Oh, those dogs! Do you ever take a minute to thank God for putting these creatures into our lives? The truth is that no matter how many human friends one has, the love and the loyalty dogs provide can’t be beaten. They are the most caring creatures there are and when they say that they love their humans more than they love themselves, believe that’s true.
One little girl and her Golden Retriever are the perfect example why every child needs to grow up around a dog.

The video of these two pals is melting the hearts of millions of people, all for the right reason. One thing is certain, her parents don’t need to worry about their little girl’s safety as long as her furry pal is by her side.
The video shows the Golden boy putting his paw on the girl while she’s looking out of the balcony as though he’s trying to protect her from falling.

He also helps her dress in the morning by taking the socks and the clothes out of the closet. Once she’s done, he serves as a cushion when she jumps out of the bed.
Believe it or not, when this young lady goes to the bathroom to wash her teeth, her dog is there to pull the stool closer so that she can reach the toothpaste and the brush.

Every now and then, he looks straight into the camera as though he wants his human parents to tell him that he’s doing a great job.
As a thank you for taking such a good care for her, the girl shares her lunch with her pet and never forgets to treat him with kisses and hugs.

And when she goes to sleep at night, he places his paw on her forehead just to make sure she’s sound asleep. Next, he grabs a blanket and covers her with it.
Who wouldn’t want a dog like this in their life?

For more on this heart-melting friendship go to the video below. Cute beyond words, don’t you agree?