My husband refused to have an open marriage after I started dating


When two people decide on an open marriage, they need to do it on terms they have discussed and both agreed on before they get involved with other people.

The story shared by a woman shows just how unfair her husband was to her because they both consented to an open marriage and he did date other people for quite some time, but when she decided to meet other partners he changed the rules.

The responses to her post were many. The woman received plenty of messages from people who shared their opinion on the matter and gave her advice on what to do next.

Some believed that her husband’s double standards were a reason enough for her to file for divorce because he obviously didn’t treat her with the respect she deserved and refused to be loyal although he was the one who asked from her to be in a normal marriage.

He saw the concept of an “open marriage” as an excuse to date other woman “officially” and without feeling guilty for it. Otherwise, he would have been fine with the fact that she also met someone she was happy to date.

Not only he didn’t respect her needs, but he also broke the promise he gave her about dating other women that he clearly continued seeing. Many agreed that he was unfaithful at this point.

Some advised her to prioritize her own needs and take the time to understand what is that she really wants and what makes her happy.

Not only this woman, but every woman out there needs to learn they deserve someone who would treat them with respect and honesty.

The least she could do is share her concerns with her closest family members and friends, and if that doesn’t help, she should consider seeking professional guidance or a marriage counselor, some readers suggested.

The truth is that every marriage is a rather complex union that seeks a lot of understanding and appreciation from both partners.

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My mom kicked me out of home after dad’s death – but I returned for payback years later


Reddit is the place to turn to when you need advice or an honest opinion from strangers who are unbiased.

A young man took to the platform to share the story of how his relationship with his mother collapsed after his father’s passing.

According to him, his mom didn’t wait long before starting a relationship with someone new. What’s most, just two months after his dad died, his mother invited her new partner and his two children, an 18-year-old son and a 19-year-old daughter, to move in with her.

Sadly, this is when the trouble started.


OP, now 23, was a 15-year-old boy at the time.

As soon as his mom’s boyfriend and his children moved in with them, he started feeling neglected. According to him, his mother overcompensated for her partner’s kids to please him. When they would arrange to go on holiday and take trips, she would told her son to go spend some time with his grandparents.

His grandma and grandpa were well aware of what was going on, but advised him not to get into any arguments with his mom or her partner in order to avoid any further conflicts. However, things escalated during an occasion and OP’s mom asked him to leave the house and move in with his grandparents.


Realizing his mom chose her partner and his children over him, OP was devastated, but still, he did what he was told and left the house.

The only thing that gave him hope was the fact that his father left everything to him, including the house he was kicked from, but he wasn’t allowed to access the assets until he turned 21.

His mother, although she did what she did, still cared for him. “My mom would visit me often and tell me how much she loved me, but she needed to “keep peace at home,” he revealed.


On the day of his 21st birthday, OP started plotting his revenge. Having finished college, he needed money in order to pursue a master’s degree, so he decided to renovate the home that belonged to him and rent it. As you are guessing already, it was the home in which his mother and her new family lived.

One day, he went to their door in order to tell them that he now had access to the home his dad left to him, but no one answered. His mom and her partner were out of town.

OP tried contacting her multiple times but she didn’t answer any of his calls. It was then that he decided to take things into his own hands and changed all the locks.


When his mom returned from the trip and realized she couldn’t enter the place, she got mad and started yelling at him. They asked to continue living in the house because the man’s daughter was pregnant and didn’t have a place to stay, but OP said no.

He gave his mom a two-weeks time to move her and her new family’s belongings out of the house.


After posting this story on Reddit, comments started pouring in. Many believed that his dad left him his entire fortune because he probably knew what kind of person the mother was.

“I would have given them 2 days! Go live in a hotel,” one netizen wrote.

For the most part, social media users were angry at the mother for allowing a man to ruin her relationship with her son. “Any mother who puts a man and his children before her own doesn’t deserve respect,” expressed an internet user.

After sharing the story, OP didn’t provide any update, except that his mom begged him to let her talk to him again.

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He went to the hospital since he had a headache for a few days


Luis Ortiz is a man who has an extraordinary story to share. What he had to say of his hospital experience is shocking, to say the least, and causes shivers down the spine.

At the time he had just begun his senior year at Sacramento State, Ortiz visited his mother in Napa where he experienced the worst headache of his life.

He couldn’t stand the pain, so his mother called the ambulance. Ortiz was sent to the hospital where doctors ran a bunch of tests and CT scans.

To the disbelief of the medical professionals, the scans showed the presence of a tapeworm inside Ortiz’s brain.

His condition required an emergency surgery so the doctors at the Queen of the Valley Medical Center didn’t waste time.

Special equipment with a camera was used to detect the parasitic tapeworm larvae that had developed into a cyst obstructing circulation inside Ortiz’s brain during the surgery.

“That doesn’t sound so good, I thought. Ugh. I thought it didn’t sound good when the doctor stated it was still wriggling as he pulled it out. What are the chances, for instance, of having a parasite in my head?” Ortiz commented.

