Remembering Clint Eastwood’s beloved partner


Oscar-winning actor Clint Eastwood is mourning the loss of his long-time girlfriend Christina Sandera.

Her death, confirmed on July 19, was attributed to a heart attack, with the Monterey County Health Department listing cardiac arrhythmia, an abnormal heart rhythm, and atherosclerotic coronary artery disease as contributing factors. At the time of her passing, Sandera was 61.

She and Eastwood, the iconic Dirty Harry actor, were a couple for the past decade.

Eastwood paid his tributes to his late partner in a heartfelt statement shared through the local Carmel Pine Cone newspaper. “Christina was a lovely, caring woman, and I will miss her very much,” he wrote.

Their relationship started shortly after Eastwood’s nearly 20-year marriage to his second wife, Dina, ended. The couple often kept their romance private.

They reportedly met when Sanders was a hostess at his Mission Ranch Hotel and Restaurant in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, which later became their sanctuary.

Eastwood’s daughter, Morgan Eastwood, also paid tribute to Sandera after her passing. “A devastating loss for our whole family. Thank you Christina for being a good partner to my Dad (red heart emoji) you will be missed.” 


Sandera stood by Eastwood’s side during significant events, particularly those related to his films. Their first public appearance together was at the 2015 Oscars when Eastwood’s movie American Sniper received several nominations, including Best Picture.

She remained a steadfast supporter of her partner throughout their relationship. In 2017, they attended the Cannes Film Festival together, highlighting their close bond. The following year, she accompanied Eastwood and his entire family to the premiere of his film The Mule, underscoring her significant presence in both his personal and professional life.


Despite being in a relationship with an icon, Sandera preferred to stay out of the limelight. 

Our thoughts and prayers go to Clint Eastwood and his family during this difficult time. May she rest in peace.

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Mom angry after finding teacher’s ‘warning’ message on her 7-year-old daughter’s homework


One mam shared her 7-year-old daughter’s worksheet from school and the teacher’s remark on it caused quite a stir on the social media. Namely, the girl, Alyssa, was warned not to write in cursive.

“Stop writing your name in cursive. You have been warned several times,” her teacher wrote on the paper.

According to many, although cursive is not prioritized at all schools, it does take time and practice to excel it so Alyssa should have been praised for writing in cursive, not warned not to do it.

While teachers must be respected, discouraging a child like Alyssa from practicing cursive seems unjust.

Rather than sending discouraging notes, teachers should give constructive feedback to students who choose to master this intricate art.

They should recognize the child’s dedication to cursive writing and offer positive reinforcement. Though not emphasized everywhere, cursive deserves recognition for the important skills it imparts to young learners.

What are your thoughts on this? How would you react if your child was prevented from writing in cursive?

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Bull was chained up his whole life – now watch when this animal hero cuts the lock 


Bandit the bull spent all his life tied to a chain. Sadly, he never got the chance to experience freedom and liberty.

But now, after so many years of imprisonment, this was all about to change.

Dedicating his life to rescuing animals and providing them with love and kindness, sanctuary worker Christian was determined to set Bandit free the moment he stumbled upon his story.

He knew that too many bulls share the life of Bandit, but he was willing to change that one animal at a time.

So, when he first saw Bandit, Christian took some very careful steps wanting to make sure the bull knows he’s not there to harm him in any way. Gently patting him on the head, Christian tried to gain Bandit’s trust, and he eventually succeeded in his plan.

The moment Christian removed the shackles form Bandit’s feet, the animal just couldn’t contain his joy. He performed a touching ‘dance of freedom’ and seeing him experiencing that liberating feeling for the first time ever just melted our hearts.

We hope more chained animals would be able to get what Bandit got as soon as possible.

To see Bandit’s dance go to the video below and make sure you SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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12 kids placed their parents in situations they’ve never been in before!


