An elderly couple were lying in bed one night


We love to treat you with funny jokes every now and then. Today, we stumbled upon one about an elderly couple and we could’t help but share it with you.

This one’s old but gold.

An elderly couple were lying in bed one night.

The husband was falling asleep but the wife was in a romantic mood and wanted to talk.

She said: “You use to hold my hand when we were courting.”

Wearily he reached across, held her hand for a second and tried to get back to sleep.

A few moments later she said: “Then you use to kiss me.”

Mildly irritated, he reached across, gave her a peck on the cheek and settled down to sleep.

Thirty seconds later she said: “Then you use to bite my neck”

Angrily, he threw back the bed clothes and got out of bed.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“To get my teeth.”

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Man takes landscape photo – before noticing unlikely detail


Gavin Best, a professional photographer, was walking with friends on Cavehill in Belfast one New Year’s Eve when he decided to stop and take a photo of the landscape which resembled picture perfect. Although he didn’t have his professional gear with him, the sight was too good to miss, so he still managed to take a breathtaking photo which featured impressive lighting, framing, and composition.

When he got home and took a closer look at the photos, Best noticed something unusual.

Speaking to The Mirror, Best explained that the tiny dot which appeared far away on the cliff he took a photo of was in fact a man who in a total coincidence was jumping into the air, presumably for another photo.

When I looked at the photos afterwards on my mobile I didn’t spot anything; it was only a few days later when I was looking through the photos on my laptop that I noticed something over there, so I zoomed in,” he said.

Of course, there were those who said how they believed the photo wasn’t a coincidence but some sort of a set-up, which Best denied.

In fact, he “couldn’t even see anyone over there” at the time the picture was clicked. 

Twitter | Gav Best

The mysterious character appears close to the edge of the hill, quite some distance from the camera, which made a user ask ask whether the person may have been attempting to ‘jump off the cliff.’

Best, however, assured them that couldn’t be the case because there were other people there as well who could be seen on his other photos from that day.

Besides loving the photo he took, Best also commented on the nature in a separate Tweet and wrote: “That’s on top of Cavehill in Belfast, by the way. It’s quite a yomp up there, but amazing to get a walk like that so close to the city centre.”

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Kevin Hart lands in wheelchair after incident leaves him seriously injured


Actor and comedian Kevin Hart is telling fans that he’s “sitting [his] ass down” after being involved in a serious accident.

In a witty way, he informed his followers that he now knows what ageing really looks like after he turned 44 recently but tried do some stuff youngsters do and well, failed.

“Ladies and gentleman, the age 40 is real. To all my men, women out there that are 40 years old and above, it’s not a game,” Hart shared in his post. “Respect that age, or that age will make you respect it. It just made me respect it.”

“I’m in a wheelchair. Why? Well, because I tried to jump out there and do some young stuff… and I was told to sit my ass down,” the comedian went on to explain.


The Philadelphia native said how the unfortunate incident resulted after he and Stevan Ridley, a retired NFL running back who won a Super Bowl with the New England Patriots, debated who’s faster and decided to put their running skills to the test.

“This debate was based off who’s faster. Those that know me know, I’m pretty fast,” Hart recalled with some humor. “Stevan said, ‘Kevin, there ain’t no way you’re gonna beat me.’ Stevan is an ex-NFL running back, played for the New England Patriots. Very good guy… [So] we get out there, we go run the 40-yard dash.

“Guys, I blew all my s**t,” Hart revealed, before he went on to give details about his injuries. “I tore my lower abdomen, my abductors are torn, I don’t know what that is but I tore them, I tore those, too. I can’t walk.


“What are we competing for at this age? What am I doing? Why did I even race? Stupidest s**t ever, now I can’t walk,” Hart said. “What was I thinking, son? I’ve got to be the stupidest man alive.”

Hart captioned the video: “44 and sitting my ass down!!!!! I got to be the dumbest man alive!!!!! What the f**k am I doing???? I blew my s**t….I’m done. FML.”

Fellow actors and friends were quick to wish Hart a speedy recovery.

“I tore my adductor off my pelvis during a wrestling match,” Dwayne Johnson commented. “You’ll be fine. You’ll grow a 3rd ball but you’ll be fine.”

Will Smith added, “Getting older is REAL!! Heal Up, Kev!!”

Stevan Ridley commented, “I saw @TomBrady do it at your age so I figured you had the juice too big bro!” alongside an apology which read, “My bad @KevinHart4Real! Heal up and keep making us all laugh!” 

