Kate Middleton wears historic tiara once used by the Queen Mother – and it carries a hidden message


Being part of the royalty means attending plenty of events and living a lavish lifestyle. For the numerous occasions during which they represent the country, or any public event they are part of, royals are always seen wearing fabulous outfits.

The most accurate representation of this is the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton. Known for her incredible personality and her brilliant style, Kate has become sort of a fashion icon.

One thing about her that many love is that her personal style is often casual and despite being a future Queen, she is often seen wearing clothes anyone can afford, such as piece from Zara.

Photo by Kin Cheung – WPA Pool/Getty Images

Speaking to Vanity Fair, Bethan Holt described Kate’s style as effortless, something both Queen Elizabeth and Princess Diana symbolized, and that makes her relatable to the people.

“Part of the appeal of Kate – and the royal family was obviously very conscious of this – is that she’s not a blue-blooded princess. I just love that her surname is Middleton – you know, like middle class. It couldn’t be more perfect,” Holt said.

“Her wearing high-street is a way for her to consistently remind people of that, and to show that she is one of us,” she added.

“There’s no better way than saying, hey, you can buy the same Zara jeans I’m wearing right now for £30. She’s had a lot of those [relatable] experiences. She went on a gap year, and she was a girl about town just after university. We saw those pictures of her having a job, and I think lots of women can relate to those things. She’s talked about mum guilt as well, and about the box sets they watch and what takeaway they get.”

Charlotte Graham-WPA Pool/Getty Images

Holt, as well as other fashion experts, believe that Kate’s choice of outfits sends different messages to specific groups.

When Meghan and Harry were still residing in Britain and were attending royal events along the rest of the members of the Firm, Kate could be spotted wearing beige on several occasions. At the same time, late Queen Elizabeth and Meghan Markle wore outfits in the same color and according to royal experts this wasn’t a coincidence.

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Royal expert Elizabeth Holmes believes it was a representation of togetherness despite the troublesome times the family was going through.

“To have them in the same shade, I took very much to be a sign of unity,” Holmes said. “And then of course, [The Queen] issued her statement of support to the Sussexes on January 13. Kate in brown on Monday morning was interesting, too, after she had been roped into the coverage.”

“Kate wore two pieces of brown: a khaki coat and a brown turtleneck—both of which were very visible in the shoulders-up shot of her driving the kids to school. It could be a coincidence but I think perhaps not!”

Anwar Hussein/WireImage

One time, while visiting medical colleges working in maternal healthcare alongside Princess Anne, Kate wore a cream dress with laces in the shape of pineapples.

As per The New York Times, “Pineapples have become a powerful symbol for women struggling with infertility. The fruit appears in the profile photos and Facebook feeds of women in online infertility communities.”

They continued, “They are most widely known as a symbol of hospitality and welcoming. But on social media, pineapples are inextricably tied to infertility. On Instagram, the hashtag #PineappleTribe aims to connect women going through IVF.”

The Royal Insta Blog also wrote about the princess’ choice of wearing a pineapple: “Displaying or wearing the pineapple can represent a non-verbal communication of an enormous life event in common or be an active out loud shout of support to raise awareness and funding for the issue of infertility,” it read, as quoted by Hello.

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

When she wears a particular color, it sometimes comes with a message. With her pink outfits, Kate tends to send the message that she’s fun.

“According to color psychology, which the royals do pay attention to, pink is fun, feminine, flirty and romantic,” fashion expert Samantha Harman said. “Kate wants the public to know that she’s fun and kind, and while some might already think that about her, the pink outfits are showing that she’s letting loose a little bit.”

SUTTON, UNITED KINGDOM – SEPTEMBER 12: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Catherine, Princess of Wales visits HMP High Down on September 12, 2023 in Sutton, England. The Princess of Wales (in her role as Patron of The Forward Trust) is visiting the prison to learn about how the charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. (Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

Royal fashion expert Miranda Holder says, “Every style decision, especially what it comes to Kate’s wardrobe, is absolutely considered and deliberate down to the color she wears.

“[She is] just embracing this color, being fashionable at the moment and enjoying herself.”

