Daughter-in-law acted meanly towards the mother-in-law, so the old woman decided to teach her a lesson


After Lucy’s husband passed away, she was welcomed to live with her son Connor and his wife Eve.

Being elderly and fragile, Lucy needed company, at least for some time, until she was able to accept her reality and be ready to move on.

When she moved in with her son, he decided to let her stay on the first floor in order not to use the stairs because of her weak knees.

Connor worked at the IT sector and was at work for long hours while his wife was a housewife. That meant that Lucy and Eve spent most of the day together, and what’s most, they got along nicely.

While Eve was doing most of the housework, Lucy always offered help, either with the household chores or in the kitchen.

Eve was willing to accept her mother-in-law’s help, but as time passed by, she somehow let Lucy do most of the work.

A couple of days before Christmas, Eve was at the house, watching TV, when she turned to Lucy and said, “Lucy, after you finish the laundry, please go out and buy groceries for tonight’s dinner and Christmas dinner, too. Nine people are coming over. I’ll give you the money before you leave.”

This request came as a shock to Lucy. The two always did the shopping together, and Lucy was way too fragile to be able to shop for groceries all by herself.

At that moment, Lucy realized that as long she stayed at the house, she would fell like a maid more and more.

She did feel it was the time to leave and return to her home, but she first wanted to teach Eve a lesson.

Lucy’s home wasn’t empty at the time. When she moved in with her son and his wife, she decided to rent her home and give the money from the rent to Connor. So, even if she wanted to, she couldn’t leave Connor’s place at that moment.

For Christmas, Lucy prepared all the food, including the side dishes and the desserts.

When the guests arrived, they all praised Lucy for her cooking skills.

“Aunt Lucy,” said one of the friends of her son, “This food is amazing! Did you cook all of it yourself?”

“I did, Ross,” Lucy answered with a smile.

“Lucy,” Eve said, “I doubted that you would make so many delicious things!”

“Thank you, Eve,” Lucy responded, believing that the words from the guests would make Eve question her choice not to help around the dinner but leave Lucy do everything by herself.

After dinner, Lucy went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and that’s when Eve approached her.

“Lucy, can we talk?” Eve asked her.

“Sure,” Lucy said. “What’s on your mind, Darling?”

“I didn’t realize how much you do around the house. I’ve wanted to take it easy, so I added it to your load. I’m so sorry,” Eve uttered.

Then Lucy smiled, as she figured it out that Eve had her lesson. “It’s more than fine,” she said, “I just need you to know that as much as I want to help around the house, I’m old, and my knees aren’t the same anymore.”

“We make a great team,” Eve said, “Come on, let’s go put your feet up. I’ll make you a cup of tea.”

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Patients reveal the most awkward doctor visit they’ve ever had


Visits to the doctor’s can be unpleasant at times. Of course, it depends on the problem we have, but in general, hospitals aren’t the place we would ever wish to find ourselves at, unless it’s for a joyous occasion such as giving birth.

People ‘reveal ‘awkward’ encounters with their doctors on Reddit and as much as some of them are unpleasant, there are also those that are just hilarious.

1. Unusual Condition of a Patient’s Blue Hands Turns Out to be Blue Jeans

A person holding blue liquid in his hands. | Source: Pexels

u/raybanomics: Not me, but my roommate went to the doctor because his hands were turning blue. He was born premature and has always had horrible circulation. So he goes to the doctor, who is so puzzled about what’s happening that she calls to consult other doctors.

She returns to the room with alcohol swabs, and the blue starts coming off. Apparently, he had not washed his new jeans, and the ink kept rubbing off on his hands every time he put them in his pocket.

2. Going Commando Leads to an Awkward Encounter

A female patient wearing a hospital gown. | Source: Pexels

u/olialm1: I had my physical examination and forgot to wear underwear. I pretty much go commando all the time unless I’m wearing a short dress, so when my doctor told me to “put the gown on but keep your bra and underwear on,” I facepalmed.

When he went to lift my gown so he could feel around on my stomach, I turned bright red and said, “I’m not wearing underwear,” to which he responded by giving me this weird look.

3. A Cough Turns Into a Burp

A person coughing. | Source: Shutterstock

u/kev0h: Way back when I was in peewee football, I had to go for a sports physical. I was pretty young then. When the doctor told me to turn my head and cough, I panicked because I hadn’t coughed in a while, so instead, I burped.

4. The Doctors Clashed over Shorter Limb

Healthcare professionals reading a report. | Source: Pexels

u/epona92: My left leg is slightly shorter than my right leg (approx. 1.5 cm, so nothing too drastic), and when I was younger, I had to see a specialist because I also had scoliosis.

The doctor was older and German and had three international interns: one from South Africa, one from Mexico, and one from China.

After taking x-rays, the German doctor returned and informed me that my right leg was shorter than my left, pointing to the hip displacement in the x-ray. I corrected him, but he insisted that my right leg was shorter.

The South African came to my defense and pointed out that he was looking at the X-ray backward. The German doctor didn’t believe any of it, and their argument got so heated that the Mexican and Chinese doctors excused themselves.

5. Motorcycle Mishap Becomes a Timeless Family Tale

A kid riding a mini motorcycle. | Source: Shutterstock

u/TheOnlyOne87: I was about five years old at the time. We had a big field beside our house where my two older brothers and I rode our mini motorcycle around. Anyway, I crashed the bike and cut my leg open pretty badly.

