Texas mom tackles man suspected of peeping into 15-year-old daughter’s bedroom in broad daylight


There is nothing a mother wouldn’t do for their children.

Phyllis Pena is a mom who showed incredible bravery, and even put her life in danger, in order to stop a man who was looking into her 15-year-old daughter’s window from running away.

The incident happened during broad daylight shortly after 7 a.m. on January 31 when Pena noticed 19-year-old Zane Hawkins peeking in his daughter’s window.

The suspect tried to escape, but the police were able to catch up with him. However, at that moment, Hawkins attempted another getaway, and that’s when Pena tackled him.

Her act was caught on one of the officer’s dash camera.

“It’s not very often that we have somebody that actually steps in, puts themself in harm’s way to assist in apprehending somebody,” Sgt. Roy Welch said.

She was aware she put herself in danger, but she doesn’t regret it and she says she would do that again if needed.

“My kids are my life and just making sure I protect them,” Pena said.

Hawkins was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance, evading arrest and resisting arrest.

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One Swedish man replied to all those who wondered how people live in such tiny apartments by showing his own


Finding the perfect place to live isn’t always easy. Many times, the high prices are the main obstacle towards fulfilling our dream of owning our own home.

In the pursuit of becoming home owners, some people opt to buy smaller apartments, their own peace of heaven that gives them the feeling of freedom.

Back in 2020, a man from Sweden decided to purchase a tiny apartment after he divorced his wife and left his spacious home to her and their daughters to live in.

His plan was to live in the apartment until he gets a loan for a bigger place.

He was able to pay off the loan for his studio-like apartment in the period of three to five years, but as time passed by, he realized that he loved his place and he didn’t even need a bigger one.

The place has everything needed for life, a living-room, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a working area.

Many were eager to see how people live in these tiny apartments, and this man was more than willing to show them by opening the doors to his place for them to see.

There is also a TV-set and a mini-bar, and each stair is used for storing things.

The dining area is cozy, and there are also separate shelves where the creative owner stores his shoes and clothes.

Knowing how small it is, people are stunned to see the inside of this man’s place.

What do you think of this place? Would you ever consider living in one?

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Dog the Bounty Hunter’s daughter reveals the disturbing truth about his relationship with his late wife Beth


On the fourth anniversary of his wife Beth Chapman’s death, Duane Chapman, or better known as Dog the Bounty Hunter, made a head-turning announcement when he revealed he had a secret son named Jon.

The reality show star, 70, posted a photo of his Jon with his wife Jodi. The two are smiling for the camera.

“For the last four years, this day was a terrible reminder of one of the greatest losses of my life.

“But God redeemed this day when I discovered my son Jon, who I just met recently, was born on this day.”

He went on: “So now instead of sorrow, this day has a new meaning. This is my son Jon and his wife Jodi.”

The Dog’s Most Wanted star further added that he would reveal more details concerning Jon in his upcoming new book, Nine Lives and Counting.

As of Chapman’s daughters, half-siblings Bonnie and Cecily, their relationship with their father is sort of a rocky one, or at least it turned into one when they were excluded from their father’s union to Francie Frane. This caused a controversy and made people wonder why he made the decision not to invite his daughters to the special occasion.

Dog the Bounty Hunter’s late wife was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2017 and passed away from the condition in 2019 at the age of 51.

Two years later, he tied the knot to Frane, but his daughters weren’t invited to the wedding.

Bonnie spoke publicly of her devastation regarding her father’s decision. In an interview with TMZ she revealed details she had previously kept private because “I hoped to maintain a relationship with my father.”

The newlyweds got engaged in May 2020 — just 10 months after Beth’s death and a failed proposal to now-ex Moon Angell. Dog popped the question at their Colorado home.

“I wasn’t expecting it at all,” Frane told The Sun of the proposal. “I think I had gone to pick up some food and then when I came back, he had all the lights turned down with just a few lights on and a bunch of candles lit.”

“So when I came in I was like, ‘Wow, this is awesome.’ Then he said, ‘Come in, sit down because I need to talk to you.’ So I put all the food in the kitchen and I came in and he said, ‘I know that God brought you into my life and I don’t want to spend one moment of it without you.’”

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This is how he looks today


If you remember hearing the lines “five gozinta five one times, five gozinta ten two times,” you are definitely one of the millions of fans of Jethro Bodine and the Clampett family who moved to Beverly Hills, California, but never left their hillbilly lifestyle behind.

The Beverly Hillbillies is one of those TV shows that never lose their popularity no matter how much time passes by. The first episode aired back in 1962 and the show lasted for nine years during which many enjoyed the adventures of the family that caused “a turmoil in their privileged society with their simple and unsophisticated way of living.”


