Whether you are a fan of her or maybe not that much, you have to agree that Ellen DeGeneres truly is an awesome host.
Besides inviting top celebrities to be part of her show, she always leaves room for prodigy kids who have a lot to give and show to the world, just like Justin Wilson II. What is special about this five-year-old boy is that he’s awesome at playing the drums. We all know that excelling this instrument takes a lot of practice and concentration, but when it comes to Justin, he just has it in himself.

Once a video of him playing Lenny Kravtiz’s classic “Fly Away” caught the attention of many and he was on Ellen’s show, she invited him over again a year later. This time, he perfected another of Kravitz’s songs, “Are You Gonna Go My Way,” or as Justin says, “Are You Gonna Go My Wayyyyyyy” as he points to his parents and explains how that’s something they do, making the audience laugh.
And now as everyone realizes he feels like home at the studio, Justin sits behind the drums and starts drumming like no one’s watching. But then comes a huge surprise. Kravitz himself gets on the stage, and as the audience goes wild, Justin doesn’t even notice his biggest idol is there as he’s concentrated on his drumming.

Few seconds later, the boy sees Kravitz and can’t believe his eyes. But just as a real professional, he continues playing the drums until his idol interrupts him in order to give him a high-five.
Justin meeting the celebrity he admires and looks up to is truly a cute sight to witness.

And if this surprise wasn’t enough, Ellen also gave Justin a huge hamper of Spiderman themed merch including games, toys, pillows, and a lot more.
We are sure Justin will never forget this special day. Take a look at him in the video below. Isn’t he a natural talent?