Groom arrives in church and watches as his bride marries another man


Alvin was over the moon to finally be marrying Carol, the love of his life. He was aware her parents weren’t fond of him because they believed he wasn’t the right man for her, but the two were soulmates and wouldn’t let anyone stand between them, or at least they thought so.

On the day of their wedding Alvin was running a bit late because he had received the news that no one from his family would be attending the wedding, and somehow, he lost himself in the sadness of that thought.

When he finally arrived at the church, he stumbled upon a sight that turned his life upside down. Carol was marrying another man. He couldn’t believe his eyes and froze for a second. As he was gathering the strength to shout, Carol’s mother, Andrea, stood in front of him and punched him in the chest.

“Alvin, leave now. This is what’s best for Carol. She deserves a better life than what you can give her, and that man is perfect for her. Go away and never come back,” Andrea stated, gesturing with her finger for him to leave entirely.


He wanted to protest, but at that moment, he saw Carol putting a ring on the man’s finger.

Devastated and shocked, Alvin left the church and got inside his car. He couldn’t help but wonder how could Carol do such a thing.

Years passed by and Alvin moved on with his life, but he never forgot Carol.

One day, he decided to learn if Carol had a good life without him and whether she had everything the two dreamed of having, a beautiful family, many children, and a nice house.

All he needed in order to learn all that was a single search on Facebook.

He found her profile and went through her photos. She had plenty of photos from a girl, who was probably her daughter, some photos of her parents, but not a single photo of her husband. Could she be divorced, Alvin kept asking himself.

In order to clear his doubts, he decided to message Carol. To his surprise, she responded right away and they decided to meet at the park near her home.


The meeting brought back many memories. Seeing Carol after so much time was a reminder for Alvin that he had never forgot her. He loved her as he had all those years ago despite the fact she had left him for another man on their wedding day.

“Do you want to sit down?” he finally asked when she arrived, and she nodded eagerly. “Ok. I guess we should get down to brass tacks. I wanted to meet you because I wanted to find out what happened with us in the past.”

“What do you mean?” she turned to him with a frown.

“Well, when I got to the church, you were marrying someone else,” Alvin replied, looking at her weirdly. “Why did you do that?”

“You got to the church?” Carol asked in confusion.

Alvin shook his head as he was now getting confused too. “What are you talking about? Of course, I got to the church. It was our wedding. I was running a little late, but I got there, and you were exchanging rings with another man.”


“You… you were there?” Carol kept repeating over and over again.

“What are you saying, Carol?”

“I thought you had left me forever!” she wailed, and tears gathered in her eyes.

“What?” he said in dismay.

“My mom told me you had run away, and no one could find you. I was so angry… I couldn’t think. I was heartbroken too, and when she suggested marrying Colin…. I just jumped on it. I didn’t want to suffer the humiliation of being left at the altar,” she explained through small sobs.

“That makes no sense, Carol!” he yelled at her, anger rising once again. “Why didn’t you try to call me? I would’ve explained that I was running late because I had just gotten a message that no one in my family was coming.”

At that moment, Carol placed her head between her hands and couldn’t stop tears from running down her face.


Once she pulled herself together she explained that her marriage only lasted for a year and that she had a 10-year-old girl named Veronica. Her ex-husband remarried but they were co-parenting.

They ended their meeting agreeing to see each other again.

Furious, Carol went home and had a massive fight with her parents. They kept asking for her forgiveness and although she forgave them, Carol moved out of their home a week later.

She and Alvin continued seeing each other and decided to continue from their they stopped years ago. Veronica accepted Alvin as her stepfather and even helped him propose to her mom and was a maid of honor at their wedding.

This story is a reminder that true love always finds the way.

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4 real-life stories about parents who left their kids homeless & begged them for a favor years later


Most parents would give their entire world for the well-being of their children, but sadly, not every child gets to live in a loving home and experience affection, care, and love. Some are neglected and even abused by those who are supposed to provide for them and treat them as jewels.

Four people took to Reddit to tell their life stories and share how beside the injustice and the horrible treatment by their parents they still managed to stand on their feet and turn their lives around. As of their moms and dads, they got what they deserved at the end.

Read their stories below.

Father Needs Son’s Help after Bringing Him up in an Abusive Childhood

In 2019, an individual who identified as Asian turned to Reddit’s “AITA” forum to share a narrative. Recounting his upbringing, the man revealed that his father’s treatment during his childhood was marked by being frequently kicked out of his home.