Moms and dads do their best to teach their kids good behavior and how to act in public. But the harsh reality is that besides all the time and effort they put in the long and tiring talks, children will sometimes still do things their way, especially when they are young and don’t take their parents’ words seriously. 

But what we love our kids is that they are honest to the core and always speak their mind.

Take a look at what children did to put their parents in unprecedented situations.













Kids can be hilarious at times, don’t you think so?

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Items in yellow that have great significance for our cherished memories of the past


A woman made a discovery and asked fellow Internet users to help her understand the use of those yellow items. As expected, she received an answer in no time.

The netizens identified the find as corn on the cob holders.

These items date back to the early 19th century when corn became a staple food in many parts of the world. Crafted from wood or bone in earlier times, these skewers were essential for consuming corn without getting burned or having difficulty with the slippery cob. How we go the extra mile for those buttery, golden kernels, right?


Over time, corn on the cob holders became more modern in both functionality and design.

With advancements in culinary tools, skewers have also evolved, now featuring ergonomic handles for better comfort and safety. It’s like the corn skewer got a high-end redesign and a top-notch pampering!

Not only they are of great use, but these items also hold cultural significance. Frequently used at summer barbecues, picnics, and outdoor gatherings, they symbolize social bonding as well as skilled craftsmanship.


Even in today’s kitchens, corn on the cob holders are essential for serving and enjoying corn. Cherished for their practical design, they allow diners to savor their corn without mess or hassle.

Modern versions feature more innovative elements like heat-resistant handles or themed designs, adding a touch of flair to dining.

What an item!

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A heartwarming tale of a lost toy and kindness


Kindness makes the world go round. It is an act that always goes a long way as it positively impacts both the giver and the receiver, fostering a sense of community and a connected society.

A mom named Helen shared a heartwarming story about the lengths one company went in order to return a precious toy.

Namely, Helen and her young son Blake was having a blast at the Pleasureland Amusements arcade in Whitby, Yorkshire. The day was filled with joy and laughter, but sadly, once they went home, they realized Blake’s favorite toy, a purple sloth toy, Slothy, was left behind.

In an attempt to track the toy down, Helen contacted the arcade, but she was told that no such toy had been turned in to lost and found.

Blake was extremely sad because he had Slothy from the day he was born and the toy meant the world to him.

Helen tried to purchase another toy exactly like Slothy, but her attempts were to no avail.

Suddenly, she received an unexpected message from Pleasureland Amusements: Slothy had been found!

Overjoyed, she shared the news with Blake, who beamed with happiness. She asked if the staff could mail Slothy back, as they were not local. Luckily, they happily agreed, and a few days later, a parcel arrived.

The package arrived with several other surprises. There were two other toys and three packages of candy. The touching note that came with Slothy read, “We thought Pablo (as we called him before knowing he was Slothy) might get scared during his journey, so we sent him with a friend and some snacks to share when he got back home safe and sound. We also included a fidget pop to keep him from getting bored. We hope Pablo, alias Slothy, remains safe in the future.”

Helen was beyond grateful for this kind act that she decided to share the story and the note on her Facebook page. She praised the kindness by the staff at Pleasureland and encouraged her friends to visit the place.

In no time, her post attracted the attention of hundreds of people who were moved to tears by the heartwarming story.

The staff at Pleasureland were met with widespread appreciation, including a “five gold stars” rating from one reader.

It is stories like this that restore our faith in humanity.

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A true hero: Mom straps baby in carseat and tosses her out second-story window just seconds before taking her final breaths


Nothing really beats mother’s love, don’t you think so? When a woman gives birth, her whole life changes and all that matters is the well-being of her bundle of joy. There is literally nothing a mom wouldn’t do for her child, and this sad and heartwarming story is just another proof of that. 

Shelby Ann Carter, a 21-year-old woman from Wyoming, Ill, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in January 2017. She and her boyfriend couldn’t be happier with the new addition to their family. Things just felt perfect for these new parents. 