Back in 2019, Hart was involved in a car accident which left him with three spinal fractures and severe pain. He was forced to undergo an emergency surgery and spent months in rehabilitation.

We are sending Kevin Hart our love and support.

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Man goes blind because of a simple mistake, experts warn of irreversible damage


It should be a common knowledge that sleeping with contact lenses on can cause damage to the eyes.

Sadly, deceived by the “Night and Day” contacts, a man named Chad Groeschen, made a fatal mistake which lead to losing his vision.

Namely, this Cincinnati man decided to sleep with the lenses on for a couple of nights straight. All of a sudden, he started experiencing excruciating pain.

“Halfway through the day my eyes started itching, and I thought it was probably allergies, so I popped them out. The next morning the vision in my left eye started to turn cloudy,” he started his story.

“The kind of contacts I have are called Night and Day’ contacts, and it was my impression you could leave them in for 30 days straight,” Groeschen told USA Today, explaining that he took his lenses out about once a week. “I figured the less I was messing with my eyes, the better.”

What this man wasn’t aware of was that despite he was told he could wear the lenses marketed for “continuous wear” for a week or so straight, there was still a huge risk of contracting infection, which he did.

Upon visiting a specialist, Chad was told he developed a corneal ulcer infected with Pseudomonas bacteria, which doctors believed was caused by his contact lenses. Further, they explained that the contact lens acted like a petri dish, holding the bacteria that then attacked his eye.

In order to restore his sight at his left eye, Chad needed to undergo a corneal transplant.

“Good vision contributes to overall well-being and independence for people of all ages, so it’s important not to cut corners on healthy contact lens wear and care,” says CDC Medical Epidemiologist Jennifer Cope, M.D., M.P.H. “We are finding that many wearers are unclear about how to properly wear and care for contact lenses,” she said.

Reports are that improper handling and wearing of contact lenses puts many in risk of developing eye infections, with one in 500 people being affected by serious eye infections that easily lead to vision loss and complete blindness every year.

Chad isn’t the only person who shares his story in order to raise awareness.

Another young person, 22-year-old Mike Krumholz, could easily go permanently blind because he took a 40 minute nap with daily disposable contacts still in his eyes. After the nap, he took a shower and removed the lenses before going to sleep. The following morning, he woke with an itchy, “gunky” eye that was light sensitive.

Sadly, he was infected by a rare parasite called Acanthamoeba keratitis, which can cause blindness. 

“There is no pain out there that I could ever imagine worse than this. Even the strongest medicines do nothing. And the worst part is, I do not know if I will ever get vision back in my eye at only 21 years old,” Krumholz wrote in a post. “I have not been able to step outside for 30+ days and I have my hurricane shutters up to protect me from light.”

Following the parasite treatment, which he was told would last for months, Krumholz could be ready for corneal transplant to remove the part of his eye that was infected.

“I know that I’m never gonna see fully again, but I don’t know how much of my vision I’m gonna get back,” he said. 

Some of the tips that can help prevent catching eye infection are as follows:

  • Wash hands with soap and water and dry them well before touching contact lenses
  • Take contacts out before sleeping, showering or swimming
  • Rub and rinse contacts in disinfecting solution each time they remove them
  • Rub and rinse the case with contact lens solution, dry with a clean tissue and store it upside down with the caps off after each use
  • Replace contact lens cases at least once every three months
  • Avoid “topping off” solution in lens case (adding fresh solution to old solution)
  • Carry a backup pair of glasses in case contact lenses have to be taken out.

Always avoid sleeping with contact lenses on.

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Man Hit Back at People Who Mocked Him for Being with 252lb Woman


How someone looks like and what they eat shouldn’t be anybody’s business. However, many times, people believe they have the right to judge others only because they consider themselves smarter and better looking. This type of behavior is inappropriate and rude, and affects person’s privacy.

Brittany Jacques is a young woman with curves, and she loves the way she looks. Sadly, not everybody feels the same about her appearance thus she’s a victim of fat-shaming.

In the past, she dated boyfriends who eventually dumped her because of her weight, which made her wonder whether she would ever find true love with someone who would love her the way she is.

Brittany even considered losing weight, but that wouldn’t make her love herself more. “I realized that if I did that, I wouldn’t love myself anymore. I would be changing myself for someone else’s perception of beauty,” she explained.  

Back in 2020, Brittany met someone special, a man named Matt. “When I met Britt, she was so confident in her own body, I loved that about her. She doesn’t want to change anything, and I would never ask her to.” he says of her.