So, I was taken to the local doctor for stitches. He pulled down my little trousers, and I wasn’t wearing any underwear. Twenty years later, I still have the scar on my leg. And my lack of underwear is still a regular family anecdote.

6. John Cusack, you say?

A female doctor examining a male patient. | Source: Shutterstock

u/BosskHogg: A few years back, I ended up getting the flu. My wife took me to a 24-hour emergency clinic near our house. The doctor on duty was in her mid-30s and kind of cute.

My wife was in the waiting room, and I was with the doctor in a patient room when the doctor turned to me and said, “You look just like John Cusack” (which I do).

I told her I get that all the time, but she kept repeating it, and she began sounding creepy. So I’m lying on the bed, trying my hardest not to pass out, and the doctor begins playing with my hair, talking about John Cusack before my wife walks in.

7. Baby Talk Blunder: The OB’s Humorous Comment

A pregnant woman standing next to a tree. | Source: Pexels

u/LuckieMotor: When I was newly pregnant with my daughter, I was at my OB’s office for a pelvic exam. After I stirrup up, my doctor checks my vagina and says, “Oh, you’ll be fine if you have a big baby; there’s PLENTY of room in here.”

I’m sure she meant that I have a wide pelvic arch and would have no trouble with a vaginal delivery, but what I heard was something entirely different.

8. A Comment turns To be a Compliment

A doctor smiling. | Source: Pexels

u/pickanotherusername: I was ten when I was taken to the emergency room with a ruptured appendix. They had trouble diagnosing my problem and sent me in for an enema. The doctor was doing his thing. So I said, “You must be the least popular doctor in the hospital.” He responded,” I don’t get many thank-you cards.”

9. An Awkward Encounter with an Attractive Doctor

A female doctor smiling. | Source: Pexels

u/FruitF***ing: Well, it’s not that awkward, but it was April Fool’s Day, and right before I went to class, I decided to go dominate the toilet. To my surprise, the toilet paper was all red.

By this time, I’m freaking out going to the doctor, thinking I bled out of my butt. I go to an urgent care and pay my $100 fee. A very attractive doctor has me bend over to look at my buttocks. That was the awkward part for me.

She says I’m probably okay if I didn’t feel any pain. An hour later, I’m sitting at home wondering if I’m going to die. I realized the night before I got very drunk, smoked, and ate a whole bag of flaming hot Cheetos to myself. Turns out that eating a bunch of those turns your poop red.

10. Taste Buds!?

A lady smiling. | Source: Pexels

u/va_bene: I had a sore throat, and when I tried to get a good look at it in the mirror, I noticed these large, pink spots all over the very back of my tongue.

I spent a week fretting over it, wondering what they were and why they weren’t going away until my mom worried enough that she went with me to my doctor.

Upon examining my throat and tongue, he pronounced what I saw were my taste buds. I have never seen my doctor, an incredibly stoic man, smile so wide. My family is never going to let me live it down.

11. A Fart Mishap Leaves the Doctor Wondering

A pregnant woman having a consultation with a doctor. | Source: Pexels

u/FearlessEyes: I went to the doctor when I was about eight months pregnant. At that point in my pregnancy, I was VERY gassy, and if I tried to hold it in, it would get painful after a while.

While I was sitting in the doctor’s office, I felt like I had to fart. I held it in for a while, thinking that if I did fart, the doctor would be in at any moment. Fifteen minutes passed, and nothing.

So I decided to let it go. The tiniest little fart ever, but it stunk really bad. Thirty seconds later, the doctor walked in and asked me what that smell was.

12. This Took a Different Turn

A doctor talking to a male patient. | Source: Shutterstock

u/PalmerKid: When I turned 30, I suddenly became a hypochondriac. I thought that EVERYTHING was cancer or worse. So, I’m seeing my doctor for an annual physical, and I mentioned that I was having some pains in the left side of my chest.

I asked, “I know this is rare, but could it be breast cancer?” (I’m male, btw). The doctor checked around seriously and then, with a straight face, asked me, “Does the pain hurt worse when you have your period?” That was pretty much the end of my year of hypochondria.

13. The Awkward Hug Fail

Close up photo of a male doctor. | Source: Pexels

u/AnalogDigit2: I hadn’t seen my doctor in over a year, and he met me outside the examination room before I went in. He spread his arms, and I was a little surprised.

I started to move in for a hug before he stepped back a little and made a clearer indication that he was just politely gesturing me to enter the room before him. Sheepfaced, I put my head down and marched into the room.

14. An Emotional Hospital Visit

A woman crying. | Source: Pexels

u/lieshy: I had a full-fledged panic attack when they sent me to the “renal” unit at the hospital. I cried for an hour because I didn’t want a bum exam. The best part of the story? I was seventeen years old. I should probably have paid more attention in class, I guess.

15. My Sports Injuries Turned to a Normal Conversation

A man helping a player with an injury. | Source: Pexels

u/KakunaUsedHarden: So, not a particular incident, but I get a lot of sports injuries that hurt so bad until I see a doctor. But the appointment ends with a normal conversation anytime I visit the doctor.

I say, “It hurts so much!.” The doctor responds, “Does it hurt when I do this?” I reply, “No.” Despite additional pressure and questioning, I consistently say it does not hurt. The doctor concludes, “I think you’ll be fine.”

16. I Accidentally Kissed the Doctor’s Hand

A man kissing a woman’s hand. | Source: Shutterstock

u/reedyforkmike: I took my son (one year old) to the doctor to get checked out for an ear infection. He got upset as the doctor examined him. I’m holding him on my lap the entire time, whispering in his ear and trying to keep him calm.

