The tragic reason Meghan never wanted Prince Archie to attend UK school revealed


The issue of privacy, when the British Royals are in question, is a tricky one. No matter how much they desire to keep certain aspects of their life private, the media will always find a way to expose every secret, no matter how huge or small.

Prince Harry, who is known to feel a dose of resentment against the British media as he believes they are partially to be blamed for his mother’s tragic passing, seems to be enjoying outfoxing the press.

When his son Archie was born, Harry wasn’t much interested in revealing details surrounding the birth of the baby. However, he was forced into sharing with the people that Archie arrived into the world due to the breach of the “unwritten contract between the royals and the public.”


In her book The New Royals: Queen Elizabeth’s Legacy and the Future of the Crown, author Katie Nicholl described Harry as “almost morbidly obsessed” with keeping Archie’s birth as secretive as possible.

“Behind the scenes, matters were so fraught that more than one official — as I know from personal experience — was reduced to tears of frustration and despair,” Rebecca English, royal editor of the Daily Mail, added.

Unlike his father, his uncle, and his cousins, who were all born at St Mary’s Hospital, Archie was born at the Portland Hospital because Meghan’s doctor worked there, so it made sense. The real reason for this, however, according to many, was Harry’s attempt to outsmart the press as the place made nearly impossible for photos to be taken due to safety considerations around the entrance.

“He and Meghan were thrilled to be safely delivered of their son in London’s private Portland hospital even before the palace press office had confirmed the duchess was in labor,” Nicholl wrote.

Toby Melville – Pool/Getty Images

Speaking of the day Archie was born, Meghan recalled in the Netflix documentary, “There was already the pressure of the picture on the steps. … But I had been really worried going into that labor because I’m older, I didn’t know if I’d have to have a c-section, and I had a very longstanding relationship with my doctor, and that’s who I trusted with my pregnancy.”

Two days following the birth of their first child, the Sussexes agreed to participate in a brief photo session, where one reporter got to ask questions.

With Harry and Meghan moving to the United States, Archie’s life would be quite different than that of George, Charlotte, and Louis. For one, Archie is reported to be speaking with an American accent.


Obviously, he will attend an American school, which is something Meghan must be happy about.

In a piece for the New York magazine, The Cut, journalist Allison P. Davies recalled a conversation she had with Meghan during which she stated that she didn’t want her son Archie to attend school in the UK due to safety concerns.

“Earlier in our conversation about her goals for the life she’s creating here, she’d remarked upon how, if Archie were in school in the UK, she’d never be able to do school pickup and drop-off without it being a royal photo call with a press pen of 40 people snapping pictures,” Davies wrote, as quoted by Yahoo.

Meghan told Allison: “Sorry, I have a problem with that. That doesn’t make me obsessed with privacy. That makes me a strong and good parent protecting my child.”


In fact, safety concerns was also one of the reasons why Harry and Meghan stepped down from their royal duties and chose a life away from the British media.

Harry believed that the paparazzi culture is “this sort of rabid feeding frenzy. Kids don’t get a choice; they don’t get a say in it.”

“We spent the first three and a half months living at [friend] Tyler Perry’s house,” Harry continued. “The helicopters, the drones, the paparazzi cutting the fence, like, it was madness. And people out there, their response was, ‘What do you expect if you live in LA?’

“First of all, we didn’t mean to live in LA. This is a staging area to try and find a house. Secondly, how sad that if you live in LA and you’re a well-known figure, you just have to expect it.”

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The life story and the career of news anchor David Muir, one of the most handsome men on TV


Dreams do come true. You don’t believe that? Just take a look at the life story of one of the most famous TV names in America, news anchor David Muir.

Believe it or not, this man that millions are waiting for to give them the news has always wanted to be a journalist, even when he was just a young boy. At 10 years old, Muir had a cardboard-box-made studio in the middle of the family living room.


The New York native found inspiration in the work of Peter Jennings.