According to the doctors, the parasite could have found its way to this man’s head in different ways.

“They questioned as to whether I had lately had a raw pig, gone river swimming, or traveled to a third-world country, and I replied, ‘I haven’t done any of it.’” he explained, “But I’m not sure how long the worm has been in my skull.”

As per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, people can contract gastrointestinal parasite infection by consuming raw or under-cooked meat. Another way of ending up with this parasite is if eating food prepared by someone who already has it inside their body and transmits it as a result of poor sanitation and hygiene. 

After it’s consumed, the larvae can easily travel to the brain.

“Since I wouldn’t be here right now if I had waited a little longer,” Ortiz said, “It’s surely more rewarding to me to be alive.”

We are so glad this man managed to survive.

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Mark Wahlberg’s Super Bowl appearance leaves people ’embarrassed’ – and everyone is saying the same thing


What a spectacle the Super Bowl is! Audiences from every part of the country and beyond have their eyes on this spectacular event, and they are there not only for the game but for the headline-spinning intrigue playing off the pitch too.

People were excited to see the trailer for the much-hyped Deadpool 3, as well as the entertaining performances of some of the biggest stars in the country. What also attracts plenty of attention are the commercials, which are always eagerly anticipated.

According to many, one of the more surprising commercials of the night featured actor Mark Wahlberg as he teamed up with actor Jonathan Roumie from TBN’s The Chosen.

The two promoted the Catholic app Hallow. In the 30-second-long commercial, Wahlberg could be heard saying, “God, we take this moment just to give You thanks.” Next, a message appeared on screen, saying: “For the first time ever, join over 100 million people in prayer during Super Bowl LVIII.”

YouTube – Hallow: Prayer & Meditation

In a press release ahead of the commercial’s airing, Hallow co-founder and CEO Alex Jones said: “The goal at Hallow has always been to reach out to as many folks as possible, both those who take their faith seriously and especially those who might have fallen away, and invite them deeper into a relationship with God.

“When we learned about the timing of the Big Game this year, we couldn’t have been more excited to work with Mark and Jonathan to use it as an opportunity to invite millions into prayer.”

Since its launch in 2018, the Hallow app that offers prayer on-the-go has proven popular and has been downloaded 10 million times across 150 countries 

Wahlberg has spoken of his faith before and said during various occasions that he’s a devoted Christian.

“I don’t want to jam it down anybody’s throat, but I do not deny my faith. That’s an even bigger sin,” he said last year.

“You know, it’s not popular in my industry, but I cannot deny my faith. It’s important for me to share that with people. But I have friends from all walks of life and all different types of faith and religions, so it’s important to respect and honor them as well.”

It’s not that anyone has ever judged him for his faith, on the contrary, many appreciate him for speaking of his faith openly, but most found the Super Bowl commercial featuring him embarrassing.

Congrats to Mark Wahlberg for making sure that Ben Affleck didn’t embarrass Boston the most this Super Bowl,” one person commented.

A second wrote: “Somehow the Mark Wahlberg as is atop my leaderboard of weirdest Super Bowl commercials so far.”

A third added: “Did I just hear Mark Wahlberg say ‘stay prayed up’?”

What do you think of the commercial?

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The father abandoned the child after witnessing his partner’s birthing


Most couples dream of welcoming a baby in their life once they get married. For some, these things go very smoothly, but others struggle to conceive.

The couple from this story belonged to the latter. Although they did all in their power to have a baby, things didn’t go as planned. So after getting pregnant naturally and experiencing miscarriages both times, they turn to IVF. It was quite a pricey procedure, but they were willing to go to any length for a bundle of joy.

The pregnancy was going well, and nothing spoke of trouble. The baby seemed to be perfectly healthy.

On the day of the delivery, when the cute little girl was welcomed into the world, it was discovered that she had a mild form of limb deformity, with her feet being twisted inwards. The family was told it could be fixed surgically, but the father got very angered that he refused to hold the baby.

But he, his mother, and his sister started arguing with the doctors and went totally hysteric, leaving the baby’s mom in complete shock.

After doctors tried to explain that the girl would be completely normal following the corrective surgery, the father said he wouldn’t be paying for such a thing.

In the next moment, he and his part of the family fled the hospital.

A couple of days later, the woman’s mother called her son-in-law to plead him to reconsider his decision, but she learned that he had discreetly filed for divorce a day after his daughter was born.

We can’t imagine that there are people like this father who run away the moment the first obstacle comes on the way.

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An old man was eating at a truck stop when three rough-looking bikers walked in


Let me give you a piece of advice; never mess with the elderly people. They have been on this planet long enough to gather a lot of experience on how things should be done.

This is the story of Paul, a 91-year-old man who got teased by a group of bikers, and as you already assume, his knowledge and experience helped him get his revenge.