Jethro Bodine was one of the characters that marked the show. He was the son of Jed’s cousin, Pearl, and showed great math skills. The man behind the character, Max Baer Jr., became one of the most popular comedy icons in America and he entered into acting by accident, or call it luck if you want.

After graduating from the Santa Clara University where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration in 1959, he embarked on an adventure with his motorcycle and found himself standing at a parking lot in Los Angeles.

His charm and awesome looks attracted the attention of an executive who thought he resembled James Garner a lot and offered him to sign a contract and try himself in acting. Max gave it a go and the rest is history.


Initially, Max only landed small parts in movies like 77 Sunset StripMaverick and Hawaiian Eye but he didn’t give up. Soon after, he found himself auditioning for the role of Jethro Bodine, which changed his life forever.

“When you play a role like Jethro it’s for other people to judge because it’s pretty hard to be subjective or objective about yourself,” Max told Medium.

“You just do the best you can with the material that you’re given, and then you try to add to it [with your performance] as much as you possibly can. But in the end, it’s the audience who has the final say. Well, we liked what you did’ or ‘We don’t like what you did.’ And you really don’t have any other way of evaluating it.”

It was never about the money for this earnest man whose only goal was to make people laugh. He only earned $800 per episode.

“You have to perform well. And, in my case, if I have made the people laugh and even if they can laugh at my expense, it’s okay. I don’t care,” the actor added. “They can laugh with me or at me. It doesn’t matter, just as long as they laugh. Because if I can make them laugh, then I believe that my performance was a successful one. I can’t evaluate it as to what degree of success it was. But I can say it did what it was supposed to do.”


Not only the fans, but also the cast members loved Max Baer Jr. a lot. He was on good terms with each of the actors and they all praised both his acting and his personality. Among those who spoke of the importance of his character for the show was Donna Douglas who played the role of the mountain beauty Elly May Clampett.

“You believed Uncle Jed, Granny, and cousin Elly May was his family because they played it so well,” TV historian Jeffrey D. Dalrymple, a good friend of Baer Jr’s told Medium. “And Max had the ability to blend in with the other cast members, without overplaying or underplaying Jethro. He was a good actor and a good guy, and he still is.”

Although he’s mostly famous for his work on the screen, Max told The Times back in 1971, ”Acting, though, is really only a hobby with me. Golf is my occupation.” The actor was involved in most of the sports, including football, baseball and basketball, but it looked life golf was his calling. In 1968, Max Baer Jr. and professional golfer Charlie Sifford won the pro-am division of the Andy Williams Golf Classic in San Diego.


After The Beverly Hillbillies was over, Max had a hard time getting a role because everyone saw him as Jethro.

But as we know already, Max has never been a man who quits easily, so he turned to producing and directing instead. His movie Macon County Line from 1974 was a huge hit and earned him millions.


Max, who is now 85, had plans on using the show’s theme and characters for casinos, theme parks, restaurants and cosmetics but he and CBS went through a number of lawsuits and his plans failed.

When it comes to his love life, Max married Joanne Kathleen in 1996 and their marriage lasted for five years. In 2008, his girlfriend, Chere Rhodes, a 30-year-old model from California shot herself in the chest according to reports. He had other relationships as well.

The 85-year-old has led a quiet life in Tahoe for the past few years, and not much is known about his activities or his state of health.

We wish Max all the best and we thank him for all the laughs he has given us over the years.

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A veteran unable to pay for his groceries turns around to hear a customer say ‘It’s our turn’


Every one of us honors our military men and women because we are aware that it is because of their service that we live in freedom.

Many find ways of paying tribute to those who lost their lives fighting for our country. Whether it is through memorial services, raising monuments, or simply by saying thank you, we can never truly thank them enough for their sacrifice.

Those are still alive, however, rarely get the help needed, so when we hear of people lending a helping hand to veterans, our faith in humanity gets restored.

Larry Robeson is just one of those veterans who have troubles making ends meet. He fought in Vietnam and when he returned to the States he wasn’t sure where to turn to and how to move on with his life.

Luckily, this man crossed paths with a Fox 5 Surprise Squad in a grocery store in Las Vegas.

Despite being unable to afford his own groceries, Larry was still willing to help a fellow veteran in need, his friend Stephanie, who is disabled. He took her to the store so that they could buy the most essential things they needed.

Speaking to the reported, Stephanie explained that she was down to her last $50 and wasn’t sure what to do after that.

Dave Hall, the reporter, heading up the Surprise Squad, told Stephanie that his team had her groceries covered.

Hall then noticed Larry standing behind Stephanie. Larry has in fact been Stephanie’s husband’s long-time friend. It turned out that Larry had set up the Bones for Blankets club many years ago. The goal of this club is to donate blankets to homeless veterans left on the streets after their service to their country.

The reason why he founded this club was that three veterans froze to death because of the freezing weather.