“I didn’t care. I thought Peter Jennings was the James Bond of evening news,” Muir told People. Muir wanted to be a journalist so badly that he never missed the evening news and even dressed as a reporter for Halloween when the rest of his friends were characters from their favorite cartoons, superheroes, and cowboys.

“When I look back at it as an adult, when I was a kid and I wanted to see the world, that for me meant covering the severe thunderstorms in the next county or going to the New York State Fair with the local reporter and photographer who were willing to let me jump in the backseat of the car,” Muir told USA Today.

“Now, I am literally seeing the world. I’m grateful for that, and I could not have put words to it when I was a kid, but it’s all the same hunger that drives me today.”


Muir’s career in journalism started when he was just 12.

Namely, he spent that summer sending letters to local news outlets asking to be invited to see how everything works inside the studio. Then, one day, he received a letter back from local journalist and anchor Ron Curtis who invited Muir to be an intern at WTVH Channel 5. The letter said: “Competition in television news is keen. There’s always room for the right person. It could be you,” and these are words that Muir will never forget.

“I remember all of their names, and they’re all my mentors. I’m grateful to this day, and it’s the driving principle of what I do every day. I really, strongly believe that when we get a chance at our dreams, we have to turn around and recognize that we are keeping the seat warm for the next person who has that dream,” Muir said.

Muir attended college and majored in Journalism.

During his studies, he spent a semester in Spain where he learned the language fluently. In fact, as he said, “This was so pivotal. This was living with a family, attending school in Spanish,” after he interviewed Pope Francis in Spanish in 2015.

After graduation, Muir worked for WTVH Channel 5 for five years before he moved to Boston and took a job as a journalist at WCVB. His reports from the Middle East, the Gaza Strip and Tel Aviv following the death of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin earned him numerous awards and the so much awaited spot at ABC.


In 2011, Muir was made the sole anchor of ABC’s weekend show World News with David Muir, and in 2014 he replaced Diane Sawyer.

“You have seen David Muir at this desk, in this chair so many times. You know his command and commitment to bringing you the news,” Sawyer said on her final day at the job. “I cannot wait to see you in high gear.”

Youtube/Jimmy Kimmel

Muir has always spoken of just how much his job means to him because it represents his childhood dream come true, and not many can say they work what they always wished for.

“I have always felt if I could not be the reporter I was before I got this job, that people who got to know me through the reporting I’ve done would wonder, ‘What happened to this guy?’” Muir told LA Times. “I hope that, over time, people will see that thirst and hunger for curiosity is truly what drives me. It fuels me. I hope they see it in this newscast every night.”


The number of awards Muir received throughout his career is huge. Among the rest, he won an Emmy for outstanding live coverage and the Edward R. Murrow award for his reporting from Mogadishu on the famine in Somalia.

In 2014, handsome Muir got another kind of award when People Magazine placed him on the list of “Sexiest Man Alive.”


From what is known about this handsome 47-year-old journalist is that he’s still single and has a net worth of $20 million.

Despite being a household name many Americans adore, Muir is a humble guy who always puts his family first.

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Mom on a mission to show daughter with extremely rare birthmark that she is beautiful


As long as we accept and cherish those that are somewhat different in one way or another, this world would be a great place.

When baby Winry was welcomed into the world, her parents noticed a patch on her face. They thought it was a bruise at first, but doctors told them the little one was born with congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN), an extremely rare birthmark.

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“When they first handed her to me, I thought it was a bruise. It was then quickly apparent to my husband and I that it was not a bruise. And like the name, I thought it looked a lot like a mole,” mom Nicole Hall told Good Morning America. 

”I was lucky to have a pretty average pregnancy! I had morning sickness from about weeks 8-14, but as soon as that let up I felt great until the tiredness kicked in the last month,” she writes on her blog, adding that no one could possibly knew that the little one would have such a birthmark on her face.

