Man finds 50-year-old wallet inside abandoned locker – the photos inside leave him speechless


Treasure hunting is a hobby for some, but a full time profession for others. Treasure hunters scavenge people’s homes, garages, and basements for treasure and they bid for storage units with unclaimed goods, so they never really know what they will stumble upon. Sometimes, they end up with nothing, but other times, they discover valuable finds.

Anton Lulgjuraj started his journey of buying up old storage units in New York state years ago. He has never found anything life-changing, but he did find a wallet once which made for a newspaper worth story.

Credit / YouTube

When Anton bought a storage, he ended up with a bunch of stuff belonging to an Air Force pilot. What caught Anton’s attention, however, was a small locker. When he cracked it open, he discovered a warn out wallet inside.

The wallet belonged to a woman named Diane Hall. There was a California driver’s license from the late 1960s, an actor’s equity card, and a handful of old photographs inside, which tickled Anton’s curiosity. He wanted to learn more and even try and find the person this wallet belonged to.

Credit / Getty Images –JB Lacroix / Contributor

As he dig through the Internet, he realized that Diane Hall was in fact actress Diane Keaton.

He thought she would like to have her old wallet so he sent her a message, but didn’t get a response, well, not until his story got picked up by the media.

“I think anybody always hopes that like if they lose a wallet, there’s a hope that, you know, one day you’ll get your wallet back,” Anton said. “And you know, so like, this is great.”

When Diane read the story in New York Daily News, she posted on Instagram that she was delighted with Anton’s find.



We are glad the Something’s Gotta Give star acknowledged Anton’s discovery.

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Cow cries constantly for missing baby, then looks through the fence and loses control


There is nothing a mother wouldn’t do for their little ones. A dog, a cat, or a human, does it make any difference? Separating a mother from her babies is the ultimate act of cruelty, but it seems nothing is sacred to some people, not even family.

A cow named Karma lived on a farm of terrible conditions. The place was rather small and very filthy, so she was eventually rescued and taken to a much better place.

Photo: Gentlebarn/YouTube

However, although she was taken to a much better home, Karma was heavily disturbed and wouldn’t stop crying. That is when one of the rescuers at California’s Gentle Barn Sanctuary noticed that her udders were full of milk and realized she must have recently had a calf. They weren’t told about that and had no idea where the calf could have been.

Photo: Gentlebarn/YouTube

They decided to call the farm where Karma used to live and were told that she had a baby which was on the way to the butcher’s.

Karma’s rescuers knew they needed to do everything in their power to track her calf down. Luckily, the truck the calf was traveling with broke down and it gave enough time for Karma’s rescuers to save her little one too.

Photo: Gentlebarn/YouTube

Once they got to the calf, they calmed Karma down before she and the baby were reunited.

The reunion was a sweet one. You can see it below.

We would like to thank everyone involved in the rescue of Karma and her calf.

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Adopted dog returns to shelter 11 times – then staff realize the heartbreaking truth


People working at shelters see all kinds of animals and hear a lot of different stories of why owners decide to surrender their pets. Of course, they don’t always trust those stories and know there is always something more behind the owners’ words. The truth is that many animals do end up in shelters where they spend their days until the right family for them comes along.

Gumby, a beautiful and loving dog, was taken to a Charleston, South Carolina, shelter during the Fall of 2014. The moment they saw him, the shelter staff knew it would be long until Gumpy found his forever home because he was playful and lovable. Well, they were right. Just a few days at the place, someone asked to adopt him. However, they took him back just three days later.

© Facebook/Charleston Animal Society

Believe it or not, this happened ten times, two of which showed Gumpy returning to the shelter on his own.

This was sort of a mystery for those working at the shelter, but they soon realized there was a reason why Gumpy didn’t want to leave the shelter. He believed it was his home and he felt as though he was needed there. And that was true. Whenever a new dog walked through the shelter doors, Gumpy was there to greet them with tremendous empathy, and he he would do everything he could to make the newly arrived dogs feel more at home, as they quite often arrived distressed.

