Shocking and disgusting discoveries by hotel workers


Hotel workers are one of those people who have literally seen it all. They deal with different people, some of which could be real “Karens,” but they manage to put up with them for the sake of keeping their jobs.

On top of that, they stumble upon shocking and disgusting stuff. Some hotel workers share their stories on Reddit. Read them below.

1. The Unused Toilet

As they were cleaning a guest room, these hotel workers noticed that the floor of the room was all covered in a bunch of rolled up towels. They immediately knew something was off. When they started collecting the towels, they noticed there were feces underneath them.

The smell was overpowering.

But this didn’t stop there. When they entered the bathroom, they noticed piles of feces mixed with urine at various places, including the shower, hidden behind the shower curtain.

What a messy situatation.

2. The Pizza Puzzle

While cleaning a room, a hotel worker found slices of pizza placed at different parts of the room. Some were smeared all over the TV, as though the guests were watching the cheesiest shows. Other slices were found in the dresser, on the nightstand, the sheets, and in the bathroom sink.

The most unexpected place, however, where the last peace was hidden was inside a lampshade.

It doesn’t come as a surprise that the workers were shocked by this “pizza” situation.

3. The Mouse

A couple was staying at a guesthouse but they constantly complained of strange noises and their clothes being nibbled on. As the owners of the place assured them the room was clean, the woman came with a live rat some time later which she threw at the reception desk.

She then demanded refund for her entire stay.

Suspecting foul play, the owners made sure there were no signs of rat infestations in the room and demanded the couple leave the place immediately.

The couple threatened to sue at first, but they later decided to simply do what they were told and fled the place.

4. Too Much Luggage

At a hotel, a couple checked in with an unusual number of suitcases, way too more than one needs for a few days vacation.

What the workers didn’t know, however, was that those suitcases were completely empty because the couple had a plan to steal everything from the room they stayed in, even the windows. Yes, you read that right!

When they checked out and the workers went inside the room to clean it, they were left in shock. Unfortunately, the couple was long gone and the workers lost their jobs.

5. Where’s the Bathroom?

A guest staying at an upscale hotel approached the worker asking for direction to the bathroom. However, they were in such a hurry that they approached the bell stand for directions.

No one assumed that this would lead to a messy situation.

Apparently, the guest was unaware they were suffering from a medical condition and as they walked downstairs, they left  a trail of feces behind them, with every few steps revealing more. 

Not only they made a mess in the hallway, but they also left the bathroom in a horribly unsanitary state.

The hotel management then blacklisted them despite their threats to leave a bed review for the hotel.

6. The Sleepwalker

At a small boutique hotel, a woman in distress went to the front desk explaining that her husband was sleepwalking and that he was nowhere to be found. She was certain that he entered someone else’s room while sleepwalking.

Not wanting to create fuss or face any potential embarrassing confrontations of checking people’s rooms, they checked the CCTV footage to track the husband’s whereabouts. Luckily, he was found sleeping in an empty room.

That day, the couple checked out but left behind a fun story to share.

7. The Silent Bachelor Party

Bachelor parties are usually loud and involve a lot of drinking. But not the one taking place at this particular hotel. A group of guys, including the groom, checked in but they were very silent, to the hotel workers’ surprise.

Some time later, the bride-to-be entered the hotel asking for her future husband, saying he had forgotten his phone at home.

When a worked and the future groom knocked at the door, they were shocked to see the men fully clothed in the bathtub, engaged in a bizarre toy boat “naval battle.” 

Sadly, this led to the cancellation of the wedding.

Which story did you find the most amusing?

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She saw her husband who vanished 17 years ago at the church


After two years of dating, Sally and Richard knew it was the time to tie the knot. They were young, both 26 at the time, but they felt like they were meant for one another. Well, at least Sally thought so.

Shortly after their wedding, Richard vanished.

Being an orphan and having no family, Sally had no one to turn to in order to seek information. He didn’t leave any trace, and the only thing Sally could do was wait. She was in constant contact with the authorities, but they were unable to provide her with any answers.