The family’s financial struggles led them to reside in a subpar townhouse in an unfavorable part of town. Following the common stereotype associated with Asian fathers, the narrator’s dad exhibited extreme strictness regarding academic performance.

If the original poster (OP) received a grade below 70, was tardy to class, or failed to adhere to a curfew, his father’s response was consistent: eviction from the house. Despite his pleas and appeals, he would find himself relegated outdoors with only a sleeping bag, regardless of the weather conditions — rain or snow.


This pattern continued until the age of 16 when a friend extended the courtesy of allowing OP to stay overnight. Each time he was expelled, he would eventually return, apologize, and be permitted to re-enter the home, with him revealing: “[My father] kicked me out at 18 and I didn’t come back home.”

Instead, he opted to stay with a friend and engaged in consistent employment to finance his education. From that day onward, he stopped communicating with his father. Finally, at the age of 29, he found marital bliss with a child on the way.

OP’s mother passed away at the time—a poignant event that brought about a series of unexpected encounters. Amid the atmosphere of mourning and reflection, his father made an appearance at his son’s home, bearing the weight of past grievances. It appeared to be an attempt at reconciliation for the turbulent upbringing that had marked OP’s formative years.


Despite initial perceptions of genuineness, a lingering skepticism arose because OP’s dad had faced his own share of hardships. The closure of his convenience store seven years prior and the deterioration of his pension painted a complex backdrop to the situation.

In a moment that demanded honesty and clarity, the Redditor took the initiative to question his father’s motives for his visit. With a tone of desperation, his dad admitted his intentions—he sought a place to stay. OP, perhaps burdened by a mix of emotions from the past and the present, retreated momentarily into the house.

Upon returning, a sleeping bag was flung unceremoniously onto the lawn—an act loaded with the history of past rejections and a symbol of his dad’s actions. An essential facet of the narrative was inadvertently omitted in the initial retelling. Over time, the father had sought to make amends through sporadic financial offerings sent via mail.

These modest sums, accumulating to around $1500, remained tucked away in the recesses of OP’s closet, which he intended to return at his mother’s funeral reception. Upon the passing of his mother, his wife and friends reacted to his decision.


His wife encouraged him to let go, emphasizing that despite his father’s strictness, he had always allowed him back and acted out of love and the desire for his betterment. On the other hand, his friends, who shared a similar cultural background, downplayed the severity of his past punishments, suggesting that his father’s actions were well-intentioned, calling him a “disrespectful son.”

Engulfed in contemplation, the individual found himself grappling with conflicting emotions. He questioned whether he was irrational or justified in his feelings, seeking the opinion of the Reddit community. Readers resoundingly supported OP’s stance, viewing his father’s actions as emotionally abusive due to his history of expulsions during childhood.

Redditor Gets Revenge on Cruel Mother in the Most Cunning Way

After getting kicked out by her mother at 16, a young girl lived at her father’s place and later married and moved in with her husband. She wrote a Reddit post describing how her mother mistreated her when they were still living together.


The woman recalled how her mother told her she hated her before asking that she leave the house. Back then, the teenager couldn’t do much except follow her mother’s instructions. Meanwhile, her mother never treated her older brother that way. In fact, she behaved nicely with him.

In 2012, OP’s mother bought a seven-bedroom house with her new husband after quitting her job to join a startup. The woman had no idea that leaving her current position was a big mistake because the startup shut down three years after she became a part of it.


Her personal life was in a downward spiral as her husband developed medical complications due to obesity. Despite the doctors telling him to control his diet, he ate what he liked and soon became bed-bound. The Redditor recalled that her mother’s husband died in early 2022, leaving his wife in a bad financial situation.

Things went downhill to the point that the bank seized her house. Broke and homeless, the older woman turned to her daughter, whom she had mistreated and ignored all her life. Despite not sharing a good bond with her, the parent thought her daughter would support her during her difficult time.


The Redditor lived with her husband in a two-bedroom house, where one of the bedrooms was her husband’s office. She had turned her basement into an art studio, and her living room couch was where her cats slept.

It was a regular day for OP when her mother suddenly showed up at her doorstep, asking her for shelter. The Redditor was shocked at her mother’s audacity to ask her for a favor after mistreating her all her life, saying: “I don’t know why, in god’s good name, my mom thought I would be the one to come to.”


OP thought her brother’s house was better for her mother because he had a spare bedroom. However, when she saw her mother at her doorstep, she knew it was a golden opportunity she couldn’t resist, writing: “I told her she could live with us if, and only if, she decided to follow the house rules.”