”Some of the excitement of labor had passed, and I would say worry was the main emotion I felt – I recognized that it resembled a mole, but I had never seen anything like it, and I was worried it might be harmful to her. None of the nurses had said anything about it at this point, but I wasn’t sure what to ask so I just held her tight and loved on her.”

According to a report by the National Organization for Rare Diseases by Dr. Harper Price of Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Dr. Heather Etchevers of Marseille Medical Genetics, Winry’s condition causes light brown to black patches which can appear in many different ways and on different parts of the body.

Having this birthmark means there’s a potential risk of developing a melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Although that risk is relatively low, Nicole always makes sure to put a hat on Winry’s head whenever they are out in the sun. She also puts sunscreen on her baby’s face and takes every precaution.

“Her health and happiness are our top priority. We have to monitor her with sunscreen. I’m careful with hats and that sort of thing. I know our regular dermatology appointment is probably going to be our best friend growing up,” Nicole says.

Winry’s parents are aware there would be stares as their girl grows up, and probably later in life too, so they do all in their power to help raise awareness about CMN.

“For a lot of people, this is the first time seeing a birthmark like hers and that’s part of why I enjoy sharing,” Nicole says. “This is a good conversation for parents with their children to see kids have differences, or for those parents who do have a kid that looks like Winry or has any kind of a birthmark to see their child represented.”

Winry is a happy and a healthy girl, and her mom and dad hope that once she becomes aware of her birthmark she would accept it as part of her and would cherish her difference.

“She just radiates joy. She’s almost always laughing or shrieking. She is just the happiest baby I have ever seen,” shared the mom. “She’s a big talker already. We haven’t got a whole lot of words out, but she tells you like it is and she’s already getting a little bit of sassiness, so I think we’re gonna have a lot on our hands.”

Through her TikTok videos which feature now 13-month-old Winry, Nicole is getting to a number of people and spreading awareness. They have already been contacted by other parents whose children have CMN, among which a family from Brazil whose son has almost identical birthmark as that of Winry.

At least they know they are not alone.

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Family shares miraculous update on 10-year-old girl in coma after boat crash – ‘she’s awake’


This is the miraculous story of a 10-year-old girl named Rielynn Martin who was involved in a boat crash and ended up in a coma, but somehow, managed to survive.

The scary occurrence took place on on Memorial Day, May 25, when two boats, including the one in which Rielynn and her family were, collided. The collision forced the girl to flow off the boat and hit the propeller of the other boat. 

“We went out to the lake for Memorial (Day) Weekend [and] we go to the lake a lot. My kids love outdoors,” Rielynn’s father, Chad Martin, explained.

Following the accident, the girl was transferred to the hospital. “It crushed her skull, it is embedded in her brain. So, she had actual damaged pieces in her brain. They got that situated and put a plate in there, bolted it [and] fixed the bad part of the skull,” Chad said.

“I want prayers, prayers are everything. Prayer is what got my daughter to where she’s at now. Medical bills are gonna be tough, I think out the roof. I got another daughter to support, it’s gonna be tough,” the devastated dad added.


Rielynn underwent an emergency surgery but was placed on a ventilator because she was unable to breathe on her own and was effective in a coma.

According to the doctors, her chances of waking up were dull, but this girl proved to be a hero and fought for herself as hard as she could, and now a miracle regarding her health condition is on the way, her parents say.

On her Facebook page titled “Rally for Rielynn,” her mom and dad shared an update which made people happy. According to it, Rielynn started breathing on her own and is now off life support.

“She’s awake!! On command! Answering questions and following directions. She recognized all of us. We turned off her vent so she’s also breathing on her own. I took off her sock and told her to wiggle her toes and she did… daddy asked if she wanted her sock back on and she shook her head yes!! That girl and her dogs.”

Although this is happy news, Rielynn’s family is aware that there is a long was of recovery ahead of them.

In order to help them with the medical expenses, a GoFundMe page has been set up.

We truly hope for the best outcome and pray for a speedy recovery of this beautiful girl.

