Tony and Theresa Hall were excited to welcome their baby girl into this world. During the nine moths, Theresa was always assured by the doctors that her pregnancy was proceeding greatly and that her baby would be perfectly healthy. However, that wasn’t the case.
When sweet Cody Hall was born, her whole face was covered in tumors as a result of a condition called hemangioma.
Initially, the new parents were told how their daughter’s face would be disfigured her whole life, but that of course didn’t stop them from tirelessly looking for ways to improve Cody’s condition. And, they succeeded. It took long years and numerous procedures, but Cody got the face she always deserved.

Sadly, as she grew up, people made mean comments about Cody’s appearance. The Halls remember how a neighbor once told them to put a bag on their girl’s head. They were saddened by the fact people were unable to look beyond their daughter’s looks and see her true beauty.

Eventually, Tony and Theresa saved enough money to afford Cody’s first surgery and took her to one of the world’s most renowned plastic surgeons, Dr. David Apfelberg from California. The procedure was very successful as the doctor managed to remove most of the growths on Cody’s face. Although she was left with scars, it was still a great start.
Next, after her parents saved some more money, they were able to take Cody to Dr. Milton Waner from new York.
During the period of 14 years, this doctor performed 21 surgeries on Cody’s face, and the final result is astonishing. Those who don’t know her story would never assume she was born with face abnormalities.

All those procedures cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it was all worth it. However, it wasn’t just her parents who supported her every step of the way, but also all the people who donated money and made her dream of looking the way she looks come true.
Today, Cody is happy, and she’s living her life to the fullest. Back in 2017, she tied the knot with a person who loves her unconditionally.

Cody, who now works as a health care support worker, always kept touch with the doctor who changed her life. Dr. Waner sent her a heartwarming message when she got married, and it speaks of the relation the two formed during the years.

“I am so happy to hear that you’re settled, that you’re married. I wish you and your husband all the best. And please drop me a line from time to time. I really, really enjoy getting a message from you,” he said.
Cody says he can never thank Dr. Waner enough for everything he has done for her. She even says he’s the second most important person in her life, right after her dad.

This incredible woman who was able to overcome so much in her life is now a mother of two. Her story is truly inspiring and reminds us that no matter how bad things look, there is always a way, especially when it comes to medical issues, as the medicine and the technology advance every single day.
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