Among the house rules she enumerated to her mother, she restricted her from using electronics after 6 p.m. and said she should sleep by 7:30 p.m. If the parent refused to power off her electronic devices at the given time, the Redditor threatened to confiscate them and sell them in the next yard sale.

She also threatened to take her clothes for the week if she didn’t sleep on time. Besides that, the Redditor restricted her mother’s shower time to five minutes and asked her to do all the house chores. OP threatened to restrict her mother’s meals for the day if she got up and the chores weren’t done.


The woman also instructed her mother to always be alert and do whatever she and her husband said. She gave her the duty to cook one meal daily and threatened not to let her eat if the food wasn’t cooked to her taste.

Moreover, she said she would control who her mother talked to by reading all her messages, mails, and emails. She also asked her to pay for gas and drive her wherever she wanted. After stating all the rules, the woman threatened to kick her mother out of the house if she displeased her.


She said she would drop her mother at a gas station for her brother to pick her up. OP also only would allow her mother to take some of her belongings from her house. When the older woman heard her daughter’s terms and conditions, she called her a “monster” and said she was being “inhumane.”

However, the Redditor believed the conditions she gave were fair because that is how her mother made her live as a teenager. So instead of staying with her daughter, the woman left her house without saying where she was going. The Redditor hoped her mother would find a park bench to live on.

Man’s Parents Kick Him Out Not Realizing They’d Need Him Later in Life

A Reddit user expressed on the platform how his parents expected him to conform to their plans regarding his career. The only acceptable profession in his family was to become a doctor. They came from a long lineage of medical professionals, and his parents expected OP to continue the legacy.

However, at age 17, he informed his parents that he wouldn’t undertake the profession. Instead, he wished to pursue a social media and acting career, along with other small business endeavors, but his parents disapproved of his plan. They believed he was up to no good and retaliated by kicking him out of the family home.

They subsequently lost contact for 17 years, and his family relocated to the United Kingdom so his siblings could become doctors. To his parents’ delight, OP’s older brother got into a rare, competitive surgery profession. He became a neurosurgeon specializing in spinal tumor removal and diagnosis.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, OP’s family informed him that they were returning to Sydney, where he lived. The decision was made so that OP’s older brother could pursue a job that paid $750,000 annually. Within two years, the Redditor and his family reconnected, but his parents never asked him about his career.

OP believed they assumed he lived an average life, and they weren’t wrong in that his acting career never took off. However, he landed an alternative career as an investment banker and made partner at the bank where he worked.


One day, OP and his siblings accompanied their parents to go house-hunting. It soon dawned on them that they couldn’t afford to buy a home in the communities they wished to live in. Despite being doctors, homes in northern Sydney cost above $20 million, which was too much for them.

They eventually called it a day and asked to see OP’s place before heading out for dinner. He obliged and welcomed them to his home. When his parents arrived there, their first thought was he was renting a room in the gorgeous house.


They asked him how much rent he paid, and he corrected them, saying he owned the place, leaving them in disbelief. The couple was furious, accusing their son of lying to them for years and meeting up with them to rub his “probably illegally gained” wealth in their faces.

They then declared that they would be living with him rather than his older brother since they couldn’t be seen living in a worse house than his. The man scoffed and reminded them that they chose to support their two other children, not him. He also told them they had a better chance of living with his neighbors than him.


At that point, his parents threatened to cut him out of their will, to which he shrugged, unbothered. “I reminded them of the fact that they can’t even afford to buy in my area, so their will and assets don’t really matter to me,” the man explained.

After their unpleasant conversation, OP’s parents refused to talk to him. His siblings told him that he should have proactively told them about his financial situation, but he argued he didn’t need to, as his LinkedIn profile was public, but they never bothered to search.

However, OP still questioned whether he was harsh for what he did. He didn’t feel obliged to help his parents after they cut him off for years, only showed interest in him after realizing he was wealthy. Luckily, most social media users were on his side, giving him some peace of mind.

Young Man’s Mother and Her Boyfriend Kick Him Out of the Family Home, Later Need His Assistance

In January 2024, an anonymous male poster turned to Reddit’s “AITA” forum to pen his story. The day after his graduation, OP’s mother and her boyfriend delivered the unexpected news that, now as an adult, he had to find a place of his own.

Getty Images

OP’s relationship with his mother experienced a significant shift when her new boyfriend arrived. Despite his efforts to make a good impression and to ensure his mother’s happiness, the older man appeared to harbor an inexplicable resentment.