As the doctor goes to look in his ear, I comfort my son by kissing his head. Unfortunately, the doctor had just placed his hand there to hold him in place.

I gently press my lips right on the guy’s hand! I pulled away, didn’t say a word, and we both pretended like it never happened.

17. From Giggles to Gas

A woman laughing on the couch. | Source: Pexels

u/[deleted]: I had pimples on my face when I was about fourteen and looked like a human pizza. My mom took me to the doctor, and everything started normally.

The doctor was an oldish lady in her 50s; she seemed nice. Then something made me lose it when she started making hand gestures to her crotch, saying. “Do you get any pains around here?”

You can probably guess what would happen; with the sense of humor of a fourteen-year-old, I started laughing so hard I tried to stop myself by coughing. But the coughs caused me to fart.

18. The Holiday Hymns Added a Merry Twist to Gynecologist Visit

A Christmas carol book. | Source: Pexels

u/gummbee: I’m a student, so I always make my appointments for winter break. For the season, they play Christmas songs throughout the office.

Near the end of my appointment, it was time for my pap smear test. I climb on the table and open wide when a choir begins singing, “Oh, Come all the faithful.”

19. The Quirky Dentist’s Chair That Gave Me Giggles

Dentist examining a patient. | Source: Pexels

u/doh_ramey: I’ve never done anything incredibly embarrassing, but there is one thing that gives me anxiety about going to the dentist. I don’t mind them fiddling around with my mouth, and I can stand the twinges, scrapes, and more.

The problem is that when the dentist/hygienist pumps the chair lever, it rises in little jumps. I can’t help it, so I start to giggle. I know it was cute when I was six, but now I’m twenty-six, making me look very strange.

20. Wisdom Teeth Aftermath

A male dentist examining a patient. | Source: Pexels

u/WhiskeyandWine: I was under anesthesia after having my wisdom teeth removed. While waiting for my ride in the not-so-empty lobby, I vaguely remember seeing someone else with a bunch of gauze hanging out of their mouth; seeing this, I started to laugh at them.

Sure enough, my friend arrived to see me laughing at myself in the mirror. My friend asked the receptionist if I was alright, to which she responded, “Oh yeah, he has been like that for more than five minutes now.”

21. The Day a ‘Zit’ Took Center Stage

A lady squizing a pimple on her face: Source: Pexels

u/bad_pie: I had a small lump on the side of my chin. I thought maybe it was a pimple. It was there for a few months, so I got nervous and went to the doctor.

He looks at it for a few seconds and then squeezes it hard. It Hurt pretty bad. Turns out it was a zit. When it popped, he said, “Woah! It hit the wall!” Then, pointing at the wall, he says, “We’ll sanitize that later.”

22. Strange smell

Doctors | Getty Images

Deleted user: My husband started to smell really bad… I mean, REEK. I made an appointment for him with the urologist and decided to go with him for support. He went into the doctor’s office and the doctor closed the door.

Five minutes later, the doctor comes out and his face turns red when he sees me.Doc (barely holding back laughter): You might want to go in and see for yourself.

Me: ‘Doctor, what’s going on? Why are you laughing?’ Then my husband comes out. He: Honey… I’m not sure how to say this… But I’ve been cheating on you.”

His words hit me like a freight train, and I felt my heart shatter into pieces. I looked at him, searching for any sign of the man I thought I knew, but all I saw was a stranger. The doctor, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly excused himself, leaving us in an awkward, painful silence.

I stood there, devastated, as the truth of his infidelity and the reason behind his sudden change in odor sank in.

That smell was caused by a venereal disease, which the doctor diagnosed in him, and he knew that I didn’t have it, so the betrayal was obvious. That day opened my eyes to everything.

A doctor interacting with a patient. | Source: Pexels

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My son stays quiet as his wife insults me — But he soon teaches her a lesson in front of guests


A woman named Kate posted a story of how her son chose silence instead of defending her when his wife insulted her.

Namely, Kate loved to cook, but since her husband’s passing things changed and she somehow lost hold of that part of her. However, whenever a holiday was around the corner she would prepare the most delicious dishes to her son John, especially for Christmas when he would always come for his annual roast dinner.

This year, however, was a bit different since John’s wife, Liz, attended the family dinner for the first time. The two dated for quite some time, but over the course of a couple of years, she would always spend Christmas at her parents’ house.

Source: Unsplash

Kate woke up early because she knew she needed time to prepare the main course, which was a chicken with gravy on the side, all the side dishes and desserts that her son loved.

As she was preparing the food, Liz entered the kitchen with her phone in her hand and started looking around. At that moment, she made a face as though she smelled something terrible, but Kate, already sweating away, decided to ignore her and didn’t say a word.

Roast chicken on plates | Source: Pexels

Sadly, things turned for the worse when Liz suddenly exclaimed, “Hey, Kate, maybe we should order food. Not everyone wants what you’ve cooked. I don’t know if everyone enjoys your cooking, either. Every aspect of Christmas is supposed to be enjoyed by everyone. They should enjoy the food, too!”

As expected, Kate was shocked by her daughter-in-law’s harsh words.

“I saw John leaning against the archway, nibbling on a carrot. He altogether avoided my gaze, looking over me and out the window across the room. I held back my tears and bit my lip,” she wrote in her post.