Years have gone by, and Sally’s friends tried to convince her to start dating again, but Sally could never think of such a thing knowing her husband could return. Even the thought of quit waiting for her husband made her feel guilty.

Instead, Sally decided to focus solely on her career as an engineer, which required traveling around the country.

One Sunday morning, while she was away from her hometown, Sally decided to attend a service at a local church not knowing that she would receive yet another blow that would shake her world.

Once the service was over, Sally headed towards the exit but she was stopped by a familiar voice.

Her heart skipped a beat when she realized it was Richard’s. As he was exiting the church as well, he spotted Sally and their eyes met.

“Honey, are you okay? Are we coming?” the woman next to him said. “Okay, waiting for you in the car,” she added and left.

Richard walked towards Sally and whispered, “Not here. See me in an hour at Tom’s Cafe, River Street, 6.”

An hour later, Sally was waiting for him at the location, shocked and puzzled, seeking an explanation.

“I know you want an explanation. I definitely owe that to you,” Richard said.

It turned out that before meeting Sally, Richard dated a woman named Meghan. They were high-school sweethearts, but they eventually decided to break up, and that’s when Richard started dating Sally.

However, he never forgot his former love and decided to be together with her again, vanishing from Sally’s life and starting a new life with Meghan.

“You know that I didn’t remarry and waited for you all these years?” Sally said.

“What?? No… You couldn’t,” Richard said in disbelief.

“I did.”

“I’m sorry, Sally.”

Sally left the place. As much as this discovery was painful for her, she finally found a closure and decided to start her life over. Once home, she called Jake, the man her friends convinced her to start dating, and found love again.

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‘Guests are stunned, the groom’s mom is enjoying her time’: The video that is definitely worth watching!


One of the things I miss dearly during these months that the pandemic made hard for everyone are the weddings. Well, who doesn’t want to share the joy of two people who fell in love and decided to spend their lives forever?

I miss the music, the fun, and all the friends and relatives who gather together to celebrate the special occasion. However, until this madness is over, all we can do is turn to our memories and watch photos and videos of the days before we were forced to socially distance from one another.

The video below is just a nice reminder of all the things we took for granted before 2020 knocked on our doors.

What is very beautiful about this wedding video is that is shows the groom and his mom hitting the dance floor. We usually witness the bride and the father dancing during such occasions, but this time it’s different and we love it.

Gabe Helguera has to be very proud of mom Susan who does an incredible job keeping up with him. They show their awesome dance skills on famous Michael Jackson’s song Billie Jean, but as the song goes on we see it’s a unique medley, which was mom’s idea.

Take a look at it below and enjoy!

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6-year-old boy told his mom he found his twin at school


When Luke, a 6-year-old boy, came back from school one day, he was overly excited to share with his mom that he had found his twin sister at school.

“Mom,” Luke started, “I swear…”

“What did we say about swearing?” his mom, Amy, asked him.

“Mom,” he continued, “I’m telling you, Luna is my twin sister!”

“Luke,” Amy responded with confusion, “You’re an only child, honey.”

“No, Mom! I’m serious. Luna and I have the same birthday, and we look alike. The teachers think that we’re twins, too,” the boy insisted.

For the rest of the day, he wouldn’t stop talking about Luna, her likes and dislikes, her favorite things, and more.

As Amy kept reassuring him that he was an only child and it wasn’t possible Luna to be his sister, Luke went to his room and grabbed the class photo. Amy had seen that photo before, but she didn’t pay attention to the rest of the kids.

When she saw Luna, she was a bit shocked. The resemblance between her and her son was uncanny.

Knowing there could be something behind this rather than a pure coincidence, Amy asked Luke if he wanted them to invite Luna and her mom over. Luke was over the moon.

“Do you think she’ll come?” Luke asked. “Like really come over?”

“I’ll speak to her mom tomorrow when I drop you off,” Amy smiled to her son.

When her husband Jeff returned home from work that night, Amy didn’t mention anything to his because it was too late and she had forgotten all about it.

The following morning, when she dropped Luke to school, Amy met with Luna’s mom, Penelope and the two arranged a playdate.

