Little girl keeps falling asleep in class, but her answers astonish the teacher


School can be boring sometimes. I am sure you’ve fallen asleep during some of the classes you weren’t really fond of while a student. Well, to a girl named Mary Margaret that happened quite too often. The catholic teacher didn’t like her napping while she was teaching so she had some questions for Mary Margaret. But, she never expected to get such answers. Read the story below, you’re going to love it.

Little Mary Margaret was not the best student in Catholic School, usually she slept through the class.

One day her teacher, a Nun, called on her while she was sleeping.

“Tell me Mary Margaret, who created the universe?”


When Mary Margaret didn’t stir, little Johnny who was her friend sitting behind her, took his pencil and jabbed her in the rear.

“God Almighty!” shouted Mary Margaret.

The Nun said, “Very good” and continued teaching her class.

A little later the Nun asked Mary Margaret, “Who is our Lord and Savior?”

But Mary didn’t stir from her slumber.

Once again, Johnny came to her rescue and stuck Mary Margaret in the rear.


“Jesus Christ!!!” shouted Mary Margaret, and the Nun once again said, “Very good,” and Mary Margaret fell back asleep.

The Nun asked her a third question…”What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?”

Again, Johnny came to the rescue.

This time Mary Margaret jumped up and shouted, “If you stick that damn thing in me one more time, I’ll break it in half!”

The nun fainted…

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Priest and nun stay overnight in a tiny cabin


Being married means making compromises every now and then because the truth is that every marriage has its ups and downs.

No matter how much they love each other, most partners out there have differences and the story below is the perfect illustration of that. Make sure you read it until the end.

A priest and a nun were lost in a blizzard. After a while, they came upon a small cabin.

Being exhausted, they prepared to go to sleep. There was a stack of blankets and a sleeping bag on the floor – but only one bed.
Being a gentleman, the priest said, “Sister, you sleep on the bed. I’ll sleep on the floor in the sleeping bag.”

Just as he got zipped up in the bag and was beginning to fall asleep, the nun said “Father, I’m cold.”

He unzipped the sleeping bag, got up, got a blanket and put it on her.

Once again, he got into the sleeping bag, zipped it up and started to drift off to sleep when the nun once again said, “Father, I’m still very cold.”

He unzipped the bag, got up again, put another blanket on her and got into the sleeping bag once again. Just as his eyes closed, she said, “Father, I’m sooooo cold.”

This time, he remained there, giving the woman a wink and a smile, then said, “Sister, I have an idea. We’re out here in the wilderness where no one will ever know what happened. Let’s pretend we’re married.”

The nun purred, “Sounds good to me.”

To which the priest yelled out, “Okay then – get up and get your own stupid blanket!”

Oh the beauty of marriage!

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Man comes home early and panics when he hears his wife moaning from the bedroom


If you are in the mood for a good joke then we have one for you. Honestly, we haven’t laughed this much in a while.

A guy gets home early from work and hears strange noises coming from the bedroom.

He rushes upstairs to find his wife naked on the bed, sweating and panting.

“What’s up?” he says.

“I’m having a heart attack,” cries the woman.

He rushes downstairs to grab the phone, but just as he’s dialing, his 4-year-old son comes up and says, “Daddy! Daddy! Uncle Ted’s hiding in your closet and he’s got no clothes on!”

The guy slams the phone down and storms upstairs into the bedroom, past his screaming wife, and rips open the wardrobe door. Sure enough, there is his brother, totally naked, cowering on the closet floor.

“You rotten SOB,” says the husband, “my wife’s having a heart attack and you’re running around naked scaring the kids!!!”

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Why you should put 2 bay leaves under your pillow before going to bed

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A standard cooking ingredient in many savory dishes, bay leaf, or also known as laurel, is a spice commonly used to flavor soups and meat dishes for its light, herbal flavor.

Bay leaf can be used in the form of powder or as a fresh leaf, but it’s most commonly used as a dry, whole leaf. During cooking, the dry leaves are added, and before serving, they are usually taken out.

Not only it adds flavor to the dishes, but bay leaf offers various health benefits such as such as reducing gas and bloating and fighting free radical damage thanks to its antioxidants. According to personal experiences from people, bay leaf also helps get rid of dandruff, muscle and joint pain, and skin infections.

Ancient Greeks used bay leaf in a number of spiritual ceremonies, especially by oracles to predict the future.

They also used it for its therapeutic benefits and as emblems of valor and victory. According to Greek mythology, the god Apollo turned a nymph named Daphne into a bay laurel tree, which is how the relationship between divinity and bay leaves came about.

Burning bay leaf is said to produce smoke that offers a range of health benefits, one of which is reducing the level of anxiety. This is due to the smoke that contains linalool, a compound found in a number of other plants, including mint and lavender, which also help treat anxiety.

The good thing about inhaling bay leaf smoke is that it does not induce sleep. It only clears and calms the mind while maintaining mental alertness.