© Facebook/Charleston Animal Society

Gumpy has become a very important dog not only for the shelter but for the entire community. He was once featured in an annual local firemen calendar to raise money for charity. On top of it, he became a regular blood donor as it turned out his blood group is suitable for both dogs and cats.

We all need someone as lovely and as fascinating as Gumpy in our lives.

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Pit bull without a leash rushes towards screaming child, then owner discovers horrible reason why


There is no such thing as a bad dog, maybe just bad owners who fail to teach their furry pets the right behavior. When a dog is mistreated, it’s not unusual for them to turn aggressive, but that again, isn’t the dog’s fault.

Out of all dog breeds out there, Pit Bulls are considered to be most vicious. Their bad reputation is a result of humans treatment towards them. They have been used for dog frights for so long that they now stand for aggression. But the Pit bull from this story proves this common believe to be completely wrong by stepping in for a young boy and saving his life.

The story was shared by a woman named Stacie Rae English, the sister of a Pit Bull owner named Hurley.

Facebook/ LoveWhatMatters

Writing for Love what Matters, Stacie explained that her brother Shelby was walking Hurley at around 10 pm and let him off the leash so that he could run around when they heard a young boy screaming so Hurley took off after the scream.


“With my brother close behind, he saw Hurley grab a copper head snake away from the little boy and fling it around, later found out he had killed it. The little boy ran to his mothers vehicle and drove off so fast that my brother was unable to find out any information on the little boy. (We are assuming because they left so fast that he was bitten and being rushed to the ER) My brother then went on to call animal control and the Highland Village Cops showed up to check out the scene,” Stacie wrote.

“They asked to take a look at Hurley to see if he was bitten. To my brothers surprise, he was bleeding, had a swollen neck and foaming from his mouth. Sure enough, they found two puncture wounds in his upper lip. Shelby rushed Hurley to Denton Animal Emergency Hospital where he stayed the night so they could check his blood clotting ability multiple times through out the night.”

Luckily, Hurley was sent home and is doing fine, except his face is still swollen.


“It was later discovered the little boy had come across a copper head nest and hopefully Hurley prevented him from getting bitten, or at least getting bitten multiple times. We are still trying to find out who the little boy is and make sure he is okay. Here’s our hero pit bull. I’d like for his story to get around for those who judge his breed.”

We are glad everything turned out for the best for both Hurley and the boy he saved.

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Two nursing home workers caught on tape abusing 98-year-old grandma


Minnie Graham’s life in the nursing home was supposed to be peaceful. This 98-year-old lady was admitted to the nursing home with promises that she will miss nothing and she will be under constant care and support. It turned out those promises were not quite true.

One day Minnie started complaining to her family that the staff was mistreating her. She added that the staff’s behavior towards her was awful, particularly that of the nurse that was assigned to take care of her. These claims were not taken too seriously by the family at that moment. However, very soon other signs made them think twice.

Very soon the family witnessed something very shocking. There were bruises on Minnie’s body. Later, she appeared to have a black eye, which made them quite worried. Minnie’s daughter and granddaughters wanted some answers about these horrible things.

The staff told the family that Minnie fell from the wheelchair and got the bruises. They told the family that there was nothing to worry about. But, the family knew there was more than what they were told. 

The granddaughters wanted to find out what was going on. Therefore, they decided to put a camera in Mannie’s room. The camera was hidden in a clock. After some time, the family saw something horrible. They couldn’t believe their eyes!

It turned out that their beloved grandma was abused by two employees, Brenna Tiller and Iwuchukwu Ekechukwu. In one of the footages, they were shows spraying water on Minnie’s face and forcing a cloth into her mouth that had just been used to clean her body.

It took some time for the two cruel workers to be punished for what they did, but through initiative and determination, the family witnessed justice being served before Minnie passed away.

