent because she was caring for her mother whose health deteriorated.

WASHINGTON, DC – AUGUST 27: Amalija Knavs and Viktor Knavs, parents of the first lady Melania Trump, arrive to listen to President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech for the Republican presidential nomination on the South Lawn of the White House August 27, 2020 in Washington, DC. Trump gave the speech in front of 1500 invited guests. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Amalija Knavs and her husband, Viktor, became US citizens in 2018 after living in the US on green cards sponsored by their daughter. 

Melania’s parents have always been by her and her sister’s side. They have been very supportive and did all in their power to provide a good life for their daughters. Even when they were very young, Amalija and Viktor took Melania and her sister Ines to trips around Europe, including France, Germany, and Italy.

When Trump became the President, Melania gave speech in the White House Rose Garden in which she thanked her parents.

“My parents worked very hard to ensure our family could not only live and prosper in America but also contribute to a nation that allows for people to arrive with a dream and make it a reality,” she said. “I want to take the moment to thank my mother and father for all that they have done for our family. It is because of you that I am standing here today.”

Melania’s parents also played an important role in the life and upbringing of Barron Trump.

“Barron almost certainly speaks Slovenian with… Ines, his aunt, who also lives in New York.” author Bojan Pozar wrote in his book Melania Trump – The Inside Story: The Potential First Lady, released in 2016. “[Melania’s sister] Ines Knavs was the one who took care of all the paperwork at the Slovenia consulate in New York so that Barron could formally acquire Slovenian citizenship.” The same was true for Amalija and Viktor.

The New York Times reported that Melania’s parents “split their time among an apartment in Trump Tower, Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida and the suite in the White House once used by Mrs. Obama’s mother.”

During the private funeral of Amalija, Melania Trump delivered an emotional eulogy, paying tribute to her mother’s “unparalleled affection.” She remembered her mother as “a ray of light in the darkest of days.”

“She embodied the best mother, wife, grandmother, mother-in-law – a true beacon of love and luxury in our lives,” Melania Trump said, adding that her mother’s “beauty and impeccable sense of style turned the heads of many.”

“She’s a true inspiration, a role model to me, and to so many,” the former FLOTUS said, concluding her seven-minute eulogy with, “Rest in peace, my beloved mummy.”

NEW YORK, NY – JULY 20: Donald Trump, Melania Trump and Barron Trump are seen at the funeral of Ivana Trump on July 20, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by JNI/Star Max/GC Images)

At his campaign rally, Trump also took the time to mention his late mother-in-law and thank her for everything she had done for his son and his family.

“I want to thank her incredible, beautiful mother who passed away a few days ago,” he said. “And she’s up there, way up there. She’s looking down and she’s so proud of us,” he told the crowd.

“And I just want to say to Amalija, you are special, one of the most special people I’ve ever known,” he added.

Trump further added, “Great people, great parents to all of us, really. Great parents, but also to Barron. Boy, did she take care of Barron. That’s how he got so tall, he only ate her food.”

PALM BEACH, FL – JANUARY 18: Viktor Knavs, Melania Trump, Barron Trump and Donald Trump are seen at the funeral of Melania’s mother Amalija Knavs on January 18, 2024 in Palm Beach, Florida. (Photo by MEGA/GC Images)

Trump then joked about his son’s height, saying it is pity he isn’t interested in basketball, but in soccer.

“I said you’re gonna be a basketball player. He said, ‘Well, I like soccer, Dad, actually.’ I thought… at your height, I like basketball better, but you can’t talk them into everything,” Trump added, saying that Barron was a “special boy.”

On the day of Amelija’s funeral, the family showed how united and how close they are.

At one moment, Barron was spotted extending his arm towards his visibly emotional father in an attempt to comfort him.

Body language expert Judy James said this act by Barron shows that he’s growing older and with that, he’s taking more responsibility.

“It elicits an unusual response from their son Barron, too. Clearly tuned into his father’s mood, he extends a hand in what looks like a mimed or truncated embrace that could suggest a desire to show comfort and/or support,” Judi James explained.

“This is an unusual display of emotion from Trump, who appears to be mourning Melania’s mother as a personal loss,” she added.

PALM BEACH, FL – JANUARY 18: Viktor Knavs, Melania Trump, Barron Trump and Donald Trump are seen at the funeral of Melania’s mother Amalija Knavs on January 18, 2024 in Palm Beach, Florida. (Photo by MEGA/GC Images)

Further, James discussed how Donald Trump “seems to have adopted a pose similar to his wife Melania” and “here “looking much more vulnerable than usual, with his arms falling to the front of his torso and a reflective-looking frown on his face.”

In another interview, Judy told The Mirror, “Donald and Melania have positioned their son between them rather than standing together here, and Trump himself is standing rigidly to attention with his chin raised as though wanting to perform a mark of formal respect for his mother-in-law.

“The lack of touch here could be deliberate. When someone has to mourn in public, it is common to worry that acts of comfort, support, and affection can make them lose their composure completely, and that might be Melania’s concern that she needs to stay in control of her emotions at this very public moment for the ex-FLOTUS.”

