In world first: Teenage boy is cured of deadly brain cancer


Lucas Jemeljanova, a 13-year-old boy from Belgium, captured the global attention achieving something that was previously considered impossible.

This brave young man became the first ever person in the world to beat a deadly brain cancer known as diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG).

Hopeless and helpless after receiving the devastating diagnosis about Lucas’ cancer at the age of six, his family waited for him to respond to the treatments, and after everything failed, they enrolled him in the BIOMEDE trial in France, a venture exploring novel treatments for DIPG.

To the surprise and delight of many, young Lucas responded remarkably to the drug everolimu. MRI scans showed the tumor vanishing little by little.

He stopped using the medications a year and a half ago, and his tumor remained absent.

cottonbro studio Pexels

While battling the cancer, Lucas was unable to walk in a straight line and started losing consciousness and having random nosebleeds.

His prognosis were grim as per statistics only 10% of those diagnosed with this type of cancer survive more than two years, as per the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

That same statistics states that 98% of patients with the rare brain tumor will die within five years, and the prognosis are even worse for children who have a life expectation of just nine to 12 months following a diagnosis.

Tima Miroshnichenko Pexels

Today, at 13 years old, Lucas stands as a symbol of hope, having been in remission for an astounding five years.

Dr. Grill, head of the brain tumor program at the center, marvels at Lucas’s resilience, stating, “Lucas defied all odds. Over a series of MRI scans, I watched as the tumor completely disappeared.” 

He added: “I don’t know of any other case like him in the world. Lucas’s tumour had an extremely rare mutation, which we believe made its cells far more sensitive to the drug.

“Lucas is believed to have had a particular form of the disease. We must understand what and why to succeed in medically reproducing in other patients what happened naturally with him.

Researchers are now scrutinizing genetic anomalies and cultivating tumor organoids in laboratory settings, with Marie-Anne Debily, a researcher leading the laboratory efforts, highlighting the importance of identifying a drug capable of replicating the effects seen in Lucas’ tumor cells. “The next step will be to find a drug that has the same effect on tumor cells as these cellular changes,” she said.

However, “it takes 10-15 years from the first lead to become a drug – it’s a long and drawn-out process,” she added.

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10 fascinating and mysterious objects from the past


Historic artifacts are quite an intriguing experience, especially if we stumble upon them by accident. Some of these objects puzzle us and leave us questioning their purpose and existence because they no longer find their way into the modern world.

10 people share photos of their finds on Reddit in hopes of learning more about the items, and as always, redditors didn’t disappoint.

1. The Wooden Box

Stumbling upon wooden boxes is always a thrilling experience because we never know what’s hiding inside. Someone found such a box and after opening it, they noticed more wooden pieces in different colors. As they had no idea what the purpose of those colorful slats were, they asked the Reddit community for help. It turned out the box was a Montessori toy designed to teach kids the colors and improve their matching skills as well as provide a fun and interactive learning experience.

2. Mystery object

The discovery of this mystery object asked the authorities to be notified after Redditors revealed it was unexploded artillery rounds. The original poster, who was from Montreal, Canada, posted an update that a bomb squad was called in to dispose of them safely.

3. The Tiny Metal Spoon

What could possibly this extra tiny spoon be used for? As always, there were plenty of fascinating and rather humorous suggestions by the redditors, but it was eventually determined that this item was used for cleaning the wax from the ears, as well as the dirt from under the nails. It’s fun to know that people used this tool to maintain their personal hygiene back in the day.

4. The Enigmatic Building

Someone from Kerry, Ireland, spotted what seemed to be an old building and decided to share it online in order to learn more about it. It was near the rail station and someone noted that it was in fact part of it. The building, which looks like a useless structure, is used to store water to refill tanks and tenders for the trains.

These buildings are placed along old or active railway tracks and can be found worldwide.

One such functioning water refill station can be seen along the historic train ride from Durango to Silverton, Colorado.

