Mom announces birth of identical triplets by sharing a photo of her dyed placenta

Truly miraculous in each and every way!


Creating a life is something incredible all by itself, but creating more than one in a single body is a true miracle. A mom from Australia named Sammi Edes was over the moon when she learned she was carrying triplets. Her babies were identical and doctors said the odds of conceiving with identical triplets was one in 60,000 to one in 200 million pregnancies.

Facebook / Sammi Edes

Although she was overjoyed by the thought of giving birth to three babies, Edes had her fears because she knew that carrying triplets wasn’t easy. And she was right. When she was in the 20th week of pregnancy, doctors told her how one of her babies wasn’t developing as the rest. Namely, Geoffrey and Hunter had the lion’s share, while Thomas was only getting a tiny portion of the oxygen, the blood, and the much needed nutrients.

Sadly, that meant that Thomas should be aborted, otherwise he could affect the growt of his siblings as well. That, however, wasn’t an option for Edes. She was determined to do all in her power to keep all her babies.

When she reached week 30, Edes gave birth to her miracle bundles of joy. They were all born healthy and this mom couldn’t wait to hold them in her arms.

Facebook / Sammi Edes

Doctors were left in disbelief and couldn’t understand how Thomas managed to get to 30 weeks and 6 days. To show just how miraculous his survival really was, they painted Edes’ placenta with three different colors, each showing the amount of nutrients the babies were getting. It clearly shows just how little Thomas was receiving (yellow color) in comparison to his brothers.

The photo was soon shared by Edes and it caught the attention of people from basically the whole world.

“I thought I would share this picture with all of you guys as it’s something we as mums don’t really ever get to see and this is our babies’ lifeline when inside us. It’s pretty amazing to think that was keeping them alive,” the proud mommy wrote.

Facebook / Sammi Edes

Isn’t this incredible and beautiful beyond words? If you know miracles do happen and if you believe this is one of them please share this story.