There really is nothing a mother wouldn’t do for her children. 30-year-old Guillermina Rodriguez from Manhattan is a mother of four and knows just how demanding kids can be at times. Recently, she found herself stuck in traffic for over 45 minutes. He baby daughter who is only three-weeks-old started crying and this mother knew the girl was hungry. So she did what she had to do. She pulled over and parked her vehicle in a commercial zone and started breastfeeding the baby.

Guillermina believed this was something normal and didn’t think it will get her in trouble. Namely, as she was making sure her little one was getting her food at the backseat of the car, a police officer approached the vehicle and tried towing Guillermina’s car without even looking inside.

She tried to explain what was going on, after which the officer just waved with his hand and handed her a $115 ticket. Speaking of the incident, Guillermina told ABC13, “I was almost crying because she’s crying, and all I wanted to do was pull over so I could attend to her ‘I show him the baby, and obviously, my breasts. I’m like, “I’m breastfeeding the baby.’” But the officers still though this mom should be fined for doing her duties as a mother.
Guillermina believes she was discriminated and asked from breastfeeding advocates to help her spread her story, raise awareness, and fight her ticket.
We hope this working mom of four would find a way to avoid paying the fine. Take a look at her story below.