However, although their love flourished and they even tied the knot and welcomed a baby together, they couldn’t easily get rid of all the mean comments they have been constantly getting from complete strangers.

“I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to find someone who really loved me for who I am but after meeting Matt I couldn’t be happier,” Brittany said.

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“I do notice people staring when we walk down the street but most of the comments we have had, have been online,” Matt explained. “People comment on Instagram and suggest that I’m not big enough or man enough for her,” he added.

Sadly, fat-shaming is a form of bullying which has negative effect on those who receive hurtful comments.

The victims of bullying are affected to the extent that it leaves mark in their life years after the attacks take place. It undermines their self-confidence and they may starts seeing themselves as less worth than the rest of the peers.

Some of the consequences of bullying that the person affected experiences are the following: social isolation, sleeping problems, depression, anxiety, psychosomatic symptoms such as headaches and stomachaches, and in a worst case scenario, even suicide.

As published in a 2021 CNN article, fat-shaming is a global concern affecting a huge number of people.

Luckily, people are becoming more and more aware of its negative impacts. There are now many organizations that spread awareness of the importance of acceptance and loving yourself the way you are. One such organization is the Fat Acceptance Movement, so impactful that it has begun addressing these issues in work and healthcare settings. 

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The Atlas moth disguises itself as a snake to survive


The Atlas moth isn’t an average-looking moth. What makes this moth special isn’t just its wingspan, which reaches 9.4 inches, but its ability to disguise as one of the greatest predators out there, the snakes.

These moths are endemic to the forests of Asia and were first described by Carl Linnaeus in his 1758 10th edition of Systema Naturae.

Their wing pattern make them unique. The upper side of the wings are reddish brown with a patch of black, white, pink, and purple lines while the tips of both forewings have prominent extensions that resemble the head of a snake.

image source: @thegallowboob | Twitter

“It is impossible not to be fascinated by the atlas moth. This is due to its beauty, the detail on its wings, and its sheer size at every stage of its life cycle,” says Luke Brown, manager of the Museum’s butterfly house, and as much as we learn about this unique species the more we agree with this statement.

Even as a caterpillar, the atlas moth is quite impressive. The larvae feed constantly, storing up for the pupal and adult stages. At the same time, it produces silk similar to the product created by domesticated silkworms.

The atlas moth caterpillar feeds eats a lot if left. First, they eat their eggshell and then feed on their favorite leaves from citrus, guava, cinnamon, and Jamaican cherry trees.

Image source: @thegallowboob | Twitter

A number of these moths live in captivity, such as butterfly conservatories, where they are kept at separate feeding areas. “We don’t let them roam free in the exhibition because they eat so much. This allows them to build up fat reserves for the adult to live off. If we didn’t monitor their eating, we would have no plants left in the butterfly house, so we keep them in their own feeding area while they are growing,” Brown said, as per the Natural History Museum.

By resembling a snake, the Atlas moth is widely feared by other animals and insects. It is a disguise which prevents them from being attacked and eaten. While predators realize the moth isn’t actually a snake, they are given the chance to simply fly away.

The reason for their distinctive pattern is the incredible nature of evolution and natural selection. Over the years, moths with snake-like patterns had a higher chance of survival, so they passed those genes to the next generations.

Not only predators, but humans as well can be easily fooled by these moths’ appearance.

Image source: @thegallowboob | Twitter

Habitat loss and deforestation pose threat to these insects’ existence but there are plenty of conservation efforts which are essential to their survival and their unique adaptation.

What do you think of these moths? Aren’t they stunning?

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Brittany Mahomes reveals terrifying ordeal after 8-month-old son rushed to ER


NFL star Patrick Mahomes and his wife Brittany spoke of the scary trip to the emergency room with their 8-month-old son Patrick ‘Bronze’ Mahomes III.

According to Brittany, the Kansas City Current co-owner, “Bronze’s” visit of the ER was a traumatizing way of learning that he’s highly allergic to peanuts.

In an update last week, Brittany shared with her followers on social media that those were the “scariest 30min of life.”

Her Instagram story featured a photo of baby “Bronze” drinking from a bottle, along with the text: “We took a very scary and frantic trip to the ER yesterday after finding out this guy is highly highly allergic to peanuts.”

Baby “Bronze,” who was born on November 28, 2022, is the second child of Brittany and the Kansas City Chiefs quarterback. They also share a daughter together, Sterling Sky, who is two and a half years old.

HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA – JULY 11: Brittany Mahomes and Patrick Mahomes attend the Los Angeles Premiere Of Netflix’s “Quarterback” at TUDUM Theater on July 11, 2023 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by JC Olivera/Getty Images)

In a follow up post, Brittany shared yet another adorable photo of her son showing him sleeping cuddled up against her with a finger in his mouth.

“Another tooth coming in so he needed some extra snuggles tonight,” the mom captioned the photo.

The couple have been together since their high-school days but only tied the knot last year in Hawaii.

“Bronze” isn’t the first Mahomes in the family who is allergic to peanuts. Speaking to Men’s Health in 2021, Patrick revealed that he’s allergic to most nuts as well as grass but he can play on the natural turf at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium.

Instagram – Brittany Mahomes

According to the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), more than 33 million Americans live with a food allergy of some kind, while over six million are allergic to peanuts to varying degrees, and this includes one in 13 children.

Peanuts are a common cause of severe allergy attacks. The worst can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening emergency that requires treatment with epinephrine and a trip to the ER.

Common symptoms include itchy mouth, rash, difficulty breathing, swelling, wheezing, and dizziness, a weak pulse, pale or blueish skin and significant swelling of the lips or tongue.

We are glad sweet “Bronze” is safe and sound.

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Christine Tran Ferguson opens up about the death of her 14-month-old son


Travel influencer Christine Tran Ferguson shared with her Instagram followers on July 3rd that her 14-month-old son Asher was in the ICU fighting for his life. Prayers started pouring in, but sadly, the little one lost the battle for his life after two years of being hospitalized.

On August 16, Christine opened up about her feelings and the sadness that filled her heart following the tragic loss.

She shared a series of photos of herself, her baby boy, and her husband Ryan Ferguson, and spoke of the immense grief and the hope of being able to overcome the tragedy sometime in the future.

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“We should be preparing our trip to Italy next week. Instead, I’m looking at these photos from our first family vacation almost exactly a year ago at 4 months old,” she wrote.

The heartbroken mom added that they were planning on visiting the place where she and her husband tied the knot and then explore Tuscany, a place they have never visited before.

Baby Asher was welcomed into the world on the 9th anniversary of the first ever meeting between his parents. When Christine told the world that her baby was born and announced his name, she explained that Asher meant ‘happy & blessed.’ 

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“I miss these memories, I miss you, I wanted new memories with you. I wish you are here with us every second of every day. It hurts so much, this pain will never go away! I never knew such pain could even exist! Our lives were perfect, normal… until it wasn’t,” Christine continued in her lengthy post on August 16. 

She then admitted that she simply couldn’t believe it’s been a month since she last held her baby boy, who was her world, and that it was that long since she smelled him, and kissed him, heard him laughing, and admired his little walk.

Those are the memories she would cherish forever, but she’s heartbroken that she can never make new memories with her sweet Asher ever again.

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A post shared by Christine Tran Ferguson • NYC (@tourdelust)

“I want it all back so badly! I’m forever heartbroken, forever changed. 14 months with you was not long enough. I thought I had forever, we had so many plans for the future and it’s just gone,” she continued – admitting how ‘so hard, incredibly hard’ it is. “I pray and pray we find the strength to carry you with us.”

A months before Asher’s passing, the family celebrated Father’s Day, a day Christine hadn’t celebrated in 15 years until then.

“Since losing my father at 22 I haven’t celebrated Father’s Day & isn’t the easiest day but since having Asher and seeing Ryan become a father it has brought me the biggest joy in life. I just love seeing [his] face light up when he hears you come home. Thank you for being the best daddy to Asher,” she wrote.

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A post shared by Christine Tran Ferguson • NYC (@tourdelust)

The heartbroken mom said that with Asher’s passing, a part of her died.

“I still feel like you’re going to reappear but our home is so quiet and empty without you,” she continued. “Part of me has died with you. I’m so heartbroken, with no idea how to live a life without you. I can’t even put into words how loved you are. I can’t stop seeing your big smile everywhere I go, I hear your laugh and babbles all day and it just breaks my heart you’re physically not here.”

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“I prayed for the miracle, for YOU to be the miracle, for you to come back to us. My heart aches for you every second,” she wrote. “You will never be forgotten. We will take you everywhere we go. We love you so much my sweet boy, I pray I get to see you soon.”

Christine hasn’t specified a cause of death.

We are so very sorry for the loss of such a young soul. May he rest in peace.

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