According to OP, his mother’s boyfriend “convinced my mom to start charging me rent” because he had a part-time job while schooling, even though the older man was jobless and living off his mother. The intrusions escalated as the boyfriend entered OP’s room, went through personal belongings, and used items without asking.


The older man’s disregard for OP reached a breaking point when he damaged the young man’s laptop, having used it without permission. Despite the blatant invasion of privacy, OP’s mother chose to remain oblivious to her boyfriend’s wrongdoings and consistently sided with him.

When the young man expressed his discontent it led to heated confrontations, with the parent consistently reprimanding him instead of talking to her lover. The boyfriend surprisingly seemed content with OP’s mother kicking him out of the house.


OP had to endure a precarious living situation due to having insufficient funds to secure a place. He relied on the hospitality of his friends who let him sleep on their couches. However, they gradually grew weary of the arrangement and there were times when OP had to be homeless.

However, someone in his network facilitated a second job opportunity, giving him a lifeline. OP worked diligently and managed to gather some savings. After enduring several challenging months without a stable living arrangement, OP finally moved into a new residence at the beginning of January 2024.


A few days before his post went up, OP received an unexpected call from his mother’s boyfriend, who informed him that the parent had suffered a stroke. In a rather audacious move, the boyfriend attempted to guilt OP into returning home to provide support.

Undeterred, the young man stood his ground, firmly declining the request. He explained how busy his adult life was and emphasized the impracticality of taking time off. With a finality to his tone, OP hung up, choosing to maintain the boundaries he had painstakingly established.


In the end, OP was left wondering, “AITA for not wanting to go back home to take care of my sick mom” after she and her partner set him out on his own the day after his high school graduation. The online community responded strongly to OP’s narrative, unleashing a wave of support. Numerous commenters resonated with his plight, unanimously declaring him “NTA.”

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Do you wake up every night between 3 and 5 am? You may be having a spiritual awakening


A great number of people experience difficulties regarding adopting habits that may enhance their sleep quality so instead of feeling energized when they wake up, they feel exhausted and moody.

The truth is that many people wake up a number of times during the night but they don’t even notice that because they fall back asleep quickly. Some of those awakenings are around a second long, but some are longer and cause the person trouble falling asleep again.

If you belong to this group, it’s crucial that you figure out what causes you to wake up and what to do to prevent it from happening over and over again.

These awakenings may have to do with the sleep cycle which goes from wakefulness to sleep, light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement and is the part of the sleep cycle where we will have the most dreams. These REM cycles happen more often as we approach the morning hours.

Some believe it has to do with ageing, and others blame sleep apnea for it.


But it turns out that there is yet another explanation why someone wakes up between 3 and 5 am. It is believed that at this time the most mysterious phenomena, called the ‘Witching Hour,’ occurs. This means that you can sense mysterious energy around you, or what is known as the “awakening.”

According to the ancient Chinese theories of Qi Energy, the energy meridians of the body are also connected to a clock-like-system that energizes different parts of the body at different times of the day. So, awakening between this particular time every night is a sign that energy in certain areas of the body connected to those meridians is either blocked or weak.


What’s most, during this time, the Meridian of Lungs which is considered the most ‘magical’ one and is related to the sense of freedom is activated.

Another meridian activated at this time is the Meridian of Large Intestine which is responsible for our body’s “detox” system.

What you should ask yourself in case you experience these awakenings is whether there is something that bothers you that your meridian is trying to warn you of.

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My husband had taken this snapshot on my phone while I was asleep, which I discovered when I awoke


Moms are those special creatures who guide us, love us, and would give the world for our well-being. They are often the primary caregivers, providing the first model of emotional behavior for the little ones.

However, while they are always there for their children, moms also go through tough times and sleepless nights.

A woman shared the experience of being a mother and how it drained every atom of her energy, but a single look at her children returned her strength and energy every single time.

She started her story by sharing a photo she found in her phone that her husband took the previous night. It showed her and her young daughter sleeping together. She would usually get mad at someone taking a photo of her while asleep, but this one was special because it spoke of the struggles and the joys of motherhood.

She spoke of not normally washing her hair and keeping it in a bun, and that her clothes are often stained with food and spits, her makeup is nowhere to be found, but this image her husband took would always serve as a reminder of how glamorous parenting really is.

Among the crying, the diapers, and all the mess, there are those tiny eyes that look at you as though you are the center of the world, and those gentle hugs that make you forget of all the troubles.


“I won’t mind the hectic evenings as much as holding and snuggling my infants to sleep. I can feel their little chests breathing in and out as their tiny fingers wrap around my own.”

