Rescued Kitten Won’t Stop Meowing, Owner Went Back To Shelter And Finds Out Why!


There are around 3.5 million cats that enter the United States, in animal shelters, each year according to the National Kitten Coalition…

It’s thought that of those about 1.5 million are euthanized each year, and that is just because they couldn’t find a loving family to adopt them.

One of the lucky ones, that did get adopted, called Ares, was taken from the shelter just before new years eve of 2017. His sister also found her way to the Wisconsin Humane Society’s Door too, as strays.

Just a short few weeks later, Alana Hadley visited the Sturgeon Bay shelter and she fell head over heels in love with a really sweet kitten!

She asked, very excitedly, about his sister also, called Aphrodite, but at that time an adoption for her was pending, so they couldn’t let her go.

This sweet little kitten, Ares, was taken home, as a solo artist, and all seemed well at first, until the first night, he began meowing, and he would just not stop!

Kittens absolutely make quite a bit of noise, even though they are small and when they feel lonely too, or even a little afraid. So understandably Hadley gave the kitten a fluffy toy, to snuggle and cuddle.

That would have been a perfect solution, but unfortunately, Ares decided that this cute fluffy toy wasn’t going to satisfy him, not in the least bit…

So the meowing went on, and on and on some more like it would never end!

Hadley sent a message to the shelter, some action was needed, but what he didn’t know was…

Hadley said:

“He has been almost non-stop meowing until he goes to sleep …and then meows again when he’s awake.”

Just as an amazing turn of fate, and with perfect timing, the person who was going to adopt Aphrodite, well it just didn’t happen, so in an excited flurry, Hadley shot back to the shelter!

Both brother and sister seemed so incredibly excited to see each other, Hadley knew what was needed, and what he wanted from the beginning, he also adopted Aphrodite too, right then and there!

Once they all got home, it was, of course, the puuuur-fect solution after all!

Hadley said:

“They both love to cuddle and purr like crazy when we are holding them … They sleep most of the day,” she explained, “and they cuddle each other when they sleep!”

Hadley said a little more recently that both kittens are happy as can be together and really do belong together.

Maybe Ares somehow realized that Aphrodite was the one and only Greek goddess of love, or so it would seem!

Please SHARE this magnificent story of puurrr-fect love with friends and family!