According to Rasansky Law Firm, Ekechukwu was reportedly convicted for a felony with five years of probation and had her nursing home license revoked, but Tiller continued to work at different facility and authorities have been unable to track her down. 

For more on this story go to the video below.

It goes without saying that absolutely no one deserves this sort of treatment, particularly not someone so weak and vulnerable as Minnie.

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‘It doesn’t sound like a good idea:’ Princess Anne delivers shock news days before King Charles’ coronation


Princess Anne, the daughter of late Queen Elizabeth and sister of King Charles, has kept quiet about the royal family despite everything they have gone through, including Meghan and Harry’s split from the Firm, Harry’s book, and everything her brother Andrew has been involved in during the past couple of years.

This time, however, she decided to open up about the future of the Royal Family and people praised her for the intelligent and eloquent interview.

During the wide-ranging interview with the Canadian channel CBC News, which took place four days ahead of the much-awaited coronation of King Charles, Princess Anne was asked, among the rest, about the reports that her brother intends to overhaul the institution, or better said, to “slim down” the monarchy.


Reports are that Charles’ thoughts on ‘cutting down’ the monarchy were present even when Queen Elizabeth was still alive.

“Prince Charles has wanted for a very long time to cut the monarchy down to save costs and to make people be worth the money that they got from the taxpayer,” Angela Levin, a royal expert, told TalkRADIO, as per Express. “I imagine that might be when Harry and Meghan are ditched from being members of the Royal family.”

Slimming down the monarchy would mean that the working royals, including the King himself, as well as William and Kate, would take on more duties. Speaking of it, Princess Anne said, “Well, I think the ‘slimmed-down’ [comment] was said in a day when there were a few more people around … [to] make that seem like a justifiable comment.” She then added: “It doesn’t sound like a good idea from where I’m standing, I would say. I’m not quite sure what else we can do.”

BBC Channel 5

Princess Anne is set to take part in the coronation procession as the Gold-Stick-in-Waiting.

“The direction of the King’s decision is clear for all to see,” a royal source revealed. “He is rewarding the Princess Royal for her loyalty and her unwavering devotion to duty above all else. The King values his sister as a trusted lieutenant, and this is the perfect example of such a relationship.”

In her new interview, Princess Anne, who is 16th in line of succession, was further questioned as to whether there are “conversations about relevance” taking place within the Royal Family.

She replied: “There will be everywhere. It’s not a conversation that I would necessarily have. I think it’s perfectly true that it is a moment where you need to have that discussion.

“But I would just underline that the monarchy provides, with the constitution, a degree of long-term stability that is actually quite hard to come by any other way.”


Over the years, the number of those who are in favor of the monarchy has decreased. Referring to this, the Princess said, “Well, we don’t in many respects need to deal with it, not least of all because it is the monarch that is the key to this, and the constitution that underpins the monarchy.”

“We as a family see ourselves there to support that role. What we do, we hope, contributes to the monarchy and the way in which it can convey continuity, of not just interest, but of service, of understanding, the way that people in communities want to live their lives.

She then concluded: “And I think so often we get the chance to see communities and the people who do things really well and are very generous with their time in a way that, if you look at the media, you tend not to get that impression.”


Princess Anne is considered to be the hardest-working royal.

What are your thoughts on slimmed-down monarchy?

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King Charles breaks silence after receiving death threats, days before the coronation


When the late Queen was crowned some 70 years ago, Charles was just a three-year-old boy, who was totally unaware that the event he attended laid the foundation for him to become King one day. And that day has finally arrived.

May 6th marks the start of a new era for Britain. The much-awaited coronation is mere hours away and all eyes are on the British royal family and the big event.

British media outlets have speculated that the coronation will cost around $120 million, though neither Downing Street nor Buckingham Palace has confirmed the validity of this information.

A recent survey by YouGov shows that 32 per cent believe the coronation should be funded by the government, while the rest believe King Charles should pay for out of his own pocket. His fortune is estimated at £1.8 billion (around $2.2 billion).

