This is one of those stories that will warm your heart and remind you how there are angels disguised in humans among us, and 58-year-old Linda Trepanier is definitely one of them. This Minnesota nurse went an extra mile when it came to taking care for two of her patients, the twin babies born with a rare genetic condition known as Pfeiffer syndrome.
Having three biological children and three grandchildren on her own, being a foster parent to 16 other children over the years, and an adoptive parent of three, this fierce lady is really one-of-a-kind. With her experience in bringing up so many kids, she knew she was the right person who could help in the case of the sweet twins.

Pfeiffer syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones which prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face.
Babies Marshal and Matthew were diagnosed with this syndrome right after they were born. The condition also affected their breathing.
After the Child Protective Services found the newborns’ parents not fit to keep the babies under their wing, they were placed into foster care with Trepanier, who was well aware they needed around the clock attention.

Regarding her decision to foster Marshal and Matthew, this fairy grandmother says how she gets comments from people who tell her how she should retire and enjoy her life instead of dedicating her days to special needs kids. Trepanier’s answer to these remarks is that she loves these boys so much that she would never even think leaving their side.

“When I first saw the twins, I thought they were the most adorable babies I’ve ever seen,” said Trepanier.
“They had big heads and tiny bodies. As soon as I saw them, I fell in love. I knew in myself that these boys were mine.”
By the time the boys turned three, Trepanier had already adopted them and now they are officially her sons. She says how she was first offered to adopt one of them, but even the though of separating them was killing her.

Trepanier takes the boys’ temperature every few hours and constantly monitors their breathing tubes. This may sound like a quite a lot of work, which really is, but this lady says seeing her boys smile makes her forget of all the struggles. She also hopes that over time their condition would improve and they would be able to lead normal and independent lives.
“I feel blessed that I can make the lives of these children better,” said Trepanier. “It’s a really hard job but seeing them happy makes me happy too.”

Everyone who gets around the twins should make sure they are completely healthy since the boys are prone to infections.
So far, they have undergone three head surgeries.
“I just fell in love with them. I knew in my heart that they were my boys,” Trepanier said. “People struggle to understand. They say, ‘Oh, those kids are going to tie you down.’”

Despite their health condition, Marshal and Matthew are happy kids who spend their days laughing and having lots of fun.