Who doesn't love dolphins? They are super cute, friendly, and lovable. Apparently, dogs love them too. Well, if we are to judge by this fearless dachshund who went overboard when he spotted one jumping out of the water. This cute...
Arriving at the shelter can be a traumatizing experience for many animals. That is why it's crucial for the staff to be welcoming and friendly. It can help the confused souls get back on track easily and it will...
If your kids grow up around a dog or any other pet, then you have no idea how lucky both you and your little ones are. Having a pet means having a best friend for life. Except for being friendly,...
We sometimes lose sight of the fact that every day we have a choice. We can choose to connect to those around us, or we can choose to close ourselves off. Some days we may not feel like reaching out...
In times when we lose our faith in humanity someone generous and humble like Mohamed Bzeek restores it. Really, no words can describe this man's selflessness and kindness, and when you'll learn why, you will realize that not all...
You should respect your elders. They have experienced a lot more than those of us who are younger, and you’d be surprised at how spry some of them still are – so you better not mess with the wrong...