At the time, he was providing help for Stephanie, whose husband works as a truck driver and is away from home most of the time.

Speaking of her, Larry said, “No vet should be going through what she’s going through.”

Hearing all this, Hall made sure Larry doesn’t leave the store without his groceries being paid for as well.

Larry told the squad that he was at the store to purchase only a dish soap and a candy, but Hall made sure he got everything else he needed, including plenty of food.

“You served us. It’s our turn to serve you now,” Hall told Larry.

His total was $278, and Larry was left wiping tears from his eyes after the bill was settled by Dave and the others.

“This is just like overwhelming, I’ve been taking care of myself since I was 13,” Larry said.

For more on this lovely story go to the video below.

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He saw six feet in bed so his wife made him count again


This jokes starts out funny, but it gets even better at the end, especially because the punchline isn’t that easy to see. It involves a wife, her lover, and her husband who suddenly gets home while she’s in bed with that other man.

Read it below.

A wife was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband’s key in the door.

“Stay where you are,” she said.

“He’s so drunk he won’t even notice you’re in bed with me.”

The husband lurched into bed, but a few minutes later, through a drunken haze, he saw six feet sticking out at the end of the bed. He turned to his wife:

“Hey, there are six feet in this bed. There should only be four. What’s going on?”

“You’re so drunk you miscounted,” said the wife.

Get out of bed and try again. You can see better from over there.

The husband climbed out of bed and counted.

One, two, three, four, you’re right.

A new priest has a hard time getting used to the secret code


If you are into good jokes, this one will definitely make your day.

It is difficult when you find yourself in a new community and you don’t understand the language. It might not even be that they are speaking a different language, it’s just something they are saying that is understood by most.

That was the experience of the new priest in the following joke. They ended up in the right place but they should have studied a little before they jumped right into the middle of it.

Read it below.

There was this old priest who got sick of all the people in his parish who kept confessing to adultery.

One Sunday, in the pulpit, he said, “If I hear one more person confess to adultery, I’ll quit!”

Well, everyone liked him, so they came up with a code word. Someone who had committed adultery would say they had “fallen”.

This seemed to satisfy the old priest and things went well, until the priest died at a ripe old age.

About a week after the new priest arrived, he visited the mayor of the town and seemed very concerned.

The priest said, “You have to do something about the sidewalks in town. When people come into the confessional, they keep talking about having fallen.”

The mayor started to laugh, realizing that no one had told the new priest about the code word.

Before the mayor could explain, the priest shook an accusing finger at the mayor and said, “I don’t know what you’re laughing about. Your wife fell three times this week.”

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Retired couple booked 51 back-to-back cruises because it’s cheaper than living in retirement home


When the time for retirement comes, some people feel like they’ve lost their identity, while other find it as a way to pursue their hobbies and fulfill the dreams they weren’t able to because they were busy working.

The truth is that for most, this milestone is a scary one, but it doesn’t need to be like that.

When you prepare for this event emotionally, just think of the opportunities of being able to spend more time around your loved ones, live a less stressful life, and even make new friends.

A couple from Australia stunned many when they revealed their retirement plan, 51 consecutive cruises. Yes, you’ve heard that right.

According to Marty and Jess Ansen, who retired recently, going on that many cruises would not only be fun and fulfilling, but it is also a cost-effective alternative to traditional retirement homes.

Setting the sail!

This couple have always loved the idea of cruise holidays. However, with the coronavirus pandemic, their plans were put on hold until an opportunity rose in June 2022. This was when Marty and Jess made the decision to make up for the lost time. They embarked on the Coral Princess, a ship known for its indulgent buffets, entertainment options, and even table tennis matches.

That first cruise was the first of the many.

“Eventually, I said to my agent, ‘Look, whatever comes, book it,’ and that’s how it got to be such a long cruise,” Marty explained. The couple ended up booking 51 back-to-back cruises and stayed on board even longer that the captain.

The Ansens became a much loved members of the ship and developed strong bond with every staff member.

Ren van Rooyen, the hotel manager, shared, “We always make a joke that I go away and I come back, and it’s like coming to see my family – my mum and dad again – they’re like my second mum and dad on board.”

What they realized along the way was that cruising was more cost-effective than residing in a retirement home. With all of their needs taken care of on the ship, including all-inclusive meals and daily cleaning of their cabin, they found an affordable alternative which is far more fun than being in a retirement home.

The days on board are entertaining as each of them starts with Marty and Jess playing table tennis and doing fitness.

“We do it together, and we have a lot of fun.”

If they have the chance, these two would like to continue cruising until the rest of their lives. So far, they have been on board for over 450 days and their story is proof that retirement can be an opportunity for living your life to the fullest.

To learn more of the inspiring journey of Marty and Jess go to the video below.

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