“The ability to calm my children down with only a hug and a kiss on the forehead will bother me more than the weeping outbursts,” she wrote.

“I would like to reflect on this period in my life.

“I don’t want to forget this phase of parenting, no matter how difficult and stressful it might be.”

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Boy, 16, divides the internet with billowing ballgown, some say he’s ‘stunning’ others say ‘vile’


In today’s world social media is an undeniable force, and the story of 16-year-old Korben White is the perfect proof of that. This young man attracted the attention of millions all thanks to a single tweet by his mother showing him rocking a red gown to his prom.

Korben posed in a fiery red skirt and a sequin-speckled tuxedo top that perfectly matches his scarlet-colored hair, not a typical outfit for a boy one would say, but he wanted to send the message that “you can be who you want to be.”

Speaking with the BBC, his mom Nina Green explained her son’s inspiration. “He wanted to go as himself, while expressing his feminine side–with a tuxedo on the top and a dress at the bottom, very much influenced by [American actor] Billy Porter.” She continued: “He wanted to be Korben…but in a dress.”

Nina had no idea the photo of her son would go viral, she just wanted to show her family and friends that her boy was “living his best life.”

“As soon as he got out of the car, everyone just cheered and I was crying, some of the teachers were crying, because he was being who he wanted to be,” she said.

“Everyone has been very supportive, and his year group has been incredible.

“If you let your child be who they are then you’ll get nothing but the best out of them.

“There are people in the world who still don’t understand, but the feeling of acceptance, you can’t beat that feeling.

“I am so happy for him.”

She only learned that her post reached thousands of people the following day while she and Korben headed to Pride in London.

Among those who were intrigued by Korben’s choice of clothing was his idols – Ru Paul’s Drag Race star Michelle Visage who commented that the teenage was a “star.”

Korben said it was “very surreal” that his mother’s tweet captured the attention of Visage.

“To me she is such an icon, a wonderful celebrity and I really admire her,” he said.

Nina’s photo of her son, which sparked support and love, encouraged other parents to share stories of their own gender-bending children.

“I worry for my son, he would really love to do something like this at prom but he would definitely not have the support of all the students! So sad that we still have homophobia even now. Well done to you, your son and his school!” one person wrote.

“I am so happy for your son he looked absolutely amazing!!!My son is trans, after 3yrs of transphobic bullying in Jan b4 GCSEs [General Certificate of Secondary Education offered in parts of the UK] I had to take him out of school for his mental health. He was always going to prom in a tux and he was deprived of the chance,” another shared.

“Absolutely stunning! My daughter wore a suit to hers!” a third shared about his daughter’s prom’s outfit.

As expected, there were also those who slammed Nina’s parenting, dubbing her a bad mom for allowing her son to wear a dress.

“There is very little hope for civilization,” one naysayer wrote, and a second added: “…Vile, Woke & a failure as a parent in encouraging this sort of thing. A 12 year old boy should be playing football and learning to be a man. But, sadly people now a days virtue signal, like what you’re doing with this tweet, and ruin their kids for life. Shame.”

Nina shared that she has been receiving calls from parents all over the country who ask for advice on how to be as acceptable as she has been towards her son.

“I really hope it will help others be more accepting, let proud parents feel they are not alone, and that they can celebrate their children, and for young people to know there is a network there if they need it.” She continued: “You need to accept your children for who they are.”

What are your thoughts on this?

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The mom who stabbed her baby to death is found dead in prison


Six years into her 17-year-long sentence for stabbing her baby with a pair of scissors, Rachel Tunstill dies in prison.

Back in 2017, she stabbed her baby girl, Mia Kelly, more than 15 times in the bathroom of their Burnley home and threw her lifeless body in a bin.

Tunstill was initially convicted of murder and handed a life sentence with minimum term of 20 years, but a re-trial proved the jury in the case should have been offered a verdict of infanticide to consider. During the re-trial she was once again convicted of murder and put behind bars for a minimum of 17 years.

“HMP Styal prisoner Rachel Tunstill died in custody on 1 August 2023. As with all deaths in custody, the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman will investigate,” a spokesperson from the Prison Service confirmed the news of her passing.

Credit: Lancashire Police

At the time she gave birth, her boyfriend was playing video games in the next room. She then told him she had a miscarriage and asked for the scissors after which she remorselessly stabbed the baby to death.