Source: Pexels

As most of the guests arrived and sat on the table, it seemed like they all enjoyed the food Kate prepared for the night.

At one moment, John asked, “The food’s great, right? Everyone’s enjoying it?”

John’s uncle helped himself to another serving of roasted potatoes and asked, “Why wouldn’t we enjoy my sister’s food?”

“Because Liz said that the dinner might be ruined by Mom’s dishes. She wanted us to order in,” John explained.

“Nonsense!” Kate’s brother said as he dipped his potatoes into the gravy.

Roasted potatoes | Source: Pexels

Hearing this, John looked at his mom and smiled. Kate then realized that her son didn’t react before because he was waiting for the right moment to teach his wife a lesson.

Liz turned red as everyone starred at her and Kate admitted that she even felt bad for her because it was her first Christmas with the family.

Later on, while packing the dishwasher and emptying dishes of food, Liz approached Kate.

“Kate, I’m sorry,” she said. “I was so wrong to do what I did. I am sorry, please understand.”

“Understand what?” Kate asked her.

Loaded dishwasher | Source: Pexels

“I only said that because John loves your food. He always talks about how you make all these special things for him. I can’t make a basic mac and cheese without him saying yours is better. I looked at the food, smelt all the delicious smells from this kitchen, and panicked.”

“Liz, you should know that a boy and his mother’s food is a relationship in and of itself,” Kate said with a laughter as she tried to diffuse the tension. “I can teach you how to cook just like me. My mother taught me everything I know.”

“Really?” Liz asked. “Even after I’ve been so horrible?”

“Yes,” Kate replied.

Thankfully, Kate understood that Liz’s intention wasn’t a nasty one, she simply felt threatened by her mother-in-law, but she soon learned it was for no reason.

Kate then took Liz to the Christmas tree and handed her the present she bough for her.

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How Dolly Parton would look in her 70s if she never underwent plastic surgery: Photos via AI


An iconic singer and a blonde bombshell, Dolly Parton truly is unmatched.

This country music legend who is a songwriter, businesswoman, and humanitarian among the rest, has given the world of country music a lot over the years. Not only she is under the spotlight for decades because of her songs and vocal, but she’s also widely known as someone with a heart of gold who has always spoken openly about everything in her life.

Dolly Parton attends the 58th Academy Of Country Music Awards at The Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas, on May 11, 2023. | Source: Getty Images

Born on January 19, 1946, in Locust Ridge, Tennessee, as one of 12 children, Dolly Parton‘s family struggled to make ends meet at times, but they were very close and the children grew up in a loving home where music was always present.

“Music was such a large part of our whole family,” Parton recalled. “All of my mama’s people were musical. They all played some musical instrument. Of course, I took my music real serious, and I was always plucking along on somebody’s instrument — whatever they would leave lying around or whenever my family would come. But I always loved the guitar.”

Parton, although being someone who emphasize the importance of aging gracefully, has undergone several cosmetic procedures over the years.

Asked why she opted to go under the knife, she simply answers, “Because I need it.” According to her, despite the plastic surgeries, she’s a person who is “real where it counts.” 

“I am not a natural beauty,” she once shared with Chicago Tribune, but added that she had never gone to extremes. “I just do little bits and pieces, just to try and keep things touched up, just tweaking,” the singer added back in the day.

Speaking to Larry King, she said she underwent a facelift, breast implants, liposuction, eye surgery, excess skin removal, lip injections, and botox, among other procedures.

“I don’t want to lie about it, so I’ve got to — I think sometimes it might help. You know, it’s not like — I mean, I look so totally artificial, you know, but I hopefully am totally real,” Parton said.

“I try to pick the best doctor, and I don’t do it that often,” she added about her plastic surgery.

“I just — I actually do it in little bits and pieces, because I don’t want to do a whole big drastic thing. I’ve never had, like, just the whole big thing done, because I don’t want to look like, you know, tighter than a banjo head.”

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She always has her hair done and her makeup on because she loves looking beautiful all the time.

Had she not undergone any plastic procedures, this beauty would have certainly looked different and in today’s world, when the advance of technology is immense, AI shows us what Parton would have actually looked like if she had aged totally natural.

1977: When she was in her 30s, Parton was stunningly beautiful. Her face, and her dimples, shined with confidence.

Dolly Parton in London, California in 1977 | Source: Getty Images

1981: The photo below shows Parton in all her glory. Her infectious smile, full lips, and radiant skin are yet another proof why she stole millions of hearts.

Dolly Parton in New York City, circa 1981 | Source: Getty Images

1987: In her 40s, Parton’s face didn’t show any sign of any form of cosmetic surgeries. On the contrary, every feature of her face sparked confidence and a timeless allure.

Dolly Parton at an event in the US in 1987 | Source: Getty Images

1993: Reaching her late 40s, Parton kept her authenticity, but it was probably the time when she slightly enhanced her beauty with the help of cosmetic procedures.

Dolly Parton attends a Taping of “The Joan Rivers Show” at CBS Broadcast Center in New York City on March 1, 1993. | Source: Getty Images

2000: During her 50s, it was evident that the Jolene singer altered her lips and cheeks. However, it was again a slight change which didn’t leave her unrecognizable, just beautified, although many would agree that she didn’t even need the procedures at the time because she looked stunning the way she was.

Dolly Parton portrait taken in 2000 | Source: Getty Images

2003: This year marked a period in Parton’s life in which she relied on cosmetic procedures in a way that she still retained her youthful radiance yet there were still features on her face that showed a glimpse of aging.