5. Extra Durable Pillow Case Zippers

Most hotels have these strange items that resemble security tags, but the truth is they serve another purpose. These heavy-duty zippers and tags prevent bed bugs from infesting common hotel items such as cushions and pillows.

6. Unpleasant-Looking Mystery Objects

Although this may look like an ancient torture device, the use of this metal object found in the basement of one person’s grandmother serves another purpose. These items were used by farmers to milk cows.

7. The Egg Cutter

Back in the day, people used this devise for breaking eggshells effortlessly. It allowed them to enjoy soft-boiled eggs without the mess of cracking the shells. Of course, nettizens made plenty of hilarious comments about its use because it does look like some sort of a torture device at first sight.

8. Objects Resembling Common Items

Looking at this object one would assume it is a child’s spinning toy or maybe a pendulum used for clock regulation or spiritual practices but that’s away from its real use. This item, known as “plumb bob,” was used for accurate measuring of heights and depths and was a useful device for many industries.

9. Deliberate Imperfections

Someone wondered why the bricks of this wall were so poorly laid, but redditors were quick to note that this was done on purpose. The “outcroppings” are intentional drain spouts, built to absorb water from roofs and inside structures.

10. Surprising Discovery in a Matchbox

Going through some old stuff, someone found an old box of matches and inside was a strangely looking metal item. Unaware of what it could be, they took to Reddit. Plenty of people were quick to provide answer saying the tiny metal thing was a match pin for holding matches, making it convenient to carry around.

Which of these items did you find the most fascinating of all?

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If you find a tick inside your home, here’s what you need to know


Nature is the home to an incredibly versatile array of species, but ticks are definitely one of those that we tend to avoid at all costs.

These tiny arachnids, that are related to spiders, mites, and scorpions, are in fact parasites that survive by attaching themselves to larger animals and feeding on their blood. Humans aren’t spared either. Sadly, these insects carry harmful bacteria that can spread disease to people.

Sadly, tick-borne diseases are at an all-time high, with about 50,000 cases reported each year, and far more going unreported.


There are different types of ticks, and unfortunately, they sometimes find their way to people’s homes. The types most commonly found in homes are the black-legged tick, the dog tick, and the brown dog tick.

  • Black-legged Ticks – known as deer ticks, these ticks are typically brown or black in color and have a flattened, oval-shaped body. They are commonly found in wooded areas and can transmit Lyme disease.
  • Dog Ticks are larger and can range in color from brown to reddish-brown. They have a tough, shield-shaped body. Dog ticks can transmit diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
  • Brown Dog Ticks are brown in color and have a slender body.

Although the tick season is between March and October, or sometimes longer, we should be wary of this insects all year round. In fact,if beaten by a tick, a person can develop symptoms even after two or three months.


The bite itself isn’t painful and can cause swelling, itchiness, blistering, and bruising. The bad thing is that ticks also carry and transmit severe diseases, most commonly Lyme disease, as well as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, and babesiosis.

Initially, Lyme disease develops as a circular red ‘bull’s eye’ rash around the site of a tick bite. However, not everyone gets a rash and you should also watch out for a flu-like illness with fever, headache, tiredness and general aches and pains. 

The best way to prevent being bitten by a tick is to avoid tall grasses and areas where ticks thrive (such as moorlands and woodlands), especially during the warmer months.

In case you do get bitten, you should remove the tick as soon as possible in order to prevent infections.

These are some of the ways of safe removal.

  1. Use fine-tipped tweezers: Use clean, fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible.
  2. Pull gently: Apply steady upward pressure, being careful not to squeeze or crush the tick. Aim to remove the tick in one smooth motion without twisting or jerking. Twisting or jerking can cause the tick’s head to break off and stay inside the skin, where it can still transmit disease.
  3. Clean the area: After removing the tick, clean the affected area with soap and water or an antiseptic solution. Monitor the site of the bite for any signs of infection or a rash, and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.