But you know what they say. Things don’t always turn out the way we want and expect. Sadly, the life of this loving family turned upside down as a result of a devastating tragedy.

On January 30, the mom and her baby were staying at Shelby’s mother’s house where they lived when suddenly the place caught fire. 

The flames were spreading so quickly that the whole house got filled with heavy smoke and there was no way out. 

Firefighters came at the scene as quickly as they could and did all in their power to put the flames under control, but unfortunately, it was already way too late for Shelby to be saved. She died due to carbon monoxide poisoning. 

In the midst of the panic, Shelby tried to save her baby girl and everyone was left stunned when they realized what this mother did before she lost her life. 

Once she realized it was impossible for them to get out of the house, Shelby put the baby into the carseat, made sure she was secured with the belts, and then dropped her from the second-floor window. This woman didn’t care for her own life as long as her daughter would survive. This is sort of sacrifice only a mother can make. 

The moment the firefighters spotted the little soul, they rushed her to the hospital, praying she didn’t suffer any serious injuries from the fall. Luckily, baby Keana was completely unscathed thanks to her mommy’s love and quick-thinking. 

“It’s just incredible that she was able to pull her thoughts together to save her baby… I’d say it’s nothing short of a miracle the way it ended up”, Chief of the Wyoming-Speer Fire Protection District Ed Foglesonger told The Washington Post.

The loss of the young mother was a real tragedy that left the residents of Wyoming grieving. A baby was left without her mommy, and a family was broken forever. 

Members of the community gathered to express their condolences and were willing to help Shelby’s family rebuild their house. After the word about the tragic and heartbreaking event spread, kind-hearted people helped raise almost $40,000 in just a few weeks. 

We are deeply sorry for the loss and we feel sad Keana will never get the chance to meet her heroic mother who saved her life. 

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My little daughter accidentally exposed my husband’s secret – Her revelation made me go pale


Ivy’s childhood was heavily affected by her parents’ broken marriage. Whenever she would recall those young days of her life, there was a painful reminder of her father’s affair and her mother’s subsequent transformation into a shadow of her former self. The specter of infidelity loomed over their household, casting a shadow that Ivy couldn’t escape.

Haunted by her past, Ivy couldn’t cope with the fear that history would repeat itself in her own marriage. The wounds of her parents’ relationship ran deep, leaving her wary of ever fully committing to another person.

“I don’t think I’m going to get married, Mom,” Ivy confessed one day as they baked together, the scent of freshly baked cookies mingling with the weight of her words.

Her mother paused. “Why on earth not?” she asked, her tone a mixture of curiosity and concern.

“Look at you and Dad,” Ivy replied, with a sadness in her voice. “I’ll never be certain if my husband is cheating on me or not.”


Her mother’s response was a mixture of laughter and reassurance, a fleeting moment of levity in an otherwise heavy conversation. “Not every man will be like your father,” she chuckled. “There will be better things for you, love. And anyway, now you know what not to do.”

Despite her mother’s words of encouragement, Ivy couldn’t get rid of the fear of being hurt like her mother had been.

As the years passed, Ivy found herself hesitant to open up to anyone romantically. The fear of vulnerability, of letting someone in only to be disappointed or betrayed, kept her guarded and distant.

However, as years passed by, she met someone, a man named Jordan that she started to like.

“I’m Jordan,” he said, as they both did their shopping at the grocery store.

“Ivy,” she replied, breaking all the rules she had for herself.

Four years later, she and Jordan married.


During an occasion, Ivy’s mother said to her over the phone, “I told you, Ivy, not everyone is like your father.” And she was right, Jordan was indeed a great guy that loved her unconditionally.

Years later, what started as a typical morning, reminded Ivy about her reservations. Her husband typically handled the morning drop-offs, but that day, it was different.

As Ivy walked up the stairs, she noticed Jordan in the kitchen. When she mentioned to him that he’s supposed to drop-off their daughter, Mia, he said he couldn’t and asked Ivy to do it.

