It is said that even the tiniest act of kindness can go a long way, and I am convinced this saying is very much true. Just think about it, treating someone with a smile or a “thank you” doesn’t cost us anything, but given to them at their hard time may mean the world to them. So, always be nice to people you come across, because as great late actor Robin Williams once said, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”
Chloe is a little girl who loves people so very much. Her bubbly personality is appreciated by many, even strangers. This time, she and daddy were having some fun time together at the Copley Place mall in Boston, MA, when she noticed the escalator. As she saw all the people going down the escalator, she stood next to it and waved “bye” to each and every one of them.

What’s best is that everyone waved back. Chloe put smiles on so many faces that day.
Her daddy believed what his little girl did was kind of cute, something we totally agree with, and decided to put it on tape, and boy, we are so glad he did.
If you want to see sweet Chloe spreading positivity, check out the video below, and If you find it cute, please share it with your friends and make their day.