Most couples are eagerly waiting to hear the words: “Congratulations! You are going to be parents!” From that moment on, the life of both the future mom and dad changes completely. Buying lots of stuff such as toys, a bunch of diapers, and clothes becomes an everyday activity. Before welcoming that bundle of joy however, many moms and dads-to-be organize gender reveal parties and share with their family and friends whether they are having a boy or a girl. There are also those who don’t want the baby’s gender to be revealed until the moment it enters the world.
The reaction of one father after his wife gave birth is unlike anything you’ve seen so far.

The sounds he makes resemble those you are likely to hear while watching a horror movie. He makes the loudest noise when you least expect and scares the hell out of you.
And as he can’t stop saying “Oh my God” as he sees the baby, the doctor urges him to stay calm in case he doesn’t want to scare everyone around.

Once you watch the video you’ll get a clear picture of why this dad is so overwhelmed. The doctor even finds his enthusiasm hilarious.

Walking around the room, unable to keep still, this new dad makes everyone in the room burst out laughing. He’s over the moon and keeps congratulating his wife on the newborn baby, which is also very cute and adorable.

This has to be the best gender reveal party ever. We know you are going to end up with a huge grin on your face.