“Mom needs me to take to the doctor this morning before work,” he said, pecking her on the cheek. “She’s getting tests done, worried she might faint.”

Ivy agreed because she knew how close her husband was with his mother who always turned to him for help.

Until then, nothing spoke trouble. But then, as Ivy and her girl was having their breakfast, the pancakes Jordan made for them, Mia turned to Ivy and said, “Can I see you hand, Mommy?”


Ivy showed her her hand, and Mia gasped. “Mom! Take off your ring,” she said. “You’re only supposed to wear it at home.”

The girl’s words caused confusion at Ivy. “Sweetie, who told you that? It’s my wedding ring, I always wear it,” as she knelt to her daughter’s level.

“Dad always takes his ring off in the mornings, and he puts it behind the wardrobe. Every morning.”

“Show me where?” Ivy asked.

“You can put yours in here before we go, too. Dad always puts it here before we go to Linda.”

“Linda? Who is Linda?”

“Linda is beautiful, I want to look like Linda when I grow up,” Mia said. “Mommy, she has such long and beautiful hair.”

The truth about the ring, hidden away like a guilty secret, hinted at a reality Ivy wasn’t ready to face.

Jordan’s ring was inside the box. Mia was telling the truth. At that moment, Ivy felt like her world collapsed. Could she be living her mom’s reality? Was Jordan cheating on her? All those questions kept crossing her mind.


Ivy needed to be sure what was going on behind her back so she decided to follow Jordan the following morning and saw his parking his car next to a house she had never seen before.

As she parked a safe distance away, Ivy watched in silent agony as Jordan greeted the mysterious woman at the door with a warm embrace. The sight pierced through her heart like a dagger, confirming her worst fears.

Unable to bear the crushing weight of betrayal, Ivy retreated to the solitude of her own home, her mind consumed with a whirlwind of emotions. The hours stretched endlessly as she wrestled with her inner turmoil, torn between confronting Jordan and burying her suspicions deep within her heart.

In a moment of desperation, Ivy made a decision that would change everything. With trembling hands, she retrieved Jordan’s ring from its hiding spot and followed him again. This time, she gathered the strength to enter the house she saw her husband walking in.

However, as she looked into Jordan’s eyes, she saw something she hadn’t expected—confusion, not guilt.

“Jordan? What’s going on?” she asked.

“Oh, Ivy! What are you doing here?” he exclaimed, pulling on his overalls that were covered in paint.

“I could ask you the same thing,” Ivy responded.


“This is our new home,” he confessed. “I inherited it from Aunt Rose. I wanted us to have more space for Mia, and maybe for another child if we decide to have another baby. I’ve been working on it myself.”

Ivy didn’t know if she should trust him.

Just then, a woman walked in.

“Alone, Jordan?” Ivy asked.

“This is Linda,” Jordan introduced. “She’s the interior designer. She’s my bosses daughter, and she’s using our home as her first big project.”

“It’s so good to finally meet you, Ivy,” Linda gushed as she shook Ivy’s hand. “It’s been a privilege to work on your home. Jordan only speaks about you and Mia.”

“Linda has met Mia,” Jordan explained. “It was a quick meeting to decide on which shade of pink Mia wanted for her room.”

As Jordan explained the truth behind his actions, Ivy felt a wave of relief wash over her, mingled with a sense of shame for doubting him. In that moment, she realized that her fears had been unfounded, and that Jordan was not the man she had feared him to be.


She then told him about his ring and Jordan explained that he had been taking it off while working because he poured paint on it and it was difficult to clean it.

With a newfound sense of clarity, Ivy made a vow to herself and to her marriage—to trust in Jordan, even in the face of uncertainty, and to never let doubt cloud their love again. And as they sat together in the kitchen, surrounded by the warmth of their family, Ivy knew that their bond was stronger than ever before.

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