If by any chance ticks find their way into your home, take immediate action in order to prevent infestation. Most times, ticks are brought into your home in case they stick on your clothes or onto your pets.

  1. Isolate the area: If you have identified the presence of ticks in a specific area, keep pets and children away from that space.
  2. Wear protective gear: Put on gloves and a long-sleeved shirt to protect yourself from potential tick bites.
  3. Clean the area: Clean the area where you found the tick. If it is in bedding, wash the sheets. Inspect the area to ensure there are no more ticks that are present. Dispose of the tick by either flushing it down the toilet or sealing it in a container or ziplock bag before placing it in the trash.

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First public statement from Prince William on his wife and father, King Charles

LONDON- UK- 5th May 2023. HM King Charles III accompanied by other members of the royal family hosts a reception at Buckingham Palace for the Heads of State and other visiting dignitaries who are due to attend tomorrows Coronation. Photo by Ian Jones.

With King Charles receiving weekly treatments for his cancer in London, his son Prince William has taken upon himself to step in for his father and the crown and fulfill the royal duties.

What’s most, William is also busy being there for his wife who’s currently recuperating from her planned abdominal surgery and taking care of the children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.

Recently, William attended an event to raise money for London’s Air Ambulance. There, he spoke of his wife and father and thanked everyone for “the kind messages of support for Catherine and for my father, especially in recent days.”

Among the rest of the attendees, there was actor Tom Cruise whom the Prince joked with saying he shouldn’t “borrow” any of the helicopters.

“If you wouldn’t mind not borrowing either of the new helicopters for the next Mission Impossible, it would be appreciated,” the Prince said.

“We have all seen on our screens that, how can I put it, you seem to have a different take on normal wear and tear to the rest of us,” he stated.

LONDON- UK- 5th May 2023. HM King Charles III accompanied by other members of the royal family hosts a reception at Buckingham Palace for the Heads of State and other visiting dignitaries who are due to attend tomorrows Coronation. Photo by Ian Jones.

Speaking of the importance of the event, William said, “It’s fair to say the past few weeks have had a rather ‘medical’ focus. So I thought I’d come to an air ambulance function to get away from it all!

“But, seriously, we gather tonight to help as many as people as possible benefit from top class care in the silhouette of London Air Ambulance’s flying lifelines. As a former pilot for East Anglia Air Ambulance, I know just how vital the work of air ambulance teams across the country is, and the truly life-saving difference it can make to deliver urgent medical care wherever injury strikes can make.

“Here in London, the current aircraft have served magnificently. But our capital city needs a new fleet. And we are Up Against Time. The clue really is in the Appeal’s name. By September, we need the two new red birds – decked with the latest kit such as night vision – in our skies.

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

The prince was also seen talking with Ellen Convery, who used to be known as Ellen White and played more than 100 games for the England women’s football team.

While receiving treatment, King Charles will not be attending public events. Between treatments, he’s spending time at the Sandringham estate.

Details of the type of cancer he has been diagnosed with have not been disclosed with the public.

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3 stories about cheaters who faced karma


Cheating is never a good idea, because eventually, the cheaters get caught and they get a taste of their own medicine.

Below are three stories about cheating husbands.

1. I Met My ‘Dead’ Husband on Tinder

A woman named Maria lost her husband Dan in what she described as a horrible car accident. The image of his vehicle engulfed in flames and his body trapped inside hunted her every single day. As she was thinking about him and just how much she missed his smile, his laughter, and his presence, her friends Jane suggested that she needed to move forward as three months have passed by and that she needed to think of ways to pay the piles of debt her husband left her with.

The thought of meeting other people felt distant. Maria never thought she could ever be with another man, but Jane suggested she creates a Tinder account just to keep herself busy.


As the night came, Maria decided to take her friend’s advice. But just as she set her account with a stranger’s photo and started going through it, a familiar face appeared on her screen. She stumbled upon a profile that had her husband’s photo on it.