Dolly Parton poses at the Distinctive Assets “Women in Rock” talent gift lounge backstage at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, California, on September 29, 2003. | Source: Getty Images

2009: In her 60s, Parton’s face almost transformed. She used makeup to ‘hide’ her wrinkles, but she still sparked vitality.

Dolly Parton addresses an audience at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on February 10, 2009. | Source: Getty Images

2016: At this point, Parton’s gorgeous face shows signs of aging as well as signs of plastic surgery. The wrinkles are gone and the skin on her face is smooth. Many agree that she had also undergone eyes and nose surgery that enhanced her looks even further.

Dolly Parton Visits “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” at Rockefeller Center on August 23, 2016 in New York City. | Source: Getty Images

2019: Who would have thought that this woman is in her 70s on this photo?

Dolly Parton visits The Cast of “9 To 5” The Musical at The Savoy Theatre in London, England on February 17, 2019. | Source: Getty Images

2023: Honestly, nowadays Parton doesn’t look a day older than 50 and defies age. She does embraces her age and her looks, but not without little help from the plastic surgeons who allow her to dress like she’s in her 20s.

Dolly Parton performs at halftime during the game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Washington Commanders at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, on November 23, 2023. | Source: Getty Images

So, what would Parton look like without any procedures?

She would still have that unique charm that make us fall for her, but with a wrinkle or two on her forehead and her cheeks.

Dolly Parton Via AI | Source: Midjourney
Dolly Parton Via AI | Source: Midjourney

AI created images of Parton in all her natural grace and her natural glow that certainly doesn’t come from cosmetic surgery but from acceptance and self-confidence.

Dolly Parton Via AI | Source: Midjourney
Dolly Parton Via AI | Source: Midjourney

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If you spot these mysterious black dots in your kitchen, you had better know what they mean


Besides for chatting, connecting with friends, and posting images, social media sites, Facebook and Reddit in particular, are a good place when people need advice regarding various issues.

Recently, a mom posted a series of images of peculiar black specks along her skirting board and wall on a Mrs. Hinch fan page and asked fellow users if they had any idea what those specks might be.

Anyone have any idea what this is?” the mom asked. “Just appeared this last week or so on the skirting board in my dining room, also bits on the wallpaper and the floor which gets mopped every day! It’s not bumpy, it looks like some sort of paint splatter but it isn’t,” her post continued.

As always, the netizens didn’t disappoint. Many provided answers of what those strange specks could be.

Some were convinced the photos posted showed flies’ poo and others claimed it was spiders’ poo.

“It happens a lot this time of year, spiders pooing everywhere, Dettox spray is good for it,” one person commented. “It’s spider poo after they’ve eaten flies. I get it on my window sill,” another added.

Spiders often find their ways into people’s homes but they are not considered to be invasive pests. What’s most, some spiders are even known to be beneficial as they act as a natural insecticide.

And, of course, as any other living creature, spiders do poop, but do you know what their poop looks like?

Well, spider feces are more like highly viscous liquids with a dark appearance and resemble a paint splatter.

In addition to poop, some spiders create something known as a “bolus”, which is essentially an indigestible ball of the carcasses of their prey or a webbing they ate unintentionally. These look like white balls of mangled insect parts.

It’s important to note that spiders’ droppings aren’t toxic, but if not removed immediately, they are hard to get rid of and can seriously stain the furniture, upholstery, fabric, and walls. 

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Son puts mother in nursing home, returns home and finds his suitcases on the doorstep


Joe believed he did the best thing for his ailing mother when he placed her in a nursing home. His fiancée, Emily, was the one who convinced him it was for the best for everyone if the elderly lady was out of her home. “You did the right thing,” she said with a grin on her face. “Your mom will have a better life in the nursing home…and we can turn her old crafts room into a lovely nursery for our baby.”

However, upon returning from the nursing home, Joe and Emily were shocked to see some people moving the furniture from their house. They rushed to inspect what was going on, still shocked from the sight.

“What the heck is going on over here?” Joe yelled as he exited the car and ran towards the porch. “Hey, who are you…and what are you doing in my house?”

“You must be Joe!” the man replied. “I knew you would come. By the way, this isn’t your house anymore! Your mom sold it to us. Here are the papers…and there’s your stuff.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Joe was looking in confusion, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing and was unable to move. But Emily acted. She grabbed the paper from the man’s hand and started analyzing the agreement. Her facial expression said it was true. Joe’s mom really sold the house.

“You fool!” she yelled. “Your mother tricked you right under your nose…and you had no clue? Everything is ruined now.”

“Emily…don’t say that. I don’t understand why Mom did this. But we still have each other. We can…”

“There’s no more WE, you loser! Forget about me,” she said as she pulled the ring and threw it on the ground.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Joe ran after her, pleading, “Wait…what about our baby?”

But Emily laughed at his face as she replied, “You’re so stupid! There’s no baby. Now get out of my way.”

“Wha—what do you mean? Emily…Emily? Stop….” Joe called out, but she left the place and left his life.

Heartbroken, Joe stood on the porch and that’s when he noticed a letter under one of the boxes.

It was from his mother.

“Dear Joe,

I’m sorry this happened. I wish I never had to take such drastic steps. But you left me with no other choice. It all started the day you first brought Emily home… the letter started.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Some weeks ago…

The decision to sell the house was made weeks ago, while Joe’s mom, Nora, was resting in her armchair.