“Luna talks about Luke all the time, Amy,” Penelope said. “This will be great for them to spend time together outside of school.”

In the afternoon, Amy and Luke were waiting for his friend to come and baked some cookies. Jeff was home as well.

 “What’s going on? We’re having people over?”

“Yes,” Amy said, but didn’t mention anything else.

Once at the door, Penelope and Luna were about to enter the place when Luna spotted Jeff and ran towards him, yelling, “Daddy!”

Jeff went pale and Luke said, “See, mom, I told you she was my sister.”

The room turned quiet as the three adults stared at one another.

“It was a long time ago, Amy,” Jeff started explaining. “Well, it was just before we found out that you were pregnant with Luke.”

Penelope stood quiet, it was obvious she knew Amy was Jeff’s wife when she agreed to take her daughter there.

“So, you knew?” Amy asked her husband. “The entire time, you knew?”

“I had to meet her,” Jeff said. “There was nothing else I could do.”

“I told Jeff to keep it a secret,” Penelope said. “I didn’t mind being a single mother to Luna, and my family helped me whenever I needed them.”

“I never meant for any of this to happen,” Jeff said then.

“Why would you put the kids in the same school?” Amy asked. “Did you really think that their paths were not going to cross?”

Then Penelope started to talk, “Jeff didn’t know about the school. I enrolled Luna in it recently, and anyway, Jeff knows the bare minimum about my daughter — it was what he wanted.”

Amy needed the time to think. She was mad at Jeff, but she also needed to think of her son. Her trust was broken, but she agreed on couple’s therapy for the sake of her son.

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Man digging in his backyard makes the last discovery he ever expected to find


When a man named John Sims made a decision to buy a house in Tucson, Arizona, from a friend of his, he never imagined the purchase would lead to an astonishing discovery.

Once the deal was done, John’s friend mentioned that there was a rumor about the place that there was something mysterious under the ground.

John didn’t give it much thought at the time, but as time passed by, he became more and more interested to unravel the mystery.

He first started exploring the yard by digging four holes on four different sides, but he found nothing. He then thought about it and figured it out that if there was nothing under the grass, there could definitely be something under the bricks. The next step was to take a closer look at municipal records and learn more of when his house had been built. In those records, it said that a company that went by the name Whitaker Pools built a strange structure on the property in 1961. It was now determined that there was indeed something buried there, which made John even more eager to explore the place.


In order to know where to start digging again, he hired consultants with metal detectors. When the detectors began to go off, he was able to mark the spots with Xs.

After he started digging at the marked places, he stumbled upon something metal, but as he couldn’t possibly know what it was, he didn’t proceed. It could be electric wires, a water pipe, or a septic tank, and he didn’t want to take the risk of damaging anything.

In the days that followed, he dug with precision and stumbled upon what looked like an entrance to a hatch. As he bent down, a metal lid opened. But as there was a possibility of gas fumes or mold spores, he left the lid open for a couple of days for the potential gases to waft out and had the air tested for mold.


The following morning, John took a look inside the hatch and found a spiral staircase that was headed downwards.

As a captain of the Rural/Metro Fire Department, he needed someone around in case the lid fell back in, so he gathered a crew. The first thing they decided to do was to repair and reinforce the concrete structure surrounding the stairs and set up Sonotube cardboard around the entrance to ensure that they do not damage anything.

In order to provide proper lighting and in order to be able to use tools, the crew installed an electric line. They also installed a black pipe to funnel fresh air into the shaft.

The work around the structure was done. Now they needed to secure the spiral staircase.


John was the first one to explore the inside of his backyard. Once he reached the bottom, he knew their work was done and they didn’t need to do any more digging. The underground structure was bare, but it was obvious that it represented a nuclear bomb shelter.

The shelter was built during the cold war between USA and the Soviet Union. At the time, the company mentioned above, Whitaker Pools, turned out to expand their business to bomb shelters.

This wasn’t the sole shelter in the area, however.