Her heart stopped for a second, but she pulled herself together and convinced herself that someone must have used Dan’s photo.

As she swiped right, they matched.


After some time, Maria received a message from the man. “Hi, what’s up?” he wrote. Shaking, she answered that she was making lasagna, making sure she sounded as normal as possible. “I knew someone who made excellent lasagna,” he responded. This was strange because she used to made lasagna for Dan all the time.

He then wrote that he was looking for tickets.

“Really? You’re planning a trip?” Maria replied.

“Yes, decided to take a break. Can’t choose which country to fly to,” he said.

“I’ve always wanted to visit Italy,” Maria wrote back. She always wanted to go to Italy with Dan, but he never agreed because he thought Italians were too emotional for his liking. He hated the weather there, too.

“Don’t like Italy. The climate’s too hot, and people are too emotional. But… they know how to cook!” the man replied.


Could this be just a coincidence or there was more to the story than Maria ever assumed?

The man who had Dan’s picture on his profile then shared that he loved hiking, just like Dan.

Maria then wrote him that she wanted to have coffee with him, and he agreed so they decided on a place to meet.

The following day, she went to the location but the man never showed up, so she tried to convince herself that she was just imagining things and that it wasn’t possible Dan to be alive.


Confused, Maria drove to Jane’s house to tell her everything, but just as she arrived at her house, she spotted a sign in front of it which said the house was on sale.

Her neighbor told Maria that Jane left some time before that and that she headed to the airport. This didn’t make any sense. Her best friend couldn’t possibly leave without telling her about it.

Maria called Jane’s sister and asked her if she knew anything, but she said she didn’t.


Maria knew she needed to act quickly. She started her car and started driving to the airport. Once there, she spotted Jane in the distance. She was with a man, but Maria couldn’t tell who that man was because she couldn’t see his face and couldn’t see clearly because they were far away.

Poor Maria reached the security barrier just as they placed their bags on the conveyor belt. She tried to follow them, but a security officer stopped her.

“Ticket and ID, ma’am,” he said firmly.

“Look, I need to get through. It’s urgent!” she explained.

But the officer didn’t budge. “Without a ticket, I can’t let you through.”

After giving it some thought, Maria decided to go to the police station and present her doubts. She believed Dan was alive and he and Jane made the plan to fake his death together.

Detective Martinez heard her story, but he said there wasn’t much they could do because all of Dan’s accounts were frozen because of his debts so they couldn’t track down any of his transactions.

It was a huge risk, but Maria decided to sell her house and rent a small apartment. She used the money to cover Dan’s debts and left money on his accounts, but some time passed by and nothing happened. Then, one day, Detective Martinez called her and told her that someone withdrew the money from Dan’s account. Luckily, they were able to track him down because of transactions. He was in Austria.


A few weeks later, Maria received the call she was waiting for so long. Dan was arrested when he tried to cross the border into Switzerland.

When they were finally at the station, Maria was there listening to them confess. Dan and Jane were having an affair and when his business collapsed and he faced a hard time coping with the financial loses, the two decided to fake his death using a homeless man’s body.

Despite all the pain they caused her, Maria was happy her husband and her best friend faced their karma. As for her, she was finally able to move forward.

2. I hid in my husband’s rear seat to uncover his dark secret

Woman sharing a story of how she caught her husband cheating and left him with nothing started her story explaining how her husband, Daniel, started acting strangely. She could feel she had someone else in his life so she hired a private detective to clear her doubts. However, Daniel found out about the private detective and silenced him with money so he assured OP that her husband wasn’t cheating on her.

One day, as they were driving home, Daniel felt distant. In order to start a conversation, OP asked him what he wanted for dinner, but he was way too absent mentally in order to be able to answer.


