Being a supportive parent means letting your kid pursue their dreams and helping them in achieving their goals, even if it means not being really happy with the career they chose.
I guess some moms and dads out there are somehow judging their children’s choices only because they don’t fit their personal wishes. Many times, if they failed in becoming let’s say famous musicians, or football players, they secretly want their offspring to opt fulfilling those failed and broken dreams. But, once the child goes for what makes them happy, not what their parents want, it triggers disappointment. However, there are also those types of parents who’d do anything to make their kids happy.
Take this amazingly talented boy’s story for example. 15-year-old Ethan Peters is a prodigy. His make-up skills are out-of-this world and leave everyone who is familiar with his work amazed. It’s not surprise most of his tutorials go viral in a blink of an eye. However, the truth is that many people also find what Ethan does not that cool only because he is a boy in a “girl’s world.” This opinion is totally outdated, and it’s sad how there are people who still believe things should be strictly divided into boys’ and girls’.
Ethan’s latest video, however, received only positive comments all because it featured a very special person: his dad.
This amazing father not only let his son give him a makeover, but let him film it and share it online too. It’s really great how he stays completely still during the whole process, even though getting those false eyelashes could feel a bit uncomfortable.
We love this video so much because it shows the love between a father and a son and how great parents would always go an extra mile for their kids’ well-being.
People took their time to comment, with one person saying:
“This is a parent loving his child and supporting his child’s talent. They both looks so happy. Life is too short and this father and son are living their best moments now… so proud of them.”
Another comment reads, “I am not quite sure why, but this made me cry. I guess I am elated with the love and acceptance this father has for his son. Kudos, Dad!!”