It’s an undeniable fact that new technologies facilitate our lives a great deal. And when it comes to driving and the production of newest editions of cars, we are always stunned of how quickly new and improved models emerge on the market.
The good thing is that we no longer have to remember where we’ve put our car keys, because most of the new cars have keyless ignition. Being fined for speaking on the phone while driving is another thing we shouldn’t bother about, because the cars now provide hands-free phone service.
But according to Janette Fennell, president of the “Kids and Cars” safety organization, even with the advance of the technology, there are still some safety issues we should be aware of, especially when it come to our kids. Hopefully, the tips and tools she shares will come in handy to parents who own a modern vehicle.

Once you turn your car on, it’s easy to forget to turn it off after you park it in the garage which may easily lead to carbon monoxide poisoning and that might be life-threatening. The car engines are now ultra-quiet and we may not realize the vehicle is till running. So push-to-start ignition can be as dangerous as it is efficient and convenient.
One of the ways to prevent this is to install a carbon monoxide detector in the garage. This will keep the family safe even if it happens for us to forget to turn the car off.

With the new vehicles, the rolly windows are now in the past, and it doesn’t require a lot of energy to navigate the car windows. All you need to do is, again, to just press a button.
Did you know that it only takes 22 pounds of force to smash a child’s throat? But most automatic windows in cars have 30 to 80 pounds of force – meaning your little one could easily injure themselves if they were to get stuck in the window.
But it seems this shouldn’t concern us much because the automatically-reversing car windows have the ability to stop in their tracks and roll back down in the event of pressure pushed against it. So if it happens for the child to stuck their fingers or arm, the window will roll down without harming the child.

Take a look at some amazing tricks in the video below and make sure to share it with friends.