An abandoned child on Thanksgiving Eve revealed my boyfriend’s true colors

As Paul and I shopped for Thanksgiving Eve, all I could think of was what my life with him would be like. We were together for a couple of years and thought about living together but he always avoided the conversation of staring a family and welcoming a child. It was as though he didn’t want to be a father, and being a mom was all I ever longed for.

However, I always convinced myself that he probably needed more time and eventually he would be ready for the next chapter.

As I was looking at the onsies and the baby shoes imagining I was shopping baby stuff, Paul interrupted me saying, “I’ll go grab some wine, you finish here and I’ll wait you at the car.” He then gave me a gentle kiss.

I remembered I needed to get some flowers for the centerpiece and turned to the flower section when a young woman carrying a child, around 4 years old, came to me and handed me the little girl. “Please take her for a second. I’ll be right back.”

But before I could even say anything, she vanished. I thought she was in a hurry and would return for the girl quickly but after 15 minutes of waiting, I started looking for her around the huge store. My heart started pounding when I realized the woman was nowhere to be seen.


Holding the girl as tight as I could, I took her to the security desk where an announcement was made through the intercom, but no one came forward.

I started panicking, but then I saw Paul approaching, carrying a bottle of wine.

He asked me about the girl, who said her name was Ella, and I explained everything. When she saw Paul, Ella got scared and whispered to me, “Mommy said I would be spending Thanksgiving Eve with a new mommy. Are you my new mommy.”

“Oh, my God,” I thought to myself. This child was being abandoned.


Paul said we needed to take Ella to the police station right away, and I agreed it was probably the best thing we could do.

But as we drove, Ella told us that she had never tried turkey or had dinner on Thanksgiving Eve. My heart crushed for this sweet girl. Who knew how hard her life has been.

I asked Paul to stop the car and begged him to take Ella home for the night and then take her to the police station first thing in the morning. But he turned to me and said, “You must have lost your mind.” He then started the car, leaving me and Ella at the gas station.


That Thanksgiving Eve was the most peaceful in my entire life.

Ella’s presence made everything different, more beautiful. She tried turkey for the first time and really like it. “I love your turkey new mommy,” she said, and I realized that my wish of someone calling me mom was even grater than I anticipated.

However, just as Ella was about to have a desert, a loud knock on the door of my tiny apartment disturbed the piece and quiet. It was Paul with the Child Protective Service. They took Ella away.

Paul said that we could finally have our dinner at peace, but his indifference was the final straw. Reality hit me that he would never want to be a father.


The night passed, and in the morning, I broke up with him and started a long and tiring procedure of adopting Ella.

It took a lot of time and finances, but she was finally mine. I was her mother and she was my girl. I knew I didn’t need a man in my life in order to have a child. My world became a better place.

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My father’s inheritance was left to a stranger – I planned to reclaim it but then a shocking family secret emerged

My father’s millions, which he had plenty of, were supposed to secure my future. I never cared about money because he always provided everything for me. That, however, didn’t mean I didn’t make any money myself, but having him near provided me with a sense of stability.

Since my mother passed away, my grandmother, Loretta, was the one who raised me. My dad was busy running his company, and it was grandma who took care of me and taught me everything. She, however, has always been very strict – someone who demanded I live by her rules.


Every now and then, she would make comments about my posture, reminding me to sit straight because I was a lady. All she has ever wished for was to turn me into a mini version of herself, and I didn’t object because I didn’t want to get in trouble.

Sadly, my dad passed away recently.

It was then that my grandma advised me I should invest his inheritance wisely and secure my future. But on the day my father’s will was read, both my grandma and I were left in complete shock.


As the lawyer went through the will, he said, “As per your father’s wishes, his estates go to Brenna.”

“Brenna!?” I said. “But who is Brenna?”

The lawyer then turned to me and said Brenna was my father’s other daughter.

“Wait, what?” I asked, totally puzzled by his words. “I have a sister!?”

His answer was a resounding yes. He assured me my dad wished I knew about my sister sooner, but he didn’t have the courage to tell me.


As I stood there frozen, my grandma grabbed me by my hand and said, “Go find that Brenna girl and force to do what’s right. That estate belongs to us.”

I didn’t care about the estate as much as I wanted to learn more of my father’s other child. At the end of the day that other daughter was my blood, my sister…

Before I knew, I found myself in front of Brenna’s modest home. I didn’t know what to expect, I just knocked on the door and hoped for the best.