Joe entered the place, and there was a woman with him, Emily. “…Joe is so funny…and charming,” Emily chuckled as she sat next to Joe on the couch. “I couldn’t say no when he first asked me on a date to the funfair.”

“It’s been just three weeks…but it feels like we’ve known each other for ages. That’s why I insisted Emily move in with me,” Joe said with visible delight in his eyes.

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Her son’s words stunned Nora. She needed time to compose herself as she placed her oxygen mask on her face.

“I’m sorry if this has come as a shock, Mom,” Joe rubbed Nora’s shoulder. “Things might seem sudden…but trust me…Emily is the one for me. We’re soulmates!”

Nora turned to Emily, took her hand, and said, “Emily, darling, if you don’t mind, can you please make me some tea, dear? The warmth soothes my throat. The kitchen is that way…”

As Emily left the room to make some tea, Joe looked at his mother and whispered, “Isn’t she the best, Mom?”

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“She seems like a lovely girl. But don’t you think you’re taking things a bit fast, Joey?”

“Mom, I understand your concerns. I didn’t want to tell you everything because of your health. But you deserve to know…I’m planning to propose to Emily this weekend.”

As expected, Nora believed that was way too soon since Joe knew Emily only for a few weeks.

“Mom, relax. You’re the one who taught me to fight for love. That’s what you and Dad did when you eloped, right?”

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“But, Joey, that and this are entirely different.”

“Mom, I love Emily. I can’t live without her. Please trust me… she will be a great wife and a wonderful daughter-in-law.”

This sudden rushing didn’t give Nora peace.

However, when Emily moved in the following day, things seemed to have fallen into place as she and Nora got along well. The two knitted together, watched documentaries, and chatted.

Nora started to like her soon to be daughter-in-law until one night, when she woke up at midnight to take her pills, she heard Nora talking to someone over the phone and saying, “That old crone and her oxygen machine… she is such a thorn in my way… but Joe is madly hooked on me. So I should be able to get rid of her soon.”

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Nora froze. At that moment she wondered what could Emily possibly do to get rid of her, but then Emily continued, “Just a lil sweet talk, and he should agree to stick his mother in a nursing home. Then, I’ll kick him out, and this house will be mine!” 

Nora’s initial plan was to tell her son what she had heard, but she knew he was too smitten with his girlfriend to trust her.

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Over the course of the next couple of days, Emily acted as though she enjoyed Nora’s company.

One day, however, Joe approached Nora and told her they needed to talk.

“It’s about Emily…” Joe said.

“Oh, dear, I’m so sorry things didn’t work out between you two…”

But Joe frowned. “What? Things are great between Emily and me, Mom. I’ve never been happier.

“Actually, Mom…” Joe swallowed hard. “…Emily’s been running her own business while working through the temp agency. She needs help with buying more machinery. But she can’t afford it right now. So I’d like to help her…but there’s only one way to get the money I need.”

“What is it, Joe?” Nora asked dreadfully.

“Mom, you know…your health isn’t improving. I think you need a better place where you’re cared for well…I think it’s time you moved into a nursing home.”

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“Mom, it’ll be comfortable there,” said as he squeezed his mom’s hand. “…and if you agree to sell your house, I can put that money in Emily’s business. I promise to repurchase this property as soon as we see a return on the investment.”

Feeling betrayed, Nora said with sadness in her voice, “I don’t want to leave…my home.”

“Mom, I’m just trying to look out for you. Please…” Joe pleaded.

Knowing there was not much that she could do at that moment, Nora nodded her head.

“I’ll think about it, Joey. Just give me some time,” she said.

Nora needed time in order to be able to put her plan of revealing Emily’s true face into action.

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The following day, Nora’s knitting was interrupted by the front door creak. As she looked towards the window, Nora saw Emily exiting the house.

Although she hadn’t driven in a long time, Nora decided to follow Emily.

After some time, Emily parked her car and entered a coffee place where she met with a man. A few minutes later, they started kissing passionately. Nora took her phone to film them, but at that moment, they stopped kissing and could only be seen holding hands.

“Joey, I’m sorry for bothering you at work…but this is important. Can you meet me outside the café on the corner of 3rd Street?” Nora called her son.

Joe arrived after around 10 minutes and Nora told him what she had witnessed.

“Look there, Joey,” Nora pointed toward the café window. “Emily is cheating on you.”

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Raged, Joe stormed inside the place.

“What the heck is going on here??” he slammed the table, startling Emily and her lover. “How long have you been seeing this chump behind my back?”

“What?? You think I’m cheating on you? How could you, Joe?” Emily asked with a crying voice.

“I saw you kissing,” Nora interrupted.

“God…he’s my cousin! It was just a peck on the lips. I grew up in New York, and that’s how we always greeted family.”

“Your cousin? And why haven’t I heard of him?” Joe frowned.

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“Because…I’ve worked really hard to be where I am now. I didn’t want you to know my family’s background, Joe. If you still don’t believe me, I’ll prove how much I love you.”

Wiping her tears, Emily pulled a positive pregnancy test from her bag.

“I wanted to surprise you. You’re going to be a Daddy, Joe!”

It was more than enough for Joe’s anger to fade away. He embraced Emily and started kissing her as his mom kept saying, “Snap out of it, Joe. She’s lying. She’s a gold digger.”

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“Stop it, Mom!” Joe cut through Nora’s pleas. “Why are you hellbent on proving her evil all the time? She’s only ever been kind to you.”