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Sandra Bullock’s secret vow exchange to Bryan Randall revealed: a timeline of their private love story


The news of the passing of actress Sandra Bullock’s partner, Bryan Randall, shattered many hearts.

Randall died following a battle with ALS which he kept secret from the public. Those who knew Randall but were unaware of his illness were left in complete shock.

The news was confirmed by Randall’s family.

 “With deep sadness, we announce that Bryan Randall peacefully departed on August 5th, concluding a valiant 3-year battle against ALS.

“Bryan made the deliberate choice to keep his fight with ALS private, and those of us who cared for him diligently respected his wish.”

The statement continued: “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the unwavering medical professionals who guided us through the complexities of this ailment, and to the exceptional nurses who became an integral part of our lives, often putting their own families aside to stand by ours. During this period, we kindly ask for privacy as we mourn and attempt to come to grips with the painful reality of bidding farewell to Bryan.”


Bullock and Randall met when he was hired as a photographer for her son’s birthday in January 2015. They started dating a few months later and shortly after, when they were both already convinced they were meant for one another, they had their first Red Carpet debut together.

Their first public appearance together was at the wedding of Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux.

Later the couple was photographed having a wonderful time together at the Craig’s Restaurant in West Hollywood.

The two weren’t married, but has now been revealed that the two exchanged vows in the Bahamas in a private, not legally binding ceremony, as per the Daily Mail.

Bullock had her hair braided for the occasion and wore a kaftan. Source shared with ET Online that the ceremony was held “for the children, to kind of seal the deal and show them this was a forever thing.”

People close to the couple revealed that Bullock’s adopted children called Randall ‘daddy.’


Speaking of his relationship with Louis and Laila, Bullock revealed in a 2018 interview, “He’s super kind. For the kids, he’s sort of No. 1. and I’m No. 2. But I get it because he’s more fun and has better treats.” 

Although the Ocean 8 star is known as someone who rarely shares insights of her private life, she opened up about her partner in a Red Table Talk appearance during which she revealed that Randall was the “love of [her] life.”

The actress said, “I am someone who went through the divorce process.” She added, “I found the love of my life. We share two beautiful children, three children — his older daughter. Best thing ever. So, I don’t want to say do it like I do it but I don’t need a paper to be a devoted partner, a devoted mother. I don’t need to be told to be ever-present in the hardest of times. I don’t need to be told to weather a storm with a good man.”

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The news of Bryan Randall’s passing is simply heartbreaking.

Our hearts and thoughts go to Sandra Bullock and Randall’s family.

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Donnie Wahlberg hands single mom jaw-dropping tip at IHOP – tells her ‘open it when we leave’


Turning a new leaf and starting your life over is something not many people have the courage to do. However, a woman named Bethany Provencher isn’t one of those people who are afraid of challenges and new beginnings.

This woman, who is a single mom of an 11-year-old boy, packed all of her belongings and moved to St. Charles, Illinois for a fresh start after 18 years in Miami.

Having worked in the customer service industry for 25 years, she quickly found a job as a server at the local IHOP. She even moved into a new apartment but didn’t have any money to furnish it.

YouTube / WCVB

One day, while on the job, she spotted two familiar faces, that of singer-songwriter Donnie Wahlberg and his wife Jenny McCarthy.

As Danny has been one of Bethany’s favorite singers, she was happy to be their server. What she didn’t know, however, was that the day would turn even better.

When they finished with their lunch, Donnie and Jenny paid the bill, which was $35.27, and left Bethany a message on the receipt which read, “Thanks, Bethany, Happy New Year2020 Tip Challenge,” leaving her a generous tip of $2,020.

LOS ANGELES, CA – NOVEMBER 23: Actress Jenny McCarthy and actor/singer Donnie Wahlberg arrive at the 2014 American Music Awards at Nokia Theatre L.A. Live on November 23, 2014 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)

They asked her not to open the receipt until they left. Once she got the chance to take a look at it, she noticed the generous tip. Needless to say, Bethany was over the moon.