It is a common belief that bay leaf has mysterious powers such as those of attracting money and prophesy. These beliefs are not backed up by scientific evidence, but people still believe in them.

One of the lesser known benefits of bay leaf is its ability to improve sleep and help with insomnia. What you should do is simply place a couple of bay leaves under your pillow. When placed under your pillow, bay leaves can help ease anxiety and stress, promoting deeper and more restful sleep.

It will also protect you from negative energy and bad dreams.

In the morning, you will wake up with new and renewed energy thanks to quality rest.

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My 10-year-old daughter had her first period while I was at work — My husband became a hero


When a couple divorces and children are involved, things get nasty at times, especially if the parents decide to move on and welcome another partner into their lives. Step-parents and step-children don’t always get along, but there are cases when they create a very strong bond.

A woman shared a story about her 10-year-old daughter Lily and her new husband and explained how this man became a hero in her girl’s life because of his dedication, patience, and love.

“When my daughter, Lily, was about 10, a significant change unfolded in our lives. Tom, my partner, who is not Lily’s biological father, moved into our house. This transition was met with a mix of emotions. Lily, reserved and fiercely independent, was polite to Tom but maintained her distance. There was an unspoken boundary she had drawn, wary of how this change would affect our small, close-knit world,” the woman wrote.

“Six months into our new living arrangement, while I was engulfed in the demands of my job, an unforeseen event happened. One afternoon, as I was at work and they were at home, Lily got her first period. Overwhelmed and unsure, she hesitantly turned to Tom for help, her usual self-reliance wavering in the face of this new experience.”

Tom was confused and became nervous, but he knew he needed to be there for Lily because he was well aware that she was confused as well and needed a parent by her side. It was then that his parental instinct kicked in.

He got himself together and explained to Lily that what she experienced was a natural process and that she needed to stay calm.

Tom came up with the idea to search Google in order to be able to find suitable words to explain everything about women’s period to his step-daughter.

He then stumbled upon an educational video and watched it together with Lily, offering her the space to ask anything she was uncertain of and express her feelings.

As he now knew Lily needed supplies, he went to the store. Once there, he called his wife and asked her what was that he needed to buy.

When he returned home, he gave Lily the supplies he purchased for her and said with a gentle smile, “I might not know everything, but I’m here for you.”

“This gesture of support and understanding from Tom marked the beginning of a transformation in Lily’s perception of him. The barrier she had built began to crumble as she saw her stepdad not just as my partner but as someone who genuinely cared for her well-being,” Lily’s mom wrote.

“When I returned home and learned more about the day, I saw a new bond forming between Lily and Tom. She began to open up to him, trusting him more than before. Tom, too, stepped more confidently into his role as a stepfather, embracing the responsibilities and joys it brought.”

Over time, Lily and Tom’s father-daughter relationship became a solid one. In him, she saw a father figure and someone she could trust and rely on.

That day, a young girl navigated through a new phase of her life with the support of a man she once considered a stranger but now became a pivotal figure in her life. This story is just another example that blended families can be very healthy and beautiful.

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Former President Jimmy Carter arrives in wheelchair at late wife Rosalynn’s funeral


With the passing of his wife of 77 years, former president Jimmy Carter suffered a huge loss.

Rosalynn, who had spent most of her life raising awareness about mental health, died November 19 at the age of 96.

The Carter Center reported that Rosalynn battled dementia and that her health deteriorated recently. She died just two days after joining her husband in hospice.

Universal History Archive/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images

“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” former president Jimmy Carter said in the statement. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.”

Truly, Rosalynn was her husband’s greatest support in life, and with her passing, he not only lost his life partner, but his best friend.

The former First Lady was honored by her loved ones and laid to rest on Wednesday in her longtime home of Plains, Georgia. The funeral service was held at Maranatha Baptist Church, where Jimmy Carter and the former first lady worshipped. Earlier tributes were held in nearby Americus and in Atlanta.

The Tuesday memorial was attended by two other presidents and all the living first ladies who joined the extended Carter family before Wednesday’s hometown funeral.

Jimmy Carter made two public appearances as he attended the funeral and the service of his wife. At the Atlanta service, he wore a blanket bearing his and Rosalynn’s faces, and sat in the front row with two of his children on each side. He was in a wheelchair, wearing a suit and a tie.

Jimmy and Rosalynn spent the last days of her life by each other’s side. Jimmy asked his bed to be placed next to hers so that they could talk to one another.

“My father told her he loved her and thanked her for all the wonderful things she had done,” the Carters’ son James E. “Chip” Carter III, who was in his parents’ bedroom with other family members said. “Then he asked us to leave so he could be alone with her.

“I’m sure he prayed,” Chip explained.

