Family gives their newly adopted daughter the best Christmas surprise

This had me tearing up too - such a sweet thing for this new family to do for her.


One family did the most amazing thing for the daughter they recently adopted and reminded each of us what the holidays are really all about, and that’s making those around us happy.

The daddy shared the video of the awesome surprise with the world, but he could never imagine that it will go viral and that millions of people would witness this incredible Christmas story.


Like every other year, the family got everything ready for the most wonderful time of the year. There was a huge tree decorated with lovely ornaments and ribbons placed in the room, stockings hanging over the fireplace, and some perfectly wrapped gifts for each family member.

However, the gift for the daughter the family welcomed into their home just recently was a bit different than that of the rest. It was huge, actually, and it was a real mystery what it could be. None of the kids had any idea what was inside and they were all eagerly waiting to unwrap it.


The kids started tearing the bow and the paper as they figured out the present wasn’t only huge, but also heavy. At that moment they didn’t really know whether they should tug, pull, or continue unwrapping it.

That’s when the daddy stepped in and simply lift the box up into the air and now everyone could see not what, but who was hiding underneath.

The girl started screaming in excitement. It was indeed a heartwarming moment when she saw her foster sister. It turned out that when the family went to take their daughter from the foster home, there was another girl living there. The girls shared a foster family and grew fond of each other.

The new family knew how much their daughter missed her foster sister that they decided to reunite them. And as everyone was super excited for the encounter they still didn’t know that the best was yet to come.

The family actually adopted this other girl too. That meant the girls were now real sisters.


Take a look at the video that will definitely melt your heart.