The door was opened by a beautiful young lady who greeted me with a smile on her face.

“You must be Mona,” she said, “Please come in.”

Her home resembled a completely new world than the one I was used to. The place was rather small and there was paint and unfinished pottery everywhere. My sister was an artistic soul, I thought to myself and remembered the time I wanted to be an artist myself but my grandma taught that wasn’t for me.


Brenna was extremely welcoming. She was happy she had a sister as much as I was glad to have finally found her.

We bonded easily, but then one day, my grandma appeared at Brenna’s doorstep demanding that she gives back my father’s estate.

She didn’t want to do anything with Brenna although she was her granddaughter as much as I was.


Brenna started trembling and took some old letters from the cupboard covered in paint. Those were the letters my father sent to her mother. In them, he revealed that it was his mother Loretta who forbade him from introducing Brenda and me. I couldn’t believe that my grandma knew about Brenna this whole time.

This time, however, I wouldn’t let my grandma control my decisions. Brenna was now part of my life and she was there to stay.

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Why Smoking Weed at 30 Could Impact Your Future: What Science Says

As marijuana becomes more widely accepted for medical, recreational, and stress-relief purposes, a growing body of research suggests adults aged 30 and above may want to rethink their habits. Still smoking weed at 30? Learn what science has to say in this article.

Recent studies out of Australia indicate potential drawbacks for older cannabis users, raising questions about its long-term impact on life outcomes.

Smoking Marijuana After 30 Might Affect Your Success

If you’re smoking weed at 30 and still enjoy the occasional joint, new research from The University of Queensland may have some sobering news.

A study examining the life outcomes of marijuana users revealed that adults continuing the habit after 30 tend to have lower success rates across various measures. These criteria include:

  • Education
  • Income
  • Home ownership
  • Relationship status
  • Reported happiness

Interestingly, the study found these negative impacts only applied to those who continued smoking weed into their 30s, suggesting younger, experimental use might not have the same consequences. However, the researchers caution against overgeneralizing their findings.

Limitations of the Study

Before swearing off marijuana altogether, it’s important to consider the study’s limitations. While the research provides intriguing insights, it has several caveats that may impact its broader applicability:

1 – Narrow Demographics

The data is based on a localized Australian population consisting entirely of mothers. Additionally, some of the information dates back to 1981, which may not reflect modern societal trends or diverse populations worldwide.

2 – Questionable Success Markers

The study uses criteria like home ownership and relationship status as markers of success, which are highly subjective. Cultural and geographical factors heavily influence these measures.

For instance, many successful individuals today opt for renting or embracing a digital nomad lifestyle, and being single doesn’t inherently indicate failure.

3 – Overlap with Other Drugs

The study didn’t fully account for the potential influence of polydrug use. Researchers admitted they lacked sufficient data on other substances, such as synthetic drugs or opioids, that might also contribute to the negative outcomes observed in some participants.

What Does This Mean for You?

Ultimately, the research highlights the importance of moderation and self-awareness.

Experimenting with marijuana in your youth won’t necessarily derail your future, but overuse in adulthood might have unintended consequences.

Tips for Responsible Use:

  • Monitor your motivation levels and performance at work.
  • Keep track of your spending habits to ensure cannabis isn’t impacting your finances.
  • Make sure marijuana doesn’t interfere with personal relationships or responsibilities.

If you find the habit affecting your life negatively, it may be time to consider cutting back or quitting altogether.

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He Banned His Mom from Meeting Her Grandson – What Happened Next Shocked Everyone!

Poor Mom Banned from Seeing Her Grandson

Amelia was eager to meet her newborn grandson, Hans, but her son Mark refused to pick her up. Despite her mobility issues, she walked for hours to get to his house, only to be turned away at the door. The poor mom was banned from seeing her grandson.

This shocking moment left her heartbroken and revealed the strained relationship between a mother and her son.

Mark had always been a devoted son, but things started to change after his marriage to Camilla, who came from a wealthy family. Mark’s new life made him pull away from his humble roots, leaving his poor mom feeling increasingly alienated.

This distance reached its peak when Mark decided to ban her from meeting her grandson, an act that would have lasting consequences.

Amelia’s Determined Journey

After being told by Mark that he couldn’t pick her up, Amelia decided to take matters into her own hands. Using her walker, she embarked on a five-hour journey to her son’s house.