When they arrived home, they noticed the lights in the living room were on and water could be heard running from the bathroom upstairs. OP asked Daniel if he had left the tap open when he left the house, but instead of answering, he asked OP to go grab his lap top from his car while he was checking why the tap was dripping.

Not wanting to get into a fight, OP went outside to get the lap top and once she returned, Daniel told her that the bathroom was flooded and that she shouldn’t go upstairs, but OP was determined to check that out herself.

YouTube/ DramatizeMe

When she entered the bathroom, she noticed water on the floor, which certainly wasn’t flood. Suspicious, she entered the bedroom and that’s when she noticed a pink towel peeking from the closet; an undeniable proof of another woman’s presence in the house.

“With trembling hands, I approached the closet, dreading what I might find. I couldn’t bring myself to open the door, overwhelmed by the betrayal. I sank onto the floor, my back against the closet,” OP wrote.

YouTube/ DramatizeMe

“Tears streamed down my face as I spoke to the empty room.”

“I thought we had the perfect marriage,” she confessed to the silence. “I tried my best to save this marriage. I thought I was brave enough to face his infidelity. But I’m not, I think. You must be more attractive than me…”

At that moment, the door of the closet opened. There was a woman inside, Sophia, who whispered with a trembling voice, “I didn’t know he was married. He told me to hide inside the closet.”

“It’s not your fault,” OP told the poor woman, as tears kept running down her face.

The two women betrayed by the same man decided to get their revenge.

YouTube/ DramatizeMe

Daniel was still downstairs, and that’s when Sophia joined him, covering his eyes with her palms. Daniel got out of his seat, “What the hell? You were supposed to leave!” he said, panicking. Sophia, however, assured him that his wife was taking a shower and that’s why she was able to leave the bedroom without being noticed.

“I’m tired of being a secret, Daniel,” Sophia declared boldly. “It’s me or her, and I want you to decide now!”

YouTube/ DramatizeMe

Daniel assured her that he would file for divorce, but at that point, she needed to leave. He gave her a blanket to cover herself and told her to sit at the backseat of his car while and wait for him while he grabbed his keys. While he was looking for the keys, OP and Sophia changed places and OP found herself covered in a blanket inside her cheating husband’s car.

When he entered the vehicle, he said how he resented his wife, he didn’t love her any longer and couldn’t wait to end the marriage.

Listening to his words, OP took the blanket off. At the same moment, Sophia approached his window. He was shocked, realizing his dark secret was out.

YouTube/ DramatizeMe

“Thanks to Sophia’s evidence and my recording, I’ll take everything from you, including our business, Daniel!” OP told him confidently.

“Let’s not make a big deal out of this,” he pleaded, but OP didn’t want to listen to his words.

“You’ll get your divorce,” she said calmly. “I’ll get our business lawyer to draw up the papers. I’m sure she’ll be happy to do that. I hope you can afford her with what little you’ll have left when we’re through. Remember our prenup? And yeah, keep the car. You can live in it if you don’t find a place!”

OP was betrayed. She turned the back to the man she once loved determined to start her life over.

3. The ‘ghost’ in our house

One day, Jake, a young boy, was home from school early. As he entered the house, he was welcomed by the soft tunes of Billie Holiday coming from the bedroom.

Inside, there was someone who was making strange noises. As his mother wasn’t home, he decided to enter the bedroom and check.

His stepfather, Herman, was having “fun” with a lady who wasn’t Jake’s mother. Realizing that is stepson saw him with another woman, his lover Jezebel, Herman panicked.


He asked Jake why he was home that early, to what the boy replied that there was a lockdown scare at the school. They thought there was a gunman on campus and let the students go.

“Herman, who is this lady?” Jake asked, looking at Jezebel.

Herman decided to play games with the boys mind and denied his lover’s presence. “Jake, you must be seeing things,” he said. “You’re still scared after what happened at your school.”

“But I see a lady right there, Herman,” Jake replied.