Namely, Paul was at a diner having a piece of an apple pie and a cup of coffee. He enjoyed his peace when three bikers entered the place. They sat at the corner and approached Paul one by one. The first biker extinguished his cigarette in Paul’s pie and returned to his friends laughing. The second one spit in the old man’s coffee, and the third biker shattered Paul’s dish on the ground.

The bikers were very proud of their mean action as they thought that being rude and disrespectful made them fierce. However, what they didn’t know is that they messed with the wrong person.


Throughout the whole time, Paul remained collected and calm. He paid for his food and left the diner. The waitress went to the bikers and asked them what they wanted. But before ordering, they were quick to brag with what they did to Paul, saying, “The old geezer isn’t much of a man, is he?” The waitress looked at them with a smile on her face and said, “He also isn’t much of a truck driver, as he just backed over your motorcycles.”

Well, they got what they deserved.

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She witnessed her mother being booted out of the family as a youngster: she went on to win an Oscar


Following her performance in Monster’s Ball, actress Halle Berry earned an Oscar and became the first ever African American woman who has won this prestigious award.

Born on August 14, 1966, in Cleveland, Ohio, as the youngest daughter of Jerome and Judith Berry, an interracial couple, Berry’s childhood was filled with plenty of challenges. In the early 1970s, her father abandoned her mother who moved her family to the predominantly white Cleveland suburb of Bedford.

The only time she spoke of her father was in 1992 when she said “I haven’t heard from him since he left. Maybe he’s not alive.”

Studying at a school attended by nearly whites-only, she was a subject of discrimination and bullying. However, facing racism at an early age didn’t break her spirit, it only made her stronger and more determined to achieve greatness in life.

Throughout high-school, Berry was included in plenty of extracurricular activities and was a newspaper editor, class president and head cheerleader, among the rest.

Soon after, she pursued a modeling career ending being first runner-up in the Miss USA competition in 1985.

Berry moved on to attend Cleveland’s Cuyahoga Community College where she studies broadcast journalism, but just as she was about to earn her degree, she decided to drop put and focus solely on a career in the entertainment industry.

She moved to New York where she worked as a model before landing a role in Living Dolls, following a role in the CBS prime-time drama Knots Landing.

Berry had her big breakthrough playing late Dorothy Dandridge in an HBO movie about the singer. For it, she won an Emmy and Golden Globe.

“I remember winning the Golden Globe and thinking that this was the epitome of life. I had a marriage, I had a daughter I had these awards. I had paid homage to my hero (Dandridge). I was thinking that my life was too good to be true. I said that so many times, it turned out that it really was too good to be true.”

Throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s her career only went upwards and she landed roles in a number of prominent movies, including the film adaptation of the X-men comic book series. She appeared as Storm in X-Men (2000), X2: X-Men United (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), and X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014). She also starred in Swordfish, and Die Another Day, among the rest.

Besides being an actress, Berry is also an entrepreneur who has launched her fragrance line in 2009. She has been an ambassador for several brands, such as Revlon, Versace, and Michael Kors, and has supported charitable causes related to domestic violence, cancer research, and mental health awareness.

In 2020, Berry, who’s a mom of two, made her directorial debut with the Netflix movie Bruised which follows the story of a disgraced MMA fighter who looks for redemption and tries to regain custody of her son.

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Four married guys and their fishing trip


Four married friends got together for a fishing trip, and just as they started fishing, they started a discussion about the sacrifices they were forced to make in order to be there.

The first guy started the conversation by saying, “You have no idea what I had to do to be able to come out fishing this weekend. I had to promise my wife that I will paint every room in the house next weekend.” The other guys smiled as sign of understanding his sacrifice.

The second guy topped his friend’s story. “That’s nothing!” he exclaimed. “I had to promise my wife that I’d build her a new deck for the pool. She’s been wanting it for ages, and this fishing trip was the only way to make it happen.”

Pexels/ Maria-Theodora Andrikopoulou

Listening with care, the third guy chimed in with his own tale. “You both have it easy!” he said. “I had to promise my wife that I’ll remodel the entire kitchen for her. It’s going to be a big project, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to join you guys on this fishing adventure.”

As they continued to fish, they looked over at the fourth guy who had remained silent. Curiosity got the better of them, and they finally asked him, “You haven’t said anything about what you had to do to be able to come fishing this weekend. What’s the deal?”

Pexels/ Natalya Rostun

A mischievous smile crossed the fourth guy’s face as he revealed his secret. “Well,” he began, “I just set my alarm for 5:30 am. When it went off, I shut off the clock, gave my wife a gentle nudge and said, ‘Fishing, or Sex?’ And you know what she said? ‘Wear a sweater’.”

The other guys burst into laughter, amused by his clever approach to getting away for a fishing trip. It seems that sometimes a simple and direct choice can lead to unexpected results.

Pexels/ Rabia

It seems like a little creativity in getting what you want doesn’t harm anyone.

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