We are so very sorry for Melania Trump’s loss.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Trumps during their time of grief.

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3-month-old baby’s belly grows bigger and bigger, doctor takes 1 look and realizes awful truth


Welcoming a baby in their lives is what most couples dream of, and Sarah and Chris St. James weren’t any different.

The moment they learned they were expecting their second baby, they were overjoyed. When baby Sloan was born, she looked like the most perfect little girl they have ever seen.

However, as days gone by, the parents noticed that Sloan’s belly started growing more and more. At first, they believed she was just a bit chubby, but they eventually decided to visit a doctor and be at ease.

Facebook/Sarah St James

Unfortunately, after running tests and check-ups, doctors determined Sloan was suffering from a serious disease known as biliary atresia that affects the liver. In this case, the bile ducts get blocked and damaged. The bile builds up in the liver, which eventually breaks under the pressure if the disease is left untreated.

Speaking to Sentinel Source, Sarah said, “Here we are thinking we’re bringing her in for peace of mind, and instead it was devastating. Everything we dreaded came true.”

A week after the initial hospital visit, Sloan was forced to return and be admitted at the intensive care unit.

The devastated parents were told that the thing that could help save Sloan’s life was a transplant. Sadly, no member of the family was a match.

The hospital did their best to find a donor, but the success of finding a match outside the family is rare.

Even if someone is a match, they must willingly accept to be donors, they need to go through a psychiatric evaluation, and of course they need to be physically healthy.

One of the family’s close friends, Jake Tenney, re-shared Sarah and Chris’ plea on Facebook, and it caught the attention of one person who showed he was a hero many times in his life, but would he become a hero in Sloan’s story too?

The person was Jake’s brother, Steve Tenney, an American Army veteran who has also worked as a police officer in New Hampshire for 18 years.

Steve, 40, was in a great shape and hasn’t visited a doctor for over 10 years. He was willing to undergo tests in order to learn if he was a match, and to the surprise of many, he was.

This man didn’t hesitate even a bit when he made the decision to give part of his liver to baby Sloan.

Shortly after all the tests, he had undergone the surgery that saved a precious life.

“Fortunately, here, I was in a good position. My wife and I talked and it was really a no-brainer — if you can help a 4-month-old and potentially save her life, it’s something you’re going to do,” Steve said.

The liver is the only organ that can heal itself, so Steve would be fine after taking some time to fully recover.

As of Sloan, her liver would grow stronger over time.

Hearing of stories where complete strangers step in for those in need restores our faith in humanity. People like Steve are making this world a much better place.

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This single guy raised 30 children and adopted five more; here’s how they all live now


Being a foster parent means making a change in a child’s life. These people are compassionate and caring and always ready to open their hearts and homes to minors in need of love and kindness. 

Lamont Thomas from Buffalo, New York, has devoted the last 20 years of his life fostering children. Speaking to Good Morning America of the time he welcomed the first child, this amazing man says, “In the beginning, I was helping out some friends. They had lost their child to the system. I went on and got certified and became a foster parent. I haven’t stopped since.”

Believe it or not, Lamont has fostered more than 30 kids, five of which he officially adopted. So with his two biological children, Anthony and LaMonica, he became a father of seven. 

The first kid Lamont adopted is Michael Thomas. He’s now 27 and recalls the time he became part of the family. 

“He was my third foster home and it ended up being my forever home,” Michael said. “He [knew] my biological parents.”

“Lamont never turned [a child] away,” Michael added. “They either aged out or went back home to their own families.”

With seven kids to take care of on his own, Lamont knew he was done adopting, but then he came across a very special case that made him change his mind. 

Five siblings aged 5,4,3,2 and 1, who were children of one of Lamont’s foster kids were placed in foster homes themselves. Lamont was sad the kids got to experience their parent’s fate, and his heart tore apart when he learned Zendaya, Jamel, Nakia, Major, and Michaela were separated. Not only they were taken in by four different families, but they were also in four different cities. 

Sadly, that meant one thing, that they wouldn’t be raised together. 

That’s when Lamont stepped in. He just couldn’t let the siblings spend their childhood without being by each other’s side so he re-certified as a foster parent and adopted all of them. 

Some of his older kids had moved from the house already and had families on their own, so Lamont knew he was making the right decision as he could devote all his time to the new addition to the family. 

“I was fighting to keep back the tears,” he said of his adoption day with Judge Lisa Rodwin. “Every day I think about it, my eyes swell up. All that we endured to make this happen, it was something.”

This incredible single dad was now a father of 12 children. He knew things wouldn’t be easy, but he was willing to give it a go. 

“They bring new energy to me,” Lamont shared. “They’re lovable kids, very affectionate. They deserve to be raised as siblings, and that was my fight.”

Everyone who knows Lamont says he’s the most special person they’ve ever met. He made huge impact in the life of every kid that has ever been part of his family, and now he’s doing the same thing for their kids as well. 