Kind gestures like this one can certainly make everyone’s day. For more on the story go to the video below.

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Betty White’s assistant posts icon’s final message to fans, days before she passed away


Betty White was an icon in her own right. She gave the world a million reasons to smile and kept her positive outlook on life until the very end. She often said that laughter was what kept her going and advised her fans to laugh as much as they can.

With her iconic roles in shows such as The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Golden Girls, she impacted the world of film forever. Known as a pioneer of early television and with a career spanning seven decades, she will always be remembered as one of the greatest actresses that have ever existed.

“Nobody knew going in that The Mary Tyler Moore Show would be an all-time classic,” she said in her 1997 Television Academy interview. “In the fourth season, I got a call one week, would I do that week’s Mary Tyler Moore Show, from casting. They wanted a happy homemaker who was a sickening, icky Betty White type.”

Source: Getty Images

For her role of Sue Ann Nivens, White received two Emmy Awards for Outstanding Continuing Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.

“When they announced my name that night, and Ed Asner presented it to me, I was a mess,” White recalled.

“I was so excited, so happy. And so grateful. I started out as an actress in the business, but then I did game shows and talk shows. I became a ‘television personality.’ So everybody was so surprised. ‘Why Betty can act, isn’t that amazing?’ It really did turn my career completely around.”

Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

She was married three times, with her last husband, Allen Ludden, being the biggest love of her life. She missed him dearly after his passing in 1981, and according to her long time friend and agent Jeff Witjas, White was never afraid of leaving this world because that meant she would reunite with Ludden again.

One thing White regretted was that she didn’t accept Ludden’s offer to marry him right away. At the time, she lived in California and he resided in New York, and for some reason, she had a hard time making a decision to leave her home and move to The Big Apple.

“I spent a whole year, wasted a whole year that Allen and I could have had together, saying, ‘No, I wouldn’t marry him. No, I won’t, No, I won’t leave California. No, I won’t move to New York,’” she recalled in an interview with Oprah. “I wasted a whole year we could have had together.”

Frank Edwards/Fotos International/Getty Images

White lived her life to the fullest. She was looking forward to her milestone birthday, but sadly, she died just two weeks before turning 100. Shortly before her passing, she was forced to do something she didn’t like. As it turned out, she loved residing in her ocean-side house in Carmel, California, just outside Monterey, which she and her late husband Allen Ludden built in 1978. However, she spent the last years of her life in her Los Angeles home where she had at-home care – and her Carmel house was too inaccessible.

“She never wanted to leave her home in Carmel but was forced to for at-home care,” a source told The Post. “Los Angeles was more accessible.”  

“If she had it her way, Betty would’ve lived and died in that home [in Carmel]. It’s the home she shared with her husband. It’s where she felt more comfortable.”

White died of natural causes in her sleep, her agent confirmed. “The arrangements are being handled privately, and that was Betty’s wish,” Witjas told People. “As in life, she never wanted people to make a fuss over her.”


On what was supposed to be White’s 100th birthday, many of her colleagues posted tributes, honoring her. Among them was White’s assistant of many years, Kiersten. Through Betty White’s fan page, she posted a heartfelt tribute along with the last photo of her.

“Hello Everyone! It’s Kiersten. Betty’s Assistant. On this special day, I wanted to share this photo of Betty. It was taken on 12/20/21,” Kirsten wrote.

“I believe it’s one of the last photos of her. She was radiant and beautiful and as happy as ever. Thanks to all of you who are doing kind things today and every day to make the world a better place.”

The photo reveals that White was full of life until the end. She truly is a legend the world will never forget. Rest in peace, Betty White, you are dearly missed.

Betty was to celebrate her 100th birthday on January 17. The momentous milestone was to be celebrated with a once-in-a-lifetime movie event named Betty White: 100 Years Young – A Birthday Celebration.

The film was supposed to include details of Betty’s life and her career of many years, as well as new interviews and behind-the-scenes material.

