Body of Girl with Special Needs Found Stuffed into a Dressing Drawer in Her Mother and Boyfriend’s Bedroom

The mother "showed no emotion" for her child when the incident came to light.


India Martin was a four-year-old girl with special needs who wasn’t really loved by her mother. On Tuesday, May 26, the remains of this sweet girl were found stuffed in a bag kept inside a drawer in her mother and her boyfriend’s bedroom.

Authorities were shocked by the horrific sight and the tragedy that took place in the home of Jackleen Elizabeth Mullen and Audrevious Jarrell Williams who showed no remorse over the death of the little girl. Investigation started after police got a call of child neglect, but India’s mother said how the girl was staying with a family in South Carolina. When police reached the family, they said the girl was not with them.

“We found this child, dead, stuffed in a drawer,” Rock Hill police Det. Keenan McCrorey said in court. “We ask that bond be denied.”

Both the mother and her boyfriend were charged with homicide by child abuse or neglect after India’s autopsy revealed signs of abuse and respiratory distress. Those who were supposed to take care of her, killed her. The couple has other children, one four-year-old child of Jackleen and a one-year-old she has with Audrevious. He has a 7-year-old child from his previous relationship. They can no longer have contact with any of the children and are denied bail.

When sweet India was born prematurely at only 26 weeks, she was tested positive for cocaine and had to be treated at the neonatal unit at a Columbia hospital. Back then, Jackleen was only given two years of probation and four years after, that same child was brutally abused, killed, and stuffed in a drawer.

The Sun reported that Jackleen had broken the law before. In 2014, she was convicted for larceny and forgery.

At the time, the Rock Hill police, the York County Coroner’s Office, and the State Law Enforcement Division child fatality unit are investigating the death of India. The killers may end up serving a life in prison.