“It’s amazing he’s taking on all of them,” LaMonica told the morning show. “He does anything for everybody. He’s a really a great man.”

Michael added that Lamont somehow felt fostering was his call, and he can never reject someone in need of parental love. 

“We’re all grown now. I can’t believe he’s started all over again,” Michael shared. “Lamont has been a life-saver to me. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today, had Lamont not ventured in my life.”

Lamont never expected anything in return, he only hopes that his story will inspire other people to be part of the fostering system as the need for foster families increases every single day.  

“I wanted to make a difference by being a difference,” he shared. “And I love what I do.”

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Angelina Jolie’s leaked email to Brad Pitt’s shows the reality of their marriage and divorce

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt at THE TOURIST Premiere, The Ziegfeld Theatre, New York, NY December 6, 2010

When Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston split, the world went silent. But as much as fans were devastated over the failed romance, they were as eager and as excited to see how the on-screen relationship between the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood star and actress Angelina Jolie will proceed in real life.

Eventually, Brad and Angelina became a thing.

Sadly, the couple called it quits years later, when Jolie filed for divorce in 2016, shortly after the news of an alleged incident involving Pitt and the couple’s oldest son Maddox on the family’s private plane emerged.

Although no one knows what really happened, the alleged child abuse was investigated by the FBI and the Los Angeles Department of Child and Family Services, and Pitt was cleared of any child abuse allegations almost immediately, as per US Weekly.

The divorce and the lengthy custody battle between Pitt and Jolie is remembered as one of the nastiest ones in recent times when it comes to celebrity couples.


On January 21, 2021, Jolie emailed her ex-husband, and that email became public. In it, she states that she writes “with a heavy heart,” informing Pitt of her decision to sell Miraval, “a business that is centered around alcohol.” Many believe this is a reference to the above mentioned plane incident during which Pitt allegedly chocked Maddox and then poured alcohol on her and the children.

The Maleficent star further wrote, “Even now impossible to write this without crying.

“Above all, it is the place we brought the twins home to, and where we were married over a plaque in my mother’s memory. A place…where I thought I would grow old…. But it is also the place that marks the beginning of the end of our family.

“Miraval for me died September 2016,” she continued, “and everything I have seen in the years since has sadly confirmed that.”

In February 2021, Pitt agreed to pay Jolie $54.5 million to buy her stake in Miraval. However, the business deal was affected by their ongoing divorce proceedings.

She submitted sealed documents which involved information regarding the plane incident, after which Pitt asked Jolie to sign an NDA which prohibited her from “discussing outside of court any of Pitt’s personal conduct toward her or the family” for the sale of the property.

Jolie dubbed the request an “unconscionable gag order.”


But Pitt framed his request as vital toward the sale as he wanted to “ensure the seller doesn’t damage the value of the asset after being paid for it.”

On October 5, 2021, Jolie Nouvel, the holding company which controlled her portion of shares for Miraval to Tenute del Mondo, the wine division of the Stoli group controlled by Russian billionaire Yuri Shefler, for $67 million.

“It is not a coincidence that she sold her interest in Miraval to an adversarial party, and part of the family home to a stranger, right after a judge granted Brad a huge win: 50-50 custody,” a source close to Pitt shared with ET Online. John Ouderkirk, the judge who had awarded Pitt joint custody was later removed from the case by a panel of three judges, and his ruling was vacated.

In February 2022, Pitt filed a lawsuit against his ex, her holding company, and the new owners of Miraval claiming that Jolie had “contributed nothing to Miraval’s success.” Stoli filed a cross-complaint “for the illegal and malicious actions of Pitt and his allies to injure Nouvel by devaluing its investments and depriving it of its proper role in the management of Chateau Miraval, the world-famous producer of rosé wine.”

Pitt filed an amended complaint seeking to have Jolie’s sale of Nouvel reversed on June 1, 2023.

“Brad has owned everything he’s responsible for from day one, but he’s not going to own anything he didn’t do,” Anne Kiley, who represents Pitt said.


Following the fuss surrounding their divorce, Pitt has moved on and is now dating someone else.

“Brad is very careful and intentional about who he dates. He likes to ease into things and let things grow naturally,” a source said.

Rumors are that Pitt’s new girlfriend is Ines de Ramon, who was famously married to Paul Wesley of Vampire Diaries fame. People close to the couple say they are “happy being low-key.”

“Brad and Ines are still seeing each other and having fun. They enjoy each other’s company and have similar interests. They’re both creative, like to travel, and are happy being low-key. Things are good between them, but Brad isn’t rushing anything,” the source clarified.

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As per Entertainment Tonight, the couple was spotted together in December 2022. “It is still new, but they are seeing where things go and like each other,” a source revealed at the time. “They are having a good time together.” 

They were vacationing in Mexico together.

Whether or not he introduced her to his children has not yet been revealed, but people close to him say she’s in the room when he speaks to his kids.

Ines was spotted wearing a charm necklace with the letter B hanging on and it’s not confirmed whether if it’s in honor of her new love.

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