Daniel Leal – WPA Pool/Getty Images

The event would be attended by around 100 heads of state, and security services have been preparing for it for months. A record 11,500 police will be working on the coronation in what is set to be the most extensive security operation in British history.

The security will additionally include military personnel and three helicopters from the Metropolitan Police Air Support Unit from Essex will be in the air, along with other aircraft.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Besides those who would be there to greet and support the new King and the Queen Consort, there will also be those who would protest. In fact, protests have been held on multiple occasions since the passing of Queen Elizabeth by those who don’t want to pay for the lavish lifestyle of the members of the monarchy and want it shut down.

“What we will not stand for and what we will not have is anyone committing criminal acts in the name of protest,” Deputy Assistant Commissioner Adelekan said.

“We will come down very swiftly to intervene, to make sure that people that are going about their normal business that just want to enjoy the coronation are not interfered with.”

Picture taken in May, 2022. (

An incident which took place earlier this week raised a red flag, despite the fact that security has been as tight as it’s ever been in London as the coronation approaches.

At about 7pm local time on Tuesday, a man was taken for questioning after throwing what’s been reported as shotgun shells into the grounds of Buckingham Palace. The person was reported to have shouted: “I’m going to kill the king.” He was also carrying a knife.

“He was in his thirties. He’s been here the last few nights shouting, ‘I’m going to kill the King!’” one witness told The Sun. “As soon as he placed the bag on the ground, the police jumped on him. They were shouting at him, ‘Get down on the floor.’”

Following the incident, Charles and Camilla, who weren’t home at the time the man exposed his threats, posted on their official Instagram account. They wrote, “Three days to go… #Coronation.”

Belinda Jiao/Getty Images

The suspect placed a bag by the gates to the palace grounds. Inside, there was a mobile phone, passports, bank cards, a laptop case, and a copy of the book The Happiness Advantage, about using positive psychology to “enhance individual achievement.”

“Specialists attended and, following an assessment, a controlled explosion was conducted as a precaution,” the Metropolitan Police said in a statement.

“Officers worked immediately to detain the man, and he has been taken into police custody. There have been no reports of any shots fired or any injuries. Further enquiries are ongoing.”

We hope there won’t be any incidents during the coronation.

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9-year-old dies 10 minutes after posing with this note: Police soon discover terrible mistake that killed her


What was supposed to be the start of a new milestone for a 9-year-old named Payton Crustner turned into a tragedy which claimed her life.

Payton was starting fourth grade so her family thought it would nice to take a photo of their girl holding a sign with the date and the message “1st Day of 4 Grade” written on it. Payton was all smile when she posed, not knowing that her life would end mere minutes later.

Tragically, this beautiful young lady didn’t reach the classroom as she and her family got involved in a deadly car crash on their way to school. While Payton’s mom, 32-year-old Miranda, was driving the car, 18-year-old Marcus Wayne Dukes, who was driving on the highway when he turned left and veered into oncoming traffic, collided with Miranda’s car. At the moment of the crash, Payton was thrown out of the vehicle and was declared dead at the scene.

Marcus Dukes / Facebook

The rest of the passengers, including Miranda and a 3-year-old girl whose identity hadn’t been revealed sustained minor injuries. Miranda’s son was in a critical condition but was eventually released from the hospital. He wasn’t wearing a seat belt nor was the 3-year-old.

Miranda had a seat belt on when the accident happened, and Payton had one as well, but hers was a lower belt which failed to keep her safely strapped in.

A member of the grieving family started a GoFundMe page to help them with the funeral expenses which helped raise almost $18,000.

“Payton Lynn Crustner, 9 years old, was taken from this world this morning before her first day of 4th grade, please keep this family in your prayers,” the post read.

We are so very sorry for this tragic loss that serves as a reminder of the importance of wearing a seat belt, which is probably the most important safety feature in a car.

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