Tucson was once a rocket town that held 18 ballistic missiles that were capable to travel across continents and destroy an area of 900 square miles. This was a top secret, and with the end of the cold war, the missiles were all disabled.

John’s discovery was of great significance. Once he shared all about it on Reddit, many media outlets were quick to pick up his story.

“I was really hoping it was going to be a little microcosm… a time capsule full of civil-defense boxes, radiation detectors, and cots and stuff like that,” John shared during an interview. 

For those around the are who want to know if there is a nuclear shelter in their yard, John suggests looking up records of the City of Tucson or Pima County for information.

In case they do discover anything alike, John urges citizens to be extra cautious, just like he was. “Jumping into holes in the ground is generally not a good idea,” John said and explained that toxic air in a tunnel or a cave-in can easily incapacitate anyone.

It is John’s wish to restore the bomb shelter, but because that requires plenty of money, he set up a GoFundMe page. It is his priority to replace the staircase so that people can enter the shelter easily and explore the place.

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Meghan Markle reaches out to Kate Middleton in a time of turmoil


The news of Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis resonated across the world leaving many speechless and shocked. The Princess disclosed her medical condition with the public following a number of rumors and speculations about her well-being and whereabouts, saying she and William needed time to share the shocking news with the children.

Amidst the chaos, Kate received support from the members of the Firm, as well as from Meghan Markle, who was reported to have reached out to Kate following her surgery.

Now that Kate opened up about the cancer, Meghan and Harry issued a short statement which read, “We wish health and healing for Kate and the family, and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace.”

Previously, the Sussexes didn’t speak of Kate publicly, and they didn’t comment on the fuss created by the photo Kate posted on Mother’s Day, which was later said to be manipulated.

At that point, some media outlets, including CNN, questioned the authenticity of the photographs shared by the Palace over the years.

“In editorial photography, photojournalists and editors commonly adjust a photograph’s exposure or color balance in order to more accurately reflect the scene. Most news organizations, including CNN, regard it as unacceptable to move, change or manipulate the pixels of an image. To do so would alter the reality of the situation the image is intended to document,” CNN announced.

Some even reviewed the photographs of Harry and Meghan, claiming the photographs of the pregnancy announcement taken by Misan Harriman was also altered.

Harriman, however, shared the original colorized shot of the Sussexes, saying he expected a “full apology and retraction” from the Daily Mail and the Telegraph for their allegations.

When Harriman re-shared their photo from 2021, a source told Page Six, “This isn’t a mistake Meghan would ever make; she has a keen eye and freakish attention to detail.”

The source suggested that “if Harry and Meghan had ever encountered the same issue, they would have been annihilated” and added: “The same rules do not apply to both couples.”

However, after this was published, Harry and Meghan decide to react as quickly as possible.

“With respect to Page Six, that did not come from us,” a spokesperson from the couple’s Archewell Foundation told Newsweek.

Meghan reaching out to Kate was seen as a positive step forward for her to build bridges with her sister-in-law, as per royal exert Tom Quinn.

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People are demanding Kim Kardashian issue an apology after post about Kate Middleton


Among those who poked fun at Kate Middleton and the saga surrounding her recent absence from the public eye is reality-show star Kim Kardashian.

However, following Kate’s video in which she shared her cancer diagnosis many took their time to issue their apologies, but not Kim, and apparently, that made many mad.

On March 16, Kim posted several photos of herself wearing all black and captioned the post, “On my way to go find Kate.”

“I think an apology is needed,” one person wrote under Kim’s post. “You should probably take this down now.”

“Can you please go find an apology instead,” another person added. “[This] didn’t age well. You never know what someone is battling.”

“Now she’s confirmed she has cancer, are you going to take this down? So distasteful,” someone else wrote under Kim’s post.

On March 22, The Princess of Wales spoke of the reasons behind her months-long absence from the public explaining that her cancer was discovered during her abdominal surgery which took place mid-January, referring to the diagnosis as a “huge shock.”

“In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London, and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous,” she said.

“My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment,” said the statement. “This of course came as a huge shock, and William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family.”

The Princess further detailed that it had taken her time to recover from the surgery and “to explain everything” to her children George, Charlotte and Louis.

