Bigfoot’s inspirational messages provide comfort for many amid the coronavirus pandemic

The messages Bigfoot sends highlight the importance of the measures and spread positivity and comfort at the same time.


Amid the coronavirus pandemic, which affected the way we live, staying positive and optimistic seems like the only reasonable thing if we don’t want to crush mentally. Many people lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet as a number of businesses closed, and if we want this craziness to come to an end as soon as possible we have to respect the measures of protection of deadly COVID-19.

The members of the community at Brimfield, a town in Massachusetts, are reminded of the precautions against the virus in a quite odd but lovely manner.


As it turns out, there is a huge statue of Bigfoot in front of the house of a