Her only goal was to see her newborn grandson, Hans. Along the way, she battled exhaustion, hunger, and pain but remained determined to meet her family.

However, when she arrived at Mark’s home, her excitement turned to despair. Mark stepped out of the house, closed the door behind him, and told her she couldn’t come in. “Mom, I told you to wait until another day. You can’t be here right now,” he said angrily.

Amelia, stunned and hurt, tried to explain that she had walked for hours just to see her grandson. But Mark dismissed her efforts and shut the door in her face, leaving her standing outside.

Heartbroken, Amelia left a bag of childhood keepsakes on his doorstep and began the arduous journey back home.

A Change of Heart

Later that night, Mark found the bag Amelia had left. Inside, he discovered his old childhood toys, which brought back memories of his mother’s unconditional love and sacrifices. Overwhelmed with guilt, he realized the gravity of his actions.

Mark confided in his wife, Camilla, and admitted that he had been ashamed of his poor mom and their humble background. Camilla encouraged him to make amends.

Determined to right his wrong, Mark drove to his mother’s house, where he found her resting on the couch with swollen legs from her long walk.

Healing and Forgiveness

Mark apologized sincerely, explaining his feelings of shame and regret. Amelia, ever the loving mother, forgave him and reassured him that making things right was the most important lesson she had taught him.

Mark spent the night caring for her, ensuring she was comfortable and fed.

The next day, Mark brought Amelia to his house to meet her grandson. Camilla also apologized for not realizing the situation sooner.

The family spent a joyful day together, and Amelia offered Camilla valuable advice about raising a baby.

Realizing how much his mother meant to him, Mark asked her to move in with his family.

Amelia accepted, bringing the family closer than ever and ensuring that her love and wisdom would always be a part of her grandson’s life.

What We Can Learn

Never be ashamed of your parents. Mark’s shame about his humble background led him to hurt his poor mom deeply, but he eventually realized the value of her love and sacrifices.

It’s important to make amends. When Mark recognized his mistake, he took immediate steps to apologize and mend his relationship with his mother.

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Unveiling Personality Secrets: What’s the First Color You See?

Personality tests have always been a fascinating way to pass time and uncover little details about ourselves. They may not always give scientific results, but they spark curiosity and fun. A trending personality test suggests that the first color you see could say a lot about your traits. Accompanied by intriguing images, let’s dive into what’s the first color you see.

What the First Color You See Says About You

What’s the First Color You See?

Looking at the first image, focus on the color that grabs your attention first. Here’s what it might say about your personality:


Symbolizing creativity and intelligence, those who notice purple first are often unique and conservative yet confident. You might inspire others while showing a natural ability to adapt.


Calm and composed, noticing gray indicates a rational and sensible personality. While you exude peaceful energy, others might perceive you as distant in high-pressure situations.


If yellow stands out, you are likely optimistic and cheerful. Radiating positivity, you bring happiness to others but may find it hard to connect with more reserved individuals.

Each color reflects a distinct side of you, offering insight into how you interact with the world.

Your Priorities Shape Your Personality

The second image is about what you prioritize. Here’s what your choice reveals:

The Baby: If you notice the baby first, it highlights your nurturing, creative, and secure nature. You prioritize peace and harmony in life.

The Dog: Selecting the dog indicates an appreciation for loyalty, cleanliness, or organization. You value structure in your surroundings.

The Water: Focusing on water shows that your emotions, whether anger or joy, deeply impact your actions. You are sensitive and empathetic.

Your priorities reveal how you approach life’s challenges and relationships, showcasing a deeper layer of your personality.

Inside or Outside Perspective

The third image asks whether you see the subject inside or outside the home. Your choice can signify:

Inside the Home: Seeing the person inside suggests you avoid confrontation and prefer comfort zones. You thrive in calm, familiar settings.

Outside the Home: Spotting them outside points to boldness and a daring spirit. You enjoy challenges and have an out-of-the-box perspective.

This section of the test showcases how you balance safety with ambition.


Personality tests, like this one with captivating images, offer a fun way to reflect on who we are. While they aren’t definitive, they ignite curiosity about ourselves and how we interact with others.

Take this test for fun, and discover what the colors and priorities in your life might be saying about you.

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Thanksgiving turkey with a twist: Our dog wouldn’t stop barking at it so I checked it and called the police

Thanksgiving morning was a busy one, to say the least. I was making my best to prepare everything for the feast, and that included pies, some fancy cranberry sauce, mashed-potatoes, and of course, the Thanksgiving turkey that my husband took eternity to bring home.