ASPEN, CO – JUNE 23: Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter speaks with President Jimmy Carter and Aspen Institute president and CEO Walter Isaacson during the McCloskey Speaker Series on June 23, 2015 in Aspen, Colorado. (Photo by Leigh Vogel/Getty Images)

Sadly, however, by Sunday morning, Rosalynn had lost the power of speech. Later that day, her long and inspiring life came to an end.

Rosalynn, the recipient of a number of honors from organizations like the National Organization of Women and the National Mental Health Association, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom alongside her husband in 1999. During her husband’s presidency, she broke many barriers and was a great humanitarian.

Rest in peace, Rosalynn.

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16-pound giant baby made headlines in 1983 – now he’s all grown up and still famous for his size


Back in 1983, then 24-year-old Patricia Clarke got pregnant with her second child. Having given birth to a large baby before, she didn’t expect her second one to be any less bigger. In fact, having big babies ran in the family, but what no one expected was to baby Kevin Robert Clark to break the record.

When he was welcomed into the world, now 40-year-old Kevin weighted staggering 16 pounds, making him the biggest baby ever born at Community Memorial Hospital and likely at entire New Jersey area.

YouTube / Inside Edition

Baby Kevin wouldn’t fit into standard baby-size clothes nor into a regular baby crib. But what was most important of all was that he was perfectly healthy, and that was all his parents wanted.

His weight was so astounding that he and his family made headlines across the country, and that included a segment on “Saturday Night Live” and a mention on “Good Morning America.”

YouTube / Inside Edition

As expected, Kevin turned into a big teenager. When he reached 12 years of age, his height reached 5 foot 7 as per The New York Post.

By junior high, he stood at 6 foot 5. But he didn’t stop there. On the contrary, he grew even taller in the years to come.

“There isn’t a day that goes by when someone doesn’t ask me how tall I am,” Kevin told the Post.

“I like to joke that I’m 5-foot-21. When people ask if I play basketball, I ask them if they play miniature golf.”

YouTube / Inside Edition

Kevin, who is now 40 years old and is a former military man, is 6 feet 9 inches tall and wears shoes size 17. He’s married and lives with his wife, who’s significantly shorter than him, and their Great Dane.

Being this tall isn’t always easy but it does come with plenty of advantages.

We are certain Kevin is often bothered with questions about his appearance, but we also know that he’s handling that just fine.

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Rosalynn Carter made big Melania Trump decision before her death


Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter will always be remembered as a couple who have done the most humanitarian work in their post-White House years.

The Carters had been part of the Habitat for Humanity for many years and helped renovate around 4,300 houses in 14 different countries.

Universal History Archive/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Before coming to Washington in 1977, Rosalynn was seen as unassuming and quiet, but she soon turned into an eloquent speaker, campaigner and activist. She was well-known for her efforts on mental health and caregiving and women’s rights.

Rosalynn got the nickname “the Steel Magnolia” because of her influence, loyalty, and compassion. It was reported that while serving as a first lady, White House staffers sometimes sought her approval on initiatives before bringing them up to the president.

Rosalynn and Jimmy were celebrated as the oldest living presidential couple and were married for 77 years. Sadly, Rosalynn passed away on November 19, just two days after entering hospice along with her loving husband.

ASPEN, CO – JUNE 23: Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter speaks with President Jimmy Carter and Aspen Institute president and CEO Walter Isaacson during the McCloskey Speaker Series on June 23, 2015 in Aspen, Colorado. (Photo by Leigh Vogel/Getty Images)

The two spent the last days of her life by each other’s side. Jimmy asked his bed to be placed next to hers so that they could talk to one another.

“My father told her he loved her and thanked her for all the wonderful things she had done,” the Carters’ son James E. “Chip” Carter III, who was in his parents’ bedroom with other family members said. “Then he asked us to leave so he could be alone with her.

“I’m sure he prayed,” Chip explained.

Sadly, however, by Sunday morning, Rosalynn had lost the power of speech. Later that day, her long and inspiring life came to an end.

Just how generous Rosalynn was and how big her heart was speaks one of the decisions she made before her passing. Namely, Rosalynn was insistent that fellow ex-First Lady Melania Trump should attend her funeral, despite the fact that Jimmy didn’t agree with Trump’s administration politics.

WASHINGTON, DC – JULY 04: President Donald Trump and first Lady Melania Trump participate in an event on the South Lawn of the White House on July 04, 2020 in Washington, DC. President Trump is hosting a “Salute to America” celebration that includes flyovers by military aircraft and a large fireworks display. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

As reported by SheKnows, citing the Washington Post, “all former first ladies, including Melania Trump,” having been invited to Rosalynn’s funeral. This was confirmed by Rosalynn’s son who said his mom had been “involved in that decision” though she knew that there were “public disagreements over many issues” between her husband and Melania’s husband.

“My mother was a gracious person, and she would treat everybody with respect, including a former first lady,” Chip said.

Donald Trump confirmed that he and Melania would be attending Rosalynn’s funeral.

Rest in peace, Rosalynn.

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