Recently, Kate and William joined other royal family members at a state banquet at Buckingham Palace. The event, where the royals and 170 guests were properly dressed, was a part of the state visit for the President of the Republic of Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, and First Lady Kim Keon Hee.

For the occasion, Kate wore the Strathmore Rose tiara, which the Queen Mother last wore in the 1930s. This unique piece of jewelry which hasn’t been worn for over eight decades appears to have a hidden message behind it.

LONDON, ENGLAND – NOVEMBER 21: Catherine, Princess of Wales and Choo Kyung-ho Deputy Prime Minister of South Korea attend the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace with guests on November 21, 2023 in London, England. King Charles is hosting Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife Kim Keon Hee on a state visit from November 21-23. It is the second incoming state visit hosted by the King during his reign. (Photo by Yui Mok-WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Lauren Kiehna from the Court Jeweler told People magazine that by wearing this tiara Kate wanted to demonstrate her connection to late Queen Mother who was like a mother to King Charles once his mother took the throne.

“Kate has always signalled that she’d like to emulate the Queen Mother’s royal role and wearing her jewels is an important symbol of that continuity,” Kiehna said. “It’s fitting that Kate — likely with some assistance from King Charles — would choose to wear the tiara exactly a hundred years after the Queen Mother originally received it.”

Charles was extremely closed to the Queen Mother and she largely influenced his love for music, nature and arts. Speaking of this bond, Roberta Fiorito, co-host of the Royally Obsessed podcast, said, “It seems like he felt that the Queen and Prince Philip were a little bit absent from his childhood, but he did have someone who really indulged his artistic side in the Queen Mother. She was really supportive of all that and we know now how that played out: he recites Shakespeare on the fly and loves painting and watercolours. So I think that came from her.”

Kate has always been dressed impeccably and looks fabulous whatever she opts to wear.

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Doctor was shocked when he listened to the man’s leg


Doctors deal with a huge number of patients on a daily basis so we assume they don;t have it easy.

One day, a man entered the doctor’s office and had a rather strange request. He asked from the doctor to hear what his leg had to say. The doctor has never heard anything like that before but he went on to fulfill his patient’s request.

Read the ending of the joke below.

 A man went to the doctor…

He said, “Doc, you gotta check my leg. Something’s wrong. Just put your ear up to my thigh, you’ll hear it!”


The doctor cautiously placed his ear to the man’s thigh only to hear, “Gimme 20 bucks, I really need 20 bucks.”

“I’ve never seen or heard anything like this before, how long has this been going on?” The doctor asked.

“That’s nothing Doc. Put your ear to my knee.”

The doctor put his ear to the man’s knee and heard it say, “Man, I really need 10 bucks, just lend me 10 bucks!!”

“Sir, I really don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never seen anything like this.” The doctor was dumbfounded.


“Wait Doc, that’s not it. There’s more, just put your ear up to my ankle,” the man urged him.

The doctor did as the man said and was blown away to hear his ankle plead, “Please, I just need 5 bucks. Lend me 5 bucks please if you can.”

“I have no idea what to tell you,” the doctor said. “There’s nothing about it in my books,” he said as he frantically searched all his medical reference books.

“I can make a well-educated guess though. Based on life and all my previous experience I can tell you that,…”

“Your leg appears to be broke in three places.”

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These parents have strong feelings about their daughter staying up late to read


As parents, we tend to raise our children at the best of our abilities no matter the sacrifice it takes. When we see them thrive and turn into respected individuals it feels like a dream come true.

However, when they are still young, most children are difficult to handle. They throw tantrums, do what they please, and rarely agree with their parents.

Parents on the other hand try really hard to form strong bonds and get along with their children, but no matter what they do, they are sometimes judged for their parenting style.

The McNees are a wonderful family who have an 8-year-old daughter in love with reading.

Of course, they love the fact their girl is an enthusiastic reader, but they make the entire experience of reading even more exciting because she believes she acts as a little rebel when she reads past her bad time.

The girl hides under the covers with her flashlight to read Harry Potter books.

Well, although she reads as an act of ‘rebellion’ and stays up late, her mom and dad are fully supportive and they even make sure that her flashlights always have fresh batteries.

Once the McNees shared this cute story there were people out there who suggested they should buy their daughter a headlamp. The parents explained they did buy her one, but she still preferred her flashlights.