“As you can imagine, this has taken time. It has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. But, most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louie in a way that’s appropriate for them and to reassure them that I’m going to be okay. As I said to them, I am well, and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal. In my mind, body and spirits. Having William by my side is a great source of comfort.”

Kate thanked everyone for their well wishes and asked for privacy.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle issued critical warning about avoiding Kate Middleton remarks


It doesn’t come as a surprise that all eyes of the British public are on Kate Middleton and King Charles. While Kate is currently recuperating from the “planned” abdominal surgery and the King is receiving treatments in London for his cancer, well-wishes come pouring in from every part of the world. The public was worried how these health scares could affect the royal family while the Palace reassured them that Kate was “doing-well” despite the fact that they hadn’t provided any details regarding her surgery and her long hospital stay.

Among those who sent their well-wishes and wished both the Princess and the King a speedy recovery were Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The relationship between them and the rest of the royals seems to be at an all-time low but the fact they reached to Kate and Charles could be the first step to end the feud.

Chris Jackson – WPA Pool/Getty Images

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex has been accusing the members of the Firm for various things and they have condemned the Palace for not assisting Meghan when she was in need of help and had suicidal thoughts. The very first allegations against the royals made by Harry and Meghan were during the infamous Oprah interview when among the rest they accused a senior royal of questioning the sking color of then unborn Archie.

Once they settled in the States, the Sussexes gave plenty of interviews, and Harry published his book Spare in which he revealed secrets and spoke of what was going behind closed doors while he was still a working royal.

The relationship between Meghan and Kate has also been a rocky one.

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

At the time Queen Elizabeth’s health declined, both Kate and Meghan were asked not to travel to Balmoral, but the real reason was they didn’t want Meghan there and Kate was only told to stay behind so that things looked fairer.

Jobson said, “Kate deliberately stayed away, but she desperately wanted to be there with the Queen in her last moments. That’s eaten Kate up and has built up resentment towards Meghan.”

During the funeral, Kate and William, as well as Harry and Meghan, walked alongside one another, and according to Jobson, “Catherine later admitted to a senior royal that, such was the ill feeling between the two couples, the joint walkabout was one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do.” 

Samir Hussein/Samir Hussein/WireImage

According to the media, Harry and Meghan learned of Kate’s surgery through the news and they reached out to her right away.

“The King and the Princess of Wales have received support from Prince Harry and Meghan regarding their health,” a source told the Mirror. “The Duke and Duchess contacted both parties in different ways to pass on their concern and best wishes.”

“Meghan has contacted Kate and Charles,” the source said. “So moves are being made to reconcile.” 

At the same time, the source noted that Meghan has been very supportive of Harry’s attempt to make things right with his family. Harry also “wishes the royals—Kate included—the very best.”

Samir Hussein/WireImage

Royal historian Marlene Koenig praised both Harry and Meghan for how they handled the situation, as per GB News.

“It was reported that they sent private messages, which would be the right thing to do,” she said.  

She believes that Harry and Meghan not speaking publicly about Kate is the right move.

However, although Kate is to return to her royal duties around Easter, Harry and Meghan could make a massive mistake by beginning to speak about the princess publicly, according to PR expert Ryan McCormick. McCormick urges the Sussexes not to refrain from speaking about Kate Middleton, at least not before she has returned to royal duty, as per the Mirror.

DUBBO, AUSTRALIA – OCTOBER 17: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex visit a local farming family, the Woodleys, on October 17, 2018 in Dubbo, Australia. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on their official 16-day Autumn tour visiting cities in Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand. (Photo by Chris Jackson – Pool/Getty Images)

“Harry and Meghan would be best suited to not make any public comments about Kate,” he said, because any public revelation could be interpreted wrongly and it could lead to more speculations.

“Anything they said would be over analysed and if they were to wish Kate speedy recovery, speculation would run rampant about what is happening behind the scenes,”

The PR expert continued, “The Duchess & Duke can slowly begin to possibly regain trust from the royal family by doing exactly as they are instructed to do.”

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