Animal shelters are crowded with animals who are in search of a forever home and a family that will love them to the moon and back. But let’s get honest. We are perfectly aware that many potential adopters are looking for young pets that are more or less in a perfect shape. It’s a sad fact that the chances of a senior animal to be adopted are way lower.
But then, someone like Baltimore Ravens player Ronnie Stanley comes along the way and shows us that this doesn’t have to be the case. His story is just another proof how love and devotion can change the life of the saddest dog.
When he paid BARCS animal shelter a visit, he had an unusual request. He told the staff how he was looking for a very special dog.
“We are looking for a dog that’s been here a long time and maybe not-so-adoptable,” he said.
There were so many dogs in there who already spent too much time at the shelter, so Stanley, his girlfriend Emily and teammate Alexander Lewis were at the right place.
The staff showed Ronnie and Emily a few dogs, and they eventually decided to take lovely Winter in.

This is what BARCS wrote on their Facebook page. By the way, it went viral in a blink of an eye.
“Beautiful Winter is a dog who has spent most of her six years of life falling into sad, unfortunate situations. She was found on a vacant property, on a hot day with no electricity, or open windows. She was dehydrated and extremely frightened. Winter has a long, hanging belly, most likely a result of over breeding–something we see far too often at our shelter. Due to her age, her belly is not something that will ever tighten up. Female dogs with such characteristics are often passed by in our shelter–but not by Ronnie!
Ronnie’s thought on Winter’s belly, as recalled by our volunteers: ‘Well, that’s just what happens when you’ve had babies.’ He was much more interested in getting lots of face kisses from Winter and falling in love, rather than being worried about the appearance of her tummy. What a great guy!”

Winter got a new a lease on life. She got to run around the backyard, take long naps in her parents’ cozy bed, hang around with other dogs, and spend days full of fun. And yes, she even got a new name, Lola.

Stanley agrees that having Lola in his life is a real blessing. He is beyond grateful to the shelter’s staff for matching them with their loving pet.
He made numerous contributions to BARCS, among which adopting another cute dog named Rico, as well as participating in a fundraising campaign where he matched donations up to $5,000.

Lovely Lola only shows that even senior dogs have a lot to give and we should always give them a chance to spend the rest of their days among people who would do their best for their life to be worth living.
Hopefully, Stanley and Lola’s love will make other people opt for a senior pet.