Reading under the covers is an experience we all remember from our childhood, right?

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Adam likes what he hears about the new woman


Adam and Eve were the first people to grace the Earth but that doesn’t spare them from people making jokes about them.

Take a look at the one below. It’s going to make you laugh.

Adam was hanging around the Garden of Eden feeling very lonely.

So, God asked him, “What’s wrong with you?”

Adam said he didn’t have anyone to talk to.

God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman.

God continued, “This pretty lady will gather food for you, she will cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash it for you.”

“She will always agree with every decision you make and she will not nag you. And will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you’ve had a disagreement.”

“She will praise you! She will bear your children. And never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them.”

“She will NEVER have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it.”

Adam asked God, “What will a woman like this cost?”

God replied, “I’ll have to remove an arm and a leg.”

Adam paused, then asked,…

“What can I get for a rib?”

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I made my elderly parents choose between living in my garage and a nursing home


When parents get old and fragile, it is usually their children who take care of them or they are placed withing nursing facilities.

A woman shared the story of her parents expressing the wish to move in with her after her children formed families on their own and left their mom’s home.

The woman, who posted her story on Reddit and wanted to know if she was in the right or not, explained that she was more than happy to provide her elderly grandparents with a place to stay, but not in the main house.

Namely, she wrote that she owns a five-bedroom home, but ever since her children moved out, she only uses two of the while the rest are turned into an office and places for her hobby activities.

At the same time, she turned her garage into a guest house for her children, but informed them that it would be their grandparents who would be living there. The woman’s children were fine with that and were even glad their grandparents would be close to their mom.

The guest house was fully equipped with appliances and had its own kitchen and bathroom.

However, when the woman’s parents arrived at her place and learned they wouldn’t be moving into the main house, they got mad.

“They thought they could move into my house since I have five bedrooms,” the woman wrote.

The parents were far from happy.

“They said that they wanted to live in the house, not out in the garage like Fonzie.”

The woman, however, told them their either move into the guest house or into a nursing home.

Reddit users sided with the woman, writing that her parents should have been happy she welcomed them to live near her rent free instead of complaining.

One person wrote that a friend of theirs also welcomed their parents into their garage-turned-guest house but they were far more appreciative.

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My brother thinks I’m free babysitter to his 3 kids, constantly ruins my plans


Family matters get nasty at times, and the reasons for that are various. The truth is that not every family is the same, and sometimes, the members of a family simply don’t get along.

A 23-year-old woman took to Reddit to share a story about her and her brother and how things turned messy after he accused her of ruining his family.

Namely, the woman explained that her brother was a father of three, one five-year-old and three-year-old twins.

Whenever he needed his kids to be babysat, he would call his sister to let her know he was dropping the kids off at her place, without confirming with her if she’s available to take care of them.

This happened multiple times, and no matter how much she enjoyed spending times with her niece and nephews, she was angry that her brother never consider that she had a life on her own and that she could be busy as well.

One day, OP was headed to a friend’s place when her brother called her and told her he needed her to babysit his kids because he and his wife had plans. She tried to explain that she wasn’t available and that she was on her way to a friend’s.

“He just laughed and said sucks for you, then your plans are canceled,” she shared.

Once again, she told him very clearly that she couldn’t take care of his kids, but he didn’t listen and told her he was dropping the kids off at her door and that if anything happened to them it would be on her. She then warned him that in case he does that she would call the police.

Shortly after, she got a notification from her doorbell and saw her niece and nephews standing outside her door.

She started panicking and asked the friend who was with her in the car if they could return.

Once back home, OP called the police. They arrived at no time and asked her to take care of the children until her brother, who wasn’t answering his calls, returns to pick them up.

OP refused and that’s when Child Protective Services were alerted of the situation.

Sadly, the kids were taken by the Child Protective Services and OP assured them they would be taken care of and that they shouldn’t be scared. She then went to her friend’s place where she spent the night.

At around 04:00 a.m. her brother called her asking her where his children were, and she told him they were with Child Protective Services.

He started yelling at her, calling her names.

Unfortunately, things went too far, and her brother and his wife lost custody of the kids and were charged with endangering a child on three counts.