“Who doesn’t love a party?!? This one is gonna be GREAT!” White said in a statement.


Mere days prior to her passing, Betty recorded a clip which was released following her passing. “I just want to thank you all for your love and support over the years. Thank you so much, and stick around,” White could be heard saying in the clip recorded on December 20.

Her team, including Kiersten, asked from fans to donate to animal shelters and rescues, two causes close to the late actress’ heart.

It was part of the Betty White Challenge, which went viral after her passing.

“She could never have imagined such an outpouring of love and would have been so grateful to everyone,” they wrote.

“She was using the occasion of her 100th birthday to celebrate YOU — her fans, she knew how lucky she was.

“She felt the love, and she never took it for granted. I think it’s appropriate to post today as a thank [you] from Betty and the animals.”

Betty White was one of a kind. She is truly missed.

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Princess Charlotte’s painful ‘Granny Diana’ Mother’s Day words about Prince William


The life of the British royals have always been an intriguing one. There have been times throughout the years when all eyes were on them, such as when the affair between then-prince Charles and Camilla have been revealed, the tragic death of Princess Diana, and Megxit, to name a few.

The royal children are not exception when it comes to the public’s interest in one of the most influential families in the world.

Take princess Charlotte for example. She is the second child of the Prince and Princess of Wales and their only daughter. Her older brother, Prince George, is second in line to the throne, but she, although being the granddaughter of the current King will likely not be a working royal but she would need to work for a living, according to royal experts. This is due to Charles’ wish to slim down the monarchy.

“From what I hear, the Prince and Princess of Wales want Charlotte, aged seven, to grow up with the expectation that she will get a job and not be a full-time royal,” royal expert Richard Eden told the Mirror.

“This path for the young Princess would be in keeping with her grandfather, King Charles III’s, vision for a slimmed-down monarchy.”

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Charlotte is truly a special young lady whose personality shines through more and more. Many agree that she resembles her late grandmother, Princess Diana, and it seems like this resemblance is not limited to looks only. On the contrary, it looks like Charlotte also shares her grandma’s caring and loving nature.

On the day of her grandfather’s coronation, Charlotte wore a crown for a very first time. Why, you may wonder. Well, that’s because of the royal rule which states that royals can’t wear a crown until they’re married – this applied to both Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle. Of course, there have been exceptions in the past. Princess Anne, for once, wore tiaras every now and then before marrying Mark Phillips.

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

“Expect Charlotte in a dainty coronet [small crown] – perhaps even the one the late Queen wore to her father’s coronation aged 10 – and the two brothers in frock coats and breeches,” historian Tessa Dunlop told the Mirror.

“Kate loves dressing up her children, so objections are unlikely. And the money shot everyone will want is a snap of the three siblings in their finery alongside the King and the Queen on Buckingham Palace balcony after the service.”


Just to show how special and how caring Charlotte is, Prince William and Princess Kate shared some of their children’s cards made for Mother’s Day from the previous years. The children, however, not only wrote cards for their mom but also for their late grandmother, Princess Diana.

“Dear Granny Diana, I am thinking of you on mother’s day,” Charlotte wrote in her card. “I love you very much. Papa is missing you. Lots of love, Charlotte”.


Meanwhile, George wrote: “Dear granny Diana, Happy happy Mother’s Day. I love you very much and think of you always, sending lots of love from George.”

Louis, who was just two at the time drew some animals which he stuck on the cards.

In the past, William opened up about his mother and revealed how he speaks genuinely of her in front of his children. “We’ve got more photos up around the house now of her, and we talk about her a bit and stuff. It’s hard because obviously, [Kate] didn’t know her, so she cannot really provide that level of detail,” he said in a 2017 BBC documentary.

“So, I do regularly, putting George or Charlotte to bed, talk about her and just try and remind them that there are two grandmothers, there were two grandmothers in their lives, and so it’s important that they know who she was and that she existed,” William added.

We are so glad the young royals get to hear of how special and how loved their late grandmother was.

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