“Hey, buddy,” he said, softening a little. “Close your eyes and count to ten. It’ll disappear if you do that. And you see, if you can’t see the ghost, it can’t see you.”

Jake did what he was told. He closed his eyes and counted to ten, leaving Jezebel enough time to hide.

When he opened his eyes, the lady whom Herman claimed was a ghost, was gone and Jake, being young and innocent, believed he made magic and got excited.

Herman told him not to share the story about the ghost with his mom and Jake agreed.

However, during dinner time, Jake mentioned the ghost and described it as a lady with big, frizzy hair. His mom was puzzled. Herman panicked and told his wife that Jake was just imagining things because he was disturbed by the school’s lockdown.

Still, the boy’s mom knew something odd was going on.


“I’ll call the school and get Jake an appointment with the psychologist,” she told Herman. “Now that you’re not working, you can take him to the appointment.”

“Maybe you should spend less time at that Moe’s Diner you visit often and help more with Jake,” she suggested stiffly, taking to Herman.

Scared for her son, the mom took Jake to the doctor’s.

“Don’t worry,” Dr. Warren reassured her. “I think what’s happening with Jake is a classic case of Kleinian Projective Identification. It involves a child projecting feelings onto another or the world outside, often to make the other person experience what the projector is feeling, causing delusional behavior like Jake’s. We can deal with this.”

“I just want what’s best for Jake,” I said worriedly. “If you think you can help him, then we’ll do whatever it takes.”

After the appointment, the mom took Jake to lunch at Moe’s Diner, the place her husband frequented.


There, Jake saw the ghost, or better said his stepfather’s lover Jezebel, who worked there as a waitress.

Looking at her, Jake closed his eyes and started counting to ten. She dropped their food and left, leaving Jake believing that his magic of making her disappear worked again.

His mom then figured everything out. Her son never saw a ‘ghost,’ but he saw his stepfather with that woman, and Herman tried to make the boy delusional.

Just to be sure, the mom approached Jezebel and asked her if she could use her phone to make a quick call. When she dialed her husband’s number she saw he was saved as ‘Loverman’ on Jezebel’s phone.


Once home, the woman called a moving company to have Herman’s things out of her home. When he entered the place and saw the things were being moved out, he asked his wife what was going on, but she decided to do to him exactly what he did to Jake.

“Herman, what men? I don’t see any men. You must be seeing ghosts. Oh, and to be clear, those are not our things; they are your things.”

At that moment, he realized he was busted.

“I will never forgive you for what you did to my child,” she told him. “The time for lies and infidelity is over. You know what you are to me now? A ghost!”


What’s most, she told him that she and Dr. Warren initiated charges against him for emotional abuse against her son.

Just then, two officers approached Herman and told him his rights as they took him away. The justice was served.

*Photos are for illustration purposes only

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Kevin Costner’s rarely-seen youngest son, 15, makes acting debut in dad’s movie


Hayes, the 15-year-old son of actor Kevin Costner, would be making his screen debut in his father’s forthcoming passion project, a two-part Western titled Horizon: An American Saga.

His character, presumably playing Sienna Miller’s on-screen son, could be seen in the trailer of the film defying his mom’s wishes of hiding with her in the basement while their home is being attacked. Instead, Hayes’ character says, “It’s all right. I’m gonna be with dad,” shutting the cellar door as a fire blazes behind him.

YouTube/Warner Bros Pictures

The film marks Costner’s fourth directorial effort and his first in 20 years since his 2003 Western Open Range.

Despite the fact that he is part of his dad’s movie, not much is known of how big a role Hayes has in the project. “He’s very good. Hayes plays the namesake character that I actually play in the movie,” Costner told People of his son’s acting. “He’s 13 years old and the screenplay’s been around longer than that,” he said.

YouTube/Warner Bros Pictures

Costner joked that he gave his son the role so that he can spend more time with him. “I kind of did it on purpose, so he could be hanging out with me,” he said. “I’m like any other parent, I’m trying to figure out, like, ‘This is really neat. You should come be with me,'” he told People.