At the time of sentencing, the judge, Mr Justice King, said: “This must have been a sustained and frenzied attack on a victim who because of her age was particularly vulnerable. Her duty to her newborn baby was to cradle and comfort her – not to stab her to death.

“There was here in my judgement concealment of the body, albeit short-lived and in addition there was undoubtedly the indignity which was wrought upon the body by disposing of it in the way she did.”

HMP Styal where Tunstill served her life sentence
Credit: Liverpool Echo

Tunstill was a university master’s graduate in forensic psychology.

“She showed no emotion or remorse for stabbing her baby to death,” said Mr Justice King.

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Why Kate Middleton will possibly stay out of public eye until ‘after Easter’


It’s been two months since Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, was last seen in public and the Palace has been heavily criticized for keeping her medical record as secret.

What has been revealed following her “planned” abdominal surgery was that her condition was noncancerous and that she had cleared her schedule and won’t be returning to her royal duties until Easter.

With speculation continues to grow online following a string of royal health scares, including King Charles’ cancer diagnosis, a Palace spokesperson sought to reassure well-wishers stating, “Kensington Palace made it clear in January the timelines of the princess’ recovery and we’d only be providing significant updates. That guidance stands,” adding that the Princess continues to do well.

Royal experts, however, warn the royals to be more open with the public. They ask why Prince William was absent from his godfather’s, the late King Constantine of Greece, memorial which was attributed to an unspecified “personal reason.”

He pulled out of the major event less than an hour before it started although it was happening in his own backyard and he was due to give a reading in front of many other European royals.

According to Phil Dampier, a royal biographer, the royals ‘have a right to privacy’ but ‘these are not normal times’ given the King’s and the Princess’ health scares, as per MailOnline. “I’m afraid that if no reason for Prince William pulling out at the last minute is given, there will inevitably be speculation, some of it wild and unfair, but that is the nature of social media these days,” he said. “There were lurid reports in a Greek publication the other day about Kate’s health, for which there is no evidence, but these rumours get circulated around the world quickly.”

He further added: “The Palace made it clear Kate is recovering well and we saw the King return to London from Windsor, possibly for treatment.

“But we still don’t know what urgent personal reason led William to cancel. I think he should be more open if the palace wants to avoid speculation.”

Is the Palace’s reassurance enough to keep the public at peace about Kate’s real health state? Many say it’s not, but until officals release more details we are to trust them that the Princess is indeed doing well.

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In world first: Teenage boy is cured of deadly brain cancer


Lucas Jemeljanova, a 13-year-old boy from Belgium, captured the global attention achieving something that was previously considered impossible.

This brave young man became the first ever person in the world to beat a deadly brain cancer known as diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG).

Hopeless and helpless after receiving the devastating diagnosis about Lucas’ cancer at the age of six, his family waited for him to respond to the treatments, and after everything failed, they enrolled him in the BIOMEDE trial in France, a venture exploring novel treatments for DIPG.

To the surprise and delight of many, young Lucas responded remarkably to the drug everolimu. MRI scans showed the tumor vanishing little by little.

He stopped using the medications a year and a half ago, and his tumor remained absent.

cottonbro studio Pexels

While battling the cancer, Lucas was unable to walk in a straight line and started losing consciousness and having random nosebleeds.

His prognosis were grim as per statistics only 10% of those diagnosed with this type of cancer survive more than two years, as per the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

That same statistics states that 98% of patients with the rare brain tumor will die within five years, and the prognosis are even worse for children who have a life expectation of just nine to 12 months following a diagnosis.

Tima Miroshnichenko Pexels

Today, at 13 years old, Lucas stands as a symbol of hope, having been in remission for an astounding five years.

Dr. Grill, head of the brain tumor program at the center, marvels at Lucas’s resilience, stating, “Lucas defied all odds. Over a series of MRI scans, I watched as the tumor completely disappeared.” 

He added: “I don’t know of any other case like him in the world. Lucas’s tumour had an extremely rare mutation, which we believe made its cells far more sensitive to the drug.

“Lucas is believed to have had a particular form of the disease. We must understand what and why to succeed in medically reproducing in other patients what happened naturally with him.

Researchers are now scrutinizing genetic anomalies and cultivating tumor organoids in laboratory settings, with Marie-Anne Debily, a researcher leading the laboratory efforts, highlighting the importance of identifying a drug capable of replicating the effects seen in Lucas’ tumor cells. “The next step will be to find a drug that has the same effect on tumor cells as these cellular changes,” she said.

However, “it takes 10-15 years from the first lead to become a drug – it’s a long and drawn-out process,” she added.

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