Old buildings hide many secrets and testify of the past better than any history book. They have a soul and speak of the times when people used to live there and how life was decades and even centuries ago.
Bob Thissen loves exploring secluded places and investigating old buildings. He comes across many interesting objects, but this time, he discovered a perfectly preserved mansion. The place is untouched and exactly the same as the owners left it years ago. It looks like this mansion stood frozen in time.
There are newspapers on the tables, the beds are made, and there is a piano ready to be played. The interior gives a feeling of the past times and touches the soul in an unexpected manner.
Thissen first discovered this mesmerizing place some five years ago and now got back wanting to see the condition of it. To his surprise, nothing has changed.
“Normally, abandoned buildings usually go down very quickly, because they are robbed and vandalized,” he told Caters News Agency. “It was a miracle to see how almost nothing had changed.”
He doesn’t have any idea who the mansion belongs to, but believes that the owner had probably died or maybe moved places and never looked back. He says the place is still preserved because it is located deep into the forest where no people go, so he assumes not many even know of its existence.
Those who have seen the video of the mansion could feel the passion with which Thissen approaches it and agree that he’s been doing justice to these long forgotten objects.
“I love how respectful you are of the places you visit,” one person wrote. “It’s beautiful and sad simultaneously. Thank you for being respectful to not just the structure and belongings but to the remembrance of the former occupants,” another added.
If you want to take a look of the inside of this magnificent huge building check the video below.