He went to the butcher’s and returned an hour and a half later. “Kyle, where have you been so far?” I asked nervously. But he just looked at me briefly and said something about the long queue at the butcher’s before he picked up his phone. “Sorry, Ace. Mom’s car broke down. I’m gonna go help her and bring her here,” he said, and before I could ask some more questions, Kyle stormed out of the door.


In the meantime, our dog Max wouldn’t stop barking at the turkey. “No raw meat for you buddy,” I said, hoping he would understand what I was saying.

Max continued acting nervously around the poultry and I had no idea what made him angry. I just thought he was hungry, although I had fed him just an hour before.

I even tried to get him out of the kitchen, but he wouldn’t leave. His barking was getting louder and louder.

Thanksgiving turkey/ Midjourney

I grabbed the turkey to put it somewhere else and that’s when I noticed there was plastic stuck inside of it. I remembered I didn’t order any stuffing, so this was rather strange. When I pulled the plastic out I almost collapsed. Inside my Thanksgiving turkey was a bag filled with lots of money – I’m talking hundreds of dollars.

I finally figured out why Max barked so loudly. He was a rescue, not a trained police dog, but he could sense and smell something I couldn’t.

I tried reaching Kyle to ask him if he knew anything about the money. I thought maybe the butcher gave us a wrong one. Anyway, I got scared because I though we could get in trouble for this so I called the police.

Thanksgiving turkey/ Midjourney

Honestly, I didn’t know how to start because I knew they would think I was crazy. “Officer,” I said. “There is money inside my Thanksgiving turkey,” I explained and the person on the other side of the phone said they would send someone over in no time.

After some time, two officers appeared at my doorstep. I invited them in and they looked at me awkwardly. “So, mam, what seems to be the problem?” one of them asked.

I explained that I found the money after my dog barked at the turkey non-stop.

Officers checking Thanksgiving turkey stuffed with money/ Midjourney

“Where did you get this turkey,” they asked, and I explained it was my husband who purchased it earlier that morning.

“Mam, we need to talk to your husband because this looks like the strangest case of smuggling money we’ve ever seen.”

“No, no, sir, my husband has nothing to do with this,” I tied to defend Kyle. “He just bought this turkey from the butcher’s. That’s all.”

At that moment, Kyle and his mom, Ruth entered the house and were shocked to see the two officers in the kitchen.

“Kyle,” I yelled. “I found money inside the turkey, tell the officers that you had nothing to do with this,” I said to my husband.

Thanksgiving turkey/ Midjourney

He just scratched his head and said, “Actually Ace, I do. That’s my money.”

“What!?” I yelled.

“Yes, honey, I withdrew all my savings this morning, that’s why I was a bit late,” he said. “I wanted to surprise you with a trip to Hawaii, and I didn’t know where to hide the money so you don’t see them until I was ready to tell you the good news.”

Ruth said her son was telling the truth, but the officers needed proof. That’s when Kyle pulled out the withdrawal receipt and showed it to the officers. The money he withdrew coincided with the money stuffed inside the turkey.


The officers started laughing, but honestly, I didn’t find that funny at all. “Kyle, what would have happened if I put the turkey in the oven. Didn’t you think about that?” I asked.

“Honestly, no,” he answered. “I just thought it was a good idea then and know I know it wasn’t. Not at all.”

The officers left and I forgave Kyle for scaring me. The Thanksgiving feast was an incredible one. At least we had a story to share with our family and friends.


And of that trip to Hawaii. That was the next thing I was looking forward to.

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Lonely old man invites family to celebrate his 93rd birthday, but only a stranger shows up

When Albert’s wife was alive, his life made sense, but no that she was gone, he was just a lonely old man who never had any visitors. His days were dull, and only his cat Joe made him company.

As his 93rd birthday was approaching, he thought he would finally see his five children. He was aware they all had their own families now and jobs to attend, but he secretly hoped they would make efforts to pay him a visit and celebrate with him.

Albert’s cottage resembled a museum of old memories. His wife’s apron was still hanging in the kitchen and the walls were filled with photographs of his children from the time they were young. Those were happy times, he thought to himself.

One of the photographs showed Tommy’s gap-toothed grin. Albert missed that smile too much.

Another one showed little Jenny with her favorite doll, and a third was of Michael’s graduation. Photographs of Sarah’s first trophy and Paul’s first camping trip were also there.