Costner once revealed that Hayes was named after a “cowboy character” from a Western movie he had planned to make. Lo and behold, Kevin’s plan came to fruition with Horizon: An American Saga.

Horizon: An American Saga would be developed as four feature-length chapters with the first one hitting theaters June 28. It represents a heartfelt exploration of family bonds, resilience, and the American spirit of adventure.

Costner is a father of seven. “I work as a provider. I’m a father and I’m a husband, but the world doesn’t revolve around me,” the said back in 2022 “When I’m not making a movie, I’m living and on the freeway with my wife, getting the kids to their stuff or I’m waiting for them to come out of a party. I’m just twiddling my thumbs. People have a wrong idea about how my life works.”

After nearly 19 years together, Costner and his now-ex wife Christine Baumgartner announced they are divorcing.

Apparently, Costner’s absence was ‘hard’ for Baumgartner who wanted him to spend more time at home with his family in Santa Barbara.

“During filming, Kevin is not around very much. His absence has been very hard for her,” a source reportedly said. Another insider reported that while Costner was aware that his wife was not happy in their marriage, her filing for divorce was nonetheless a shock to him.

However, following the tough period he’s gone through, it seems like the Yellowstone star has found new love.

There have been speculations circulating that Costner is dating singer Jewel.

The two were recently seen together at a tennis event on Richard Branson’s Necker Island for the Inspiring Children Foundation.

As per TMZ, the two took a plane to the Caribbean and spent nearly a week together.

An insider told the magazine, “There was definitely something going on,” confirming that the pair indeed vacationed in the Caribbean together.

Jewel went above and beyond by mentioning Costner on social media. “It’s an incredible time, and one I use to relax, rest, and play with my son!” she remarked of the tennis fundraiser hosted on Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands. This year, @kevincostnermodernwest was gracious enough to mentor our youngsters.”

A source told TMZ, Jewel is “picky,” and “she wants a good man, and Kevin fits the bill,” according to the magazine.

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Indiana girl, 7, buried alive playing in hole on south Florida beach


Sloan and Maddox Mattingly from Indiana, aged 7 and 9 respectively, were trapped in the sand in Lauderdale-By-The-Sea while playing in a sand hole, the Broward Sheriff’s Office informed. Both were transferred to the hospital where Sloan died and Maddox is in a critical condition.

The hole was 6-feet deep and collapsed on the children, as per the statement released by the sheriff’s office.

The boy was buried up to his chest, but the girl was fully covered. A video taken by a bystander showed about 20 adults trying to dig Sloan out using their hands and plastic pails, but the hole kept collapsing on itself.

“Everybody’s screaming,” a beach-goer said of the frightening scene and added that she called 911.

As per People, the caller told dispatch, “There’s a child that they’re trying to get out.” The caller then explained she heard the children’s father “yelling for help because his child is caught in a hole in the sand,” and while she was on the phone, the caller said the mom began yelling, “My daughter’s in there.”

Lauderdale-by-the-Se, where the tragedy happened, is a small enclave north of Fort Lauderdale which does not have lifeguards at its beach. Sadly, that meant there were no professionals who could offer help at that moment.

Emergency agencies started arriving one after another. It has not been revealed how long the siblings had been trapped inside the sand before they were pulled out.

“A freak accident happened yesterday while we are here on vacation and it took away our greatest 7.5 years. Don’t tell us you’re sorry for our loss…don’t do that to us. We experienced the purest human being and we are forever changed by her,” the children’s mom wrote on the GoFundMe created to financially support the family. “We love you beyond any stretch of the imagination. Our sweet Sloan. What we would give.”