“What? I’m not lying…I saw them kissing. Nobody kisses their cousin like that.”

“Baby, it’s okay. Don’t be hard on her,” Emily told Joe. “It’s not her fault…remember I told you? She’s getting confused.”

“Confused? Don’t you dare give me that! What other lies did this viper whisper to you, Joe?” Nora fumed.

“Mom, I think we should discuss this at home,” Joe said angrily as he entered his car.

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“…part of why I pushed you so hard to get you into a nursing home,” Joe tried to explain to his poor mother. “…you need proper care, Mom. You’re confused and have started showing signs of senility. I love you…and I only want the best for you.”

Nora was aware she couldn’t fight her son. Unable to defend herself, she told Joe that she would move to a nursing home and she would sell her home so that he could help his future wife with her business.

But Nora had another plan.

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Present day…

“…I only wished the best for you, son. I hope you’ve now realized I was telling you the truth all along.”

Joe realized his mom was right the entire time. He realized he was a fool who let Emily turn him against his own mother.

As he wiped his tears, Joe entered his car and headed to the nursing home.

“I’m here to see my mother, Mrs. Brady,” Joe told the receptionist.

“Thank Goodness you’re here,” she exclaimed. “We’ve been trying to reach you for the past half hour. Your mother had respiratory failure and had to be hospitalized.”

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Joe rushed to the hospital and waited in front of the emergency room. After what felt like an eternity, the doctor exited the room and Joe asked how was his mother doing.

“I’m sorry, Joe…but your mother…she didn’t make it.”

“What? But her condition was under control, doctor…how did this…God…how did this happen?” Joe cried.

“She was stable, but her health started to give in recently. I thought you knew…I advised a more aggressive treatment plan during her last check-up. But she never showed up after that.”

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Heartbroken, Joe started crying. He couldn’t believe his mom was no longer there. He regretted not believing her when she tried to tell him what kind of person he wanted to marry.

As he was sobbing, he received a text message saying $500.000 were transferred to his bank account. It had to be the money his mother got from selling her home.

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Prince Louis acted ‘impatient’ at Christmas – his father used a subtle gesture to calm him down, expert claims


Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It is a time of expressing kindness, gratitude, and love, and time to be thankful for everything we have.

Like every year, the British Royal family spent the holiday at Sandringham.

The Prince and Princess of Wales are always keen on celebrating the most magical day of the year with the rest of the family. This is because they want to give their three children a yearly family tradition.

“It’s important to them that their kids share childhood traditions like their school pals,” an insider told Us Weekly in 2018.

“They’re going all-out to make it extra special.”

They, however, always attend the formal dinner on Christmas Eve, often including Norfolk shrimp and lamb.

The morning, as per tradition, is reserved for a classic English breakfast consisting of eggs, sausages, bacon, and beans. 

Following the traditional visit to St Mary Magdalene Church, the royals have their Christmas lunch, the main course of which being a roast turkey.

As per US Weekly, the family members also have upheld Henry VII’s tradition of “weighing in before and after Christmas lunch.”

At 3 p.m., the family sits down to watch the annual Christmas speech on television. Over the years, late Queen Elizabeth’s annual speech was a highlight for many, but as of last year, it is the new head of the monarchy, King Charles, who is giving a speech. In the address, he spoke of faith and compassion and thanked the “selfless army” of volunteers.

“Over this past year, my heart has been warmed by countless examples of the imaginative ways in which people are caring for one another – going the extra mile to help those around them simply because they know it is the right thing to do: at work and at home; within and across communities,” Charles said in his Christmas speech.

“My wife and I were delighted when hundreds of representatives of that selfless army of people – volunteers who serve their communities in so many ways and with such distinction – were able to join us in Westminster Abbey for the coronation earlier this year.”

He added: “They are an essential backbone of our society. Their presence meant so much to us both and emphasized the meaning of coronation itself: above all, a call to us all to serve one another, to love and care for all.”

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The King also spoke of the many conflicts taking place around the world and wished for peace in the year to come.

“At a time of increasingly tragic conflict around the world, I pray that we can also do all in our power to protect each other. The words of Jesus seem more than ever relevant: ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you. Such values are universal, drawing together our Abrahamic family of religions and other belief systems across the Commonwealth and wider world,” he said.

“They remind us to imagine ourselves in the shoes of our neighbors and to seek their good as we would our own. So on this Christmas Day, my heart and my thanks go to all who are serving one another; all who are caring for our common home; and all who see and seek the good of others, not least the friend we do not yet know. In this way, we bring out the best in ourselves. I wish you a Christmas of ‘peace on Earth and goodwill to all’, today and always.”

Watching the royals take a trip to St. Mary Magdalene Church is a delight for many.

SANDRINGHAM, NORFOLK – DECEMBER 25: Prince William, Prince of Wales and Prince Louis of Wales attend the Christmas Morning Service at Sandringham Church on December 25, 2023 in Sandringham, Norfolk. (Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage)

The truth is that when it comes to the British royal family, it’s all about tradition. There are plenty of rules which date back centuries, and although most of them seemed quite reasonable back in the day, they are found rather awkward nowadays. Well, despite that, royals still follow them strictly.

One of those rules is related to the way they dress. From gloves, to military uniforms, and skirts instead of jeans, to tiaras and lavish jewelry, the outfits worn by the royals have fascinated many over the years.

