Couple who struggled to get pregnant for 13 years welcome a baby boy

Infertility is an issue more and more couples face. The struggle to have a baby is real for these people and it affects both their physical and mental state.

Carissa Morris, 33, and her husband Dave, 32, were trying for a baby for 13 years, but they failed each time. As time passed by, they became more and more concerned that their dream of becoming parents was slipping through their fingers.

Over the years, Carissa suffered eight miscarriages. She couldn’t keep her babies past six weeks and doctors finally told her that one of her tubes was blocked and as a result the fluids were getting back to her uterus. Once her tube was removed, they learned that Dave was experiencing issues, too. It turned out that his job, which required from him to work at a place with too much heat, affected his fertility. Finally, they decided to consult a doctor and undergo an IVF. They only had one embryo and all of their hopes were on the procedure.

Carissa Morris / CATERS NEWS

To their surprise and delight, the first attempt was a huge success and Carissa was pregnant again. This time, she managed to go with her pregnancy almost until the end and gave birth to a baby boy just a few days before Christmas. They could never ask for a better present.

Baby Oliver weighted 6lb 7oz, but doctors soon realized he was experiencing health issues which meant he needed to spend Christmas at the NICU.

“He was three weeks early and was born blue, his oxygen dropped to 20% for nine minutes and he immediately intubated,” Carissa explained. Luckily, doctors managed to stabilize him and shortly after they had the NETS group, which is the Neonatal Emergency Transport Service, come in and place him in their Neonatal Ambulance.

Carissa Morris / CATERS NEWS

Some 30 hours later, the proud parents could hold their baby for the first time. “It was fantastic to be able to hold Oliver for the first time; he definitely has everyone wrapped around his finger,” she continued.

Oliver needed to be fed through a tube for some time because he had an obstruction in his stomach, but the scans revealed it was something that could be fixed without a surgery.

Carissa Morris / CATERS NEWS

We are glad this little guy is going great. They all make a wonderful family.

Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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