The GoFundMe, which helped raise over $150,000, further read, “What started as an amazing family trip quickly turned into the devastatingly tragic loss of their 7-year-old daughter/sister Sloan. We know that no amount of money will bring beautiful Sloan back, but your donation can help bring Sloan home from Florida, cover funeral costs and ease the financial stress as they learn to navigate their new world.”

Friends of the grieving family posted messages offering condolences and love.

“She was the funniest friend you could ever ask for, the most loyal sister, the [tiniest] yet most acrobatic…and one of the greatest creations Therese Mattingly and Jason Mattingly ever made,” a friend of the family, Whitney Kanjala, wrote under a photo she shared of Sloan posing in front of an ice-cream shop with her name on it.

The same photo was then shared by Sloan’s heartbroken father. “We took Sloan to this ice cream shop with her name on it. It was a rainy nasty day but we made the best of what we had. We also hit up a local arcade and sang makeshift karaoke at our Airbnb,” he wrote.

Locals also shared their disbelief about the freak accident with one of them saying they have never seen or heard anything like this in 50 years. “I’m shocked. I’m absolutely shocked. I had no idea that digging out…something could happen where it could collapse underneath someone just hanging out and playing on the beach,” one person said.

Another local, Harry Defina, offered his theory about the hole. Speaking to NBC Miami, he said he saw a man digging the hole around 30 minutes before the kids started playing in it.

“I was walking by the beach, and I saw a man…digging a really big hole…up to his chest. I looked at him and he looked back, and I walked away, I didn’t think to go over and tell him not to do it,” Defina said. “I’m even upset that someone would imply that those kids dug that hole. They didn’t dig that hole. It was massive and it ended up like 18-feet-by-6-feet.”

Visibly upset, Defina shared the terrifying moment the kids got buried inside the hole. “I see kids in the hole. I could see the boy a little bit, but all I can see…I’m not going to be able to finish this…all I could see was the top of the girl’s head.”

Bernard J. Fisher II, the association’s director of health and safety spoke of the dangers of sand holes. “The recent incident in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea is a heart-wrenching reminder of why we must work together to keep our beaches safe,” he said. “By implementing these measures and fostering a community of safety and awareness, we can prevent future tragedies and ensure that our beaches remain places of joy and recreation for everyone.”

Our hearts go out to the grieving family.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Michelle Obama, 60, criticized after wearing revealing outfit


A recent photo of former first lady Michelle Obama at the beach in Miami caused quite a stir on the social media. She was spotted together with her daughter Malia.

As per the Daily Mail, the mother-daughter duo were spotted dining at a trendy Miami steakhouse with friends, including former Obama administration Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, accompanied by Secret Service personnel.

Wearing an all-white ensemble, featuring high-waisted denim cut-off shorts with side holes and a loose blouse, Michelle caught the attention of the beach-goers, most of whom found her choice of outfit inappropriate. The former FLOTUS complete her looks with a bandanna, big black sunglasses, and hoop earrings. She had her shoes in her hand and walked barefoot.

Having in mind that she’s the spouse of the man who once ran the country, many people commented that she should have chosen a totally different outfit, much less revealing that the one she was spotted in.

“Totally inappropriate for her age and who she is,” one person wrote under the photo.

“Why holes on the white cutoffs?.. looks a little trailer trash. The ripped white shorts! Hard to believe she was ever a First Lady. Getting too much inspiration from Beyonce, I think,” another added.

“Two things…I’m shocked that people are up in arms because of the hue of her attire and she couldn’t even be bothered to button her shorts. The whole family has no class. Thank god they no longer represent us!” a third shared their thoughts on the choice of outfit.

Credit: Derek White / Getty

As expected, there were also those who stood by her side and defended her. “Former First Lady on holiday. So what? She was in the public eye for long enough. Now leave her alone. Not a fan but always liked her style. She does look great. So do her kids. The family should be left out of politics. I don’t think Michelle needs our approval. She is a self-confident, elegant woman,” someone wrote.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe Michelle Obama’s choice of beach clothing is inappropriate?

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace