If you have noticed whitish-yellow bumps that suddenly appeared on your lips, inside your cheeks, or on your private parts, fear not. It turns out that these bumps, known as Fordyce Spots by the dermatologist who first described them back in 1896, Dr. John Addison Fordyce, are found at 80 percent of people.
These spots are actually oil glands, called sebaceous glands, that are usually associated with hair follicles, according to Healthline.
They are not itchy, painful, or infectious, but some people mistake them for other conditions, such as certain sexually transmitted diseases or genital warts.
The truth is that Fordyce Spots are present from birth, but they become more visible during and after puberty.

They are found more at people who have oily skin.
When they appear on the p*nis, they can often resemble conditions such as Molluscum contagiosum, milium cysts, epidermoid cysts, or genital warts or herpes. If you want to be sure, consult a doctor.
Although they are benign and harmless, some people don’t like having them. In such cases, there are treatments available that can help get rid of them.

Some of those treatments, as described by the Cleveland Clinic include:
- Cryotherapy – freezing and destroying the tissue, such as with the warts.
- Electrodessication – burning them with special electric needle.
- Laser skin resurfacing – “using short-pulsed light energy or continuous light beams to remove thin layers of skin with minimal heat damage to the surrounding structures.”
- Micro-punch surgery – using pen-like instrument to “punch” them.
- Topical treatments – using topical creams such as retinoids.
Don’t try picking them or squeezing them yourself as you can cause an infection.
One way to prevent them from appearing or being visible is to stick to a proper skin care routine, such as washing the skin with warm water and mild cleansers or soaps, and using a moisturizer.
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