Ever since she married Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has been under the spotlight. The wider public is very interested in her private life and paparazzi follow her every move. Shortly after their wedding, when she...
Trudy was a five-year-old girl raised by her mother. Her dad passed away when she was just a year old. Their life was a real struggle, but they had each other and nothing could rock their world. But then,...
Two years after I saved a woman's life at 35,000 feet, I was at my lowest, struggling to make ends meet and reeling from my mother's loss. On Christmas Eve, a knock on my door brought an unexpected gift...
Plastic surgery became extremely popular during the 70s and 80s, and many people, especially celebrities, started going under the knife in order to get rid of their physical flaws. Many never admit having a plastic surgery, claiming their great...
My emotions were all over the place when I entered my baby's room. The walls my husband and I painted pink, the crib that we spent hours assembling, all of Amelia's toys - it was all destroyed. The room...
Christmas has always been my family's most favorite holiday. As the spirit of the festivity filled the air with joy and togetherness, my 9-year-old daughter, Mia, and I decorated the Christmas tree, creating memories we would cherish forever. As...