We are certain everyone remembers late Queen Elizabeth’s rainbow coats and hats, which are there for a reason. According to Diana Mather, a scholar of English etiquette, wearing hats is a result of an old tradition prohibiting women from showing their hair.

Some of the things which are ‘forbidden’ is the colored nail polish and wearing jeans.

This year, what caught everyone’s attention was the choice of clothes for young Prince Louis.

Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images

When it comes to the youngest members of the royal family, there is this rule which states that young boys are only allowed to wear shorts, no matter the weather conditions. If you wonder why, etiquette expert William Hanson has the answer. According to him, this tradition dates back to the 16th century.

“It’s a very English thing to dress a young boy in shorts,” he told Harper’s Bazaar. “Trousers are for older boys and men, whereas shorts on young boys is one of those silent class markers that we have in England.”

“This was the first time we saw his little brother Louis wear a blazer and tie in public, and the fact that the Princess of Wales chose sky blue rather than navy made the outfit more fun and age-appropriate,” British children’s wear designer Rachel Riley told People Magazine.

“He also matched perfectly with his mother and sister, something which he can still do as the youngest sibling.”

SANDRINGHAM, NORFOLK – DECEMBER 25: Prince Louis of Wales attends the Christmas Day service at St Mary Magdalene Church on December 25, 2023 in Sandringham, Norfolk. (Photo by Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images)

What also caught the attention of the public when it comes to the young prince was his evident impatience while the entire royal family was on their way to the church. Louis was holding hands with his father and his second cousin Mia Tindall.

According to body language expert Judi James, Louis was excited and impatient but his dad did something to calm him down.

“Louis, like most small children on Christmas morning, looked excited but also impatient,” James said.

“Zara’s daughter had been given the job of anchoring his left hand while William held onto his right, and even then, he looked so excited he was pulling on his dad’s arm to get into the service.

“William placed a cupped hand on the back of Louis’s head in a gesture of affection but also of calming a child down. But even as he waited to do the greeting rituals with the clergy, Louis crossed one lower leg over the other as though keen to get launched into his Christmas Day.”

This is certainly not the first time Prince Louis to steal the show. During the Trooping the Colour, he was spotted either holding in a sneeze, trying not to openly laugh, or simply reacting to a bad smell.

“When Prince Louis misbehaved at the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, for example, by sticking his tongue out at his mother, Kate’s reaction was praised by teams of expert commentators,” author Tom Quinn wrote in his book Gilded Youth: An Intimate History of Growing Up In The Royal Family.

LONDON, ENGLAND – JUNE 17: Prince George of Wales, Princess Charlotte of Wales and Prince Louis of Wales ride in a horse drawn carriage with Catherine, Princess of Wales and Queen Camilla during Trooping the Colour at Horse Guards Parade on June 17, 2023 in London, England. Trooping the Colour is a traditional parade held to mark the British Sovereign’s official birthday. It will be the first Trooping the Colour held for King Charles III since he ascended to the throne. (Photo by Rob Pinney/Getty Images)

Although the three of them are still young to be able to understand the real meaning of being royals, at least Louis, they are still expected to follow royal rules and traditions.

During the Trooping the Colour carriage ride, Kate tried calming her children down by an eight-word order: “Do not look behind whilst on the coach.” As William was on horseback, it was Kate who had to govern the children solo.

“She beamed with pride when Louis started miming drumming along with the band in the carriage,” body language expert Judy James said. “Talking to her children, there were a couple of gestures of what looked like guidance about when to wave.

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“There was also a spreading gesture of both hands that would normally mean quite a severe message of when to stop or what not to do, too,” the body language expert added.

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Audience in awe as children’s Christmas recital turns into surprising shake dance


Oh, these tiny stars will make you fall in love with the holidays even more. You may think how you’ve seen lovely Christmas performances over the years, but once you get to see these adorable little humans, they will certainly become your number one holiday sensation. 

The whole show they put on will make your heart and body dance along. Everyone is having so much fun that we wonder who these concerts are actually made for, the parents, or the kids themselves. This video is perfect for lifting up the holiday spirit and making you enthusiastic about everything it brings along. 

We have the most adorable kids, a perfectly decorated stage, some nice costumes, iconic Christmas song, and it seems all this is the key to perfection. 


It’s obvious from the footage that this performance took place some years ago, but thanks to the social media it went viral again. Maybe the students of the Saint Elizabeth Child care facility in Jersey City, New Jersey that were very little at that time will see themselves now when they are older and it will bring pleasant memories.

It’s so fun how they take the stage one by one, are lined next to each other, but are not really in a perfect sync, which makes them quite adorable. Moving back and forth in different rhythm but still with great enthusiasm, they are the cutest little dancers. It’s adorable how they wave their parents hi when they spot them among the crowd. 


Although they are only supposed to move along the melody, many of the kids can’t contain themselves from singing out loud. The all time favorite hit “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” is the background song that makes the overall impression stronger.

In 1958, songwriter Johnny Marks wrote the iconic song for Brenda Lee when she was only a 10-year-old girl and whose vocal skills were already considered outstanding. 
Some of his other hits are “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Holly Jolly Christmas.”

The song was a quick hit and its position as a Christmas classic is perhaps best cemented by the 1990 film Home Alone in which the main character uses it as the soundtrack to his fake Christmas party meant to scare away the burglars. 


Seeing the beautiful and innocent kids holding hands and then waving their arms up in the air fills our hearts with joy. As they leave the stage, the proud parents praise them  with loud applause. 

Watch the performance in the video below.

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