OP was then asked to be their legal guardian. She accepted but didn’t tell anyone. However, her brother discovered that his kids were with her and had been constantly calling her phone and contacting her via social media, telling her she ruined his family.

Their family accused her of ruining her brother’s family as well, telling her she could have “sucked it up.” The only person who stood by her side was her grandfather.

Over time, OP started feeling less guilty over the entire situation.

In her Reddit post she explained that she loved her brother’s kids unconditionally and she in fact loved spending time with them, but if her brother needed her to babysit them he should have arranged it with her at least 24 hours in advance.

Most of the Redditors agreed that was not the a*****e.

So even said that losing a custody couldn’t be that easy and that there could be more to the story.

Additionally, they said she shouldn’t feel guilty because she warned her brother, but he didn’t listen.

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Concerns about Trump’s health for a presidential run are raised by a former White House aide


Former President Donald Trump has launched his third bid for the White House as he aspires to run for President again.

“We have to save our country,” he said from his Mar-a-Lago Florida estate where he and his family reside ever since they left Washington DC.

Trump addressed the crowd he invited to his property and said, “We are a nation in decline.

“For millions of Americans, the past two years under Joe Biden have been a time of pain, hardship, anxiety and despair.”

Trump announced his candidacy with the words, “In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States.”

He then proceeded, “Two years ago, we were a great nation, and soon, we will be a great nation again. This will not be my campaign, this will be our campaign, all, together.

“I have no doubt that by 2024, it will sadly be much worse, and they will see clearly what has happened and is happening to our country – and the voting will be much different.”

Outside Mar-a-Lago, supporters gathered to wave Trump 2024 flags.

hutterstock/Drop of Light

However, as his aspiration to run for president again became a hot topic, a former aide of Trump raised concerns about the business mogul’s health, both his physical and emotional.

This isn’t the first time Trump’s health to be widely spoken about. During his time at the White House, his physical and mental health came under scrutiny and some even saw him unfit as a head of the country.

Trump, however, shared a report proclaiming his “exceptional” cognitive health on the day of Joe Biden’s 81st birthday.

The letter concerning his health state has been written by Dr. Bruce Aronwald, who describes himself as “Trump’s personal physician since 2021,” and comes after Trump, 77, has made verbal slips that brought his age to the forefront.

Regarding the weight Trump lost, the letter by his doctor states it’s a result of “an improved diet and continued daily physical activity.” Further, the doctor claimed Trumps “laboratory analysis” came back more favorable than in prior testing without specific metrics listed.

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Mark Harmon reveals his true feelings for Jamie Lee Curtis – their bond goes back decades


Hollywood romances aren’t anything out of the ordinary, but to the delight of millions of fans, friendships between co-stars aren’t as well. We’ve witness actors and actresses translating the fun time on set to their private life. Just think of the co-stars of the iconic TV series Friends.

Another genuine friendship between Hollywood stars is that of Mike Harmon and Jamie Lee Curtis.

According to both of them, there have never been romantically involved or felt anything besides fondness and friendship for one another.

In fact, bot of them have been married to their significant others for many years.

When it comes to Harmon, he and his wife Pam have been married for over three decades and they are still deeply in love with one another.

Shutterstock/Vicki L. Miller

Asked about the secret to his long and successful marriage, Harmon says there isn’t any. Apparently, he needed to kiss a lot of frogs to get where he is today. One thing, however, he believes helped is their age at the time they decided to tie the knot. “We were both in our 30s when we got married, so hopefully the stupid stuff, we did earlier. That’s probably the closest I have to what the key is,” he told People.

Harmon and Dawber met at a party thrown by a mutual friend. They married in 1987 at a chapel at the Harvard-Westlake School in Studio City, California, in an intimate wedding ceremony attended by few of their closest friends and family only.

At the time, both were well-known actors already. Harmon gained fame starring in 240 Robert, Flamingo Road, The Love Boat, and the drama St. Elsewhere. Dawber, on the other hand, got her breakthrough with the television series Mork & Mindy, where she starred alongside late Robin Williams. “It was clear. He was so adorable and so funny,” she told ABC in 2020, speaking of Williams. “He just had it. And that was it. It was just like, “Where do I sign?’”

Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Harmon and Dawber have two sons together, Sean Harmon and Ty Christian Harmon.

When they were born, Dawber decided to slow down and put her career on hold. She did appear in some series, but not as a regular, because she wanted to spend more time with her family. In fact, she believes that if two people are fully engaged in acting, the relationship between them is not likely to survive because of all the commitment and time the profession requires.

Both Harmon and Dawber agree on keeping their private lives out of the spotlight.

“It’s not even a choice. It’s who we are,” Mark said years later. “We stay home. A lot. I’m not a Twitter guy or a Facebook guy. Our sons aren’t into that either. Pam and I have both made a living in this business, and still, there’s a part of that, that’s just not natural.”


Jamie Lee Curtis also keeps her private life exactly that, private. In 1984, she married Christopher Guest, and they’re still together today. The couple has two adopted children.

Curtis first saw Christopher, who is best known for his role in Spinal Tap, while flipping through a Rolling Stone magazine, according to a piece she wrote for Oprah.com. “I looked at the man on the right, wearing a plaid shirt and a waggish smirk. I’d never seen him before, but I pointed at him. ‘I’m going to marry that man,’ I said to my friend.”


The two exchanged numbers through their agents, but he didn’t call her and she moved on dating someone else.

But then, she accidentally met him at a restaurant. “I glanced up and found myself staring straight at Chris, three tables away. He waved to me as if to say, ‘I’m the guy you called.’ I waved back: ‘I’m the woman who called you.’ A few minutes later, he got up to leave. Standing 20 feet away, he shrugged his shoulders and put up his hand as if to say, ‘I’ll see ya.’”

Shutterstock/Featureflash Photo Agency

Jamie Lee Curtis and Mark Harmon starred together in the 2003 hit film Freaky Friday.

“Mark Harmon was interesting because Tom Selleck was attached to play that part when Annette Bening was attached. He was very upfront with me. He called me when Annette dropped out, and he said, “Look, I was excited about the project, but I was really excited about the opportunity of working with Annette. So, I’m gonna back out.” And I was like, “Oh, I understand. No hard feelings,” and then we went out for Mark Harmon. As far as an older man, he was still considered to be like a heartthrob because women adored him,” Freaky Friday Director Mark Waters onc explained.

The film was a huge success and helped form Curtis and Harmon’s acting careers at the time. It made $160.8 million worldwide, and critics praised Curtis’ performance.

Today, Curtis is a recipient of several accolades, including two Golden Globe Awards, a British Academy Film Award, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA – MARCH 12: Jamie Lee Curtis, winner of Best Actress in a Supporting Role award for ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ poses in the press room during the 95th Annual Academy Awards at Ovation Hollywood on March 12, 2023 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images)

When Harmon became part of NCIS, Curtis appeared as Dr. Samantha Ryan in season nine.

Harmon loved working with her again.

“She’s terrific,” Harmon once said about Curtis’s appearance on NCIS. “I’ve known Jamie a long time. She’s a treat to have on set. The rest of the cast loves her and Gary Glasberg has created a role for her that made her want to come and play in the first place, which is rare. But she’s had a great time there, and I think she’d tell you that as well.

“She’s a gift to have on the set,” Mark Harmon added. “And such a rare talent, and as a person, a good person and terrifically good at what she does. So, we’ve enjoyed having her.”

Richard Blanshard/Getty Images

During a separate occasion, Harmon said of Curtis, “Jamie’s great and I think we’re all glad that she’s coming to play with us in our little sandbox for a while … I look forward to it, absolutely.”

“She’s a gift to have on the set,” Harmon said in another interview the same year. “Gary Glasberg has created a role for her that made her want to come and play in the first place, which is rare. But she’s had a great time there and I think she’d tell you that as well.”

Curtis, of course, felt the same for her friend. She as well was looking forward working with him.


“I’m not going to lie to you and say that this is a horrible, difficult job to ‘play’ with him. I’m happy to have it,” Curtis told Entertainment Tonight.

“He makes me blush a little bit,” she added. “Because he’s just such a sweet guy.. I’m very fond of him and he’s fond of me.”

Recently, Curtis shared with her fans that she has plans to make a sequel to Freaky Friday, but whether or not Harmon will have a role in it is yet to be revealed.

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