Albert looked at those photographs many times during the days.

The sight of the markings that showed his children’s growth were still visible. But now, the house was silent.

He sent everyone a letter, letting them know he would be expecting them for his birthday.

On the day of his birthday, he was excited, but as hours passed by, he lost hope of seeing his children. The five chairs around the table remained empty. Whenever he heard a car approaching, his heart jumped. Sadly, he experienced disappointment after disappointment.

Poor Albert paced up and down his yard, and some of his neighbors noticed him.

Then, just when he entered his house, someone knocked on the door. Happy, he rushed to open the door and saw a complete stranger.

The young man introduced himself as Brady. He was Albert’s neighbor who recently moved into the neighborhood.

Somehow, he learned it was Albert’s birthday and he felt like stopping by. Albert was glad someone was there for him, even though that someone was a stranger.

Brady was kind enough to invite some other neighbors too.

At the end of the day, this old man wasn’t that lonely any more.

Eventually, Albert found son in Brady who was there for him more than his real children would ever be.

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Elderly teacher helps freezing young boy – gets repaid 7 years later

Kindness, no matter how big or small, always goes a long way, and two people, a young boy freezing during a cold December day and a retired teacher whose life revolved around books knew that all too well.

Mr. Harrison turned a page of the worn To Kill a Mockingbird book while sitting at the corner of his favorite diner when a boy he’d never seen before caught his attention.

Elderly man/ Pexels

The young man, around 13 years old, was dressed in shoes too big for his cold feet and a jacket passed on a few times too many. Freezing and confused, he looked around the place and spotted the vending machine. Standing in front of it, he took some coins out of his pockets, counted them, and made a sound that resembled disappointment.

It was obvious he was lacking some coins for a meal, and Mr. Harrison, a retired teacher, wouldn’t let a child go hungry for the day.

“Hey, young man, come here,” Mr. Harrison told the boy.


The boy, however, hesitated to approach closer, as if he feared the elderly man would scold him, although he didn’t do anything wrong.

But Mr. Harrison insisted and the boy finally made a couple steps towards the elderly gentelman.

“Sit here,” Mr. Harrison said and pointed towards the empty chair.

They young boy took the seat.

“What’s you name young man,” Mr. Harrison asked. “I’m Alex,” the boy replied.

Mr. Harrison waved at the waitress and asked her to bring some chicken soup and a turkey sandwich. “It’s on me, Alex.”


But Alex seemed to be to proud to accept the food. “No, Mr., it’s fine, I just came inside to warm myself a little bit…”

“Alex, you have your food and I could use some company.”

Among the bites, Alex shared that he was living with his mother who worked two jobs so he was alone most of the time. Things have been hard lately and his mom was forced to work long hours.

“You know what, Alex,” Mr. Harrison said, “you remind me of a former student of mine. He was as smart and as humble as you are, and he achieved a lot in life, I know the same thing awaits you one day.”

“No, no, Mr.,” Alex said. “I don’t think I’m that smart,” he said as he lowered his head down.


“Young boy, I believe in you. You are always welcome here, don’t forget that,” Mr. Harrison said as Alex was getting ready to leave the diner and return to the cold world that awaited him outside the door.

“Thank you, Mr.,” Alex said, “This means a lot. I will make sure I replay you for your kindness one day,” he said in a low voice.

“You don’t need to repay me, but one day, when you become successful, just pay it forwards,” Mr. Harrison said with a smile on the face before he returned to his book.


Seven years after this encounter, someone knocked on Mr. Harrison’s door. During those years, the elderly man’s health declined and he no longer visited the diner as often as before.

A well-dressed man in his 20s carrying a bag full of groceries was at the door.

“Mr. Harrison, do you remember me?” the man asked.

Mr. Harrison had a hard time recognizing the voice or the face. “Not sure I know you, young man,” he said. But then, when he approached a bit closer, he recognized the man’s eyes. “Alex, is that you?” he asked excitedly.

“Yes, that’s me Mr. Harrison,” Alex said. “The moment I met you at the diner, you not only gave me food, but you also taught me that I need to believe in my self.”


He continued, “That day, I promised myself I would change my life. I started studying really hard, got a scholarship, and graduated university.”

Mr. Harrison never thought that a single meal and a few words of encouragement could have such an impact to a boy of 13 years. But here they were seven years later, learning that the kindness we offer comes in full circles.

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