Miss Universe is the annual event millions of people are waiting in anticipation.
Gorgeous women are walking the stage, doing their best to show both their inner and outer beauty that would hopefully enchant the judges and the audience.
These women take part in various categories, secretly dreaming of being crowned the winner of the show.
Last November, dazzlingly beautiful Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters from South Africa won the title and captured the hearts of people from all around the world. She also stole the heart of one very special person. Her attractive looks accompanied with her strong faith in God made her the country’s sweetheart.

When she met Tim Tebow, the athlete who makes difference in people’s lives, everyone agreed they were a match made in Heaven.
“She is a really special girl and I am very lucky and blessed for her coming into my life,” Tebow said.

Among the numerous charities and events missionary Tebow runs, one brought him and Demi-Leigh together. “Night to Shine” is an event for young people of all abilities that Demi-Leigh’s sister with special needs attended. Demi herself is a founder of an organization that helps these people.
That things between the two are pretty serious is apparent. Their families met after the Tebows invited Demi-Leigh’s parents to their 47th wedding anniversary celebration.

The couple is known for their devotion to God and their life-mission of helping the less fortunate.
It looks as though Demi-Leigh agrees with and follows along her sweetheart’s mission of “bringing faith, hope, and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.”
This gorgeous Miss Universe proclaims her love for God through her Instagram posts. Also, through her involvement in charities such as God’s Love We Deliver.
People, however, only learned of her strong commitment towards the divine during this year’s ceremony of passing the crown to the new Miss Universe.

The words she spoke as she passed the crown to this year’s winner Catriona Gray touched the hearts of many.
“First, all glory goes to my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ,”
This reminded everyone that even in the time of glory, we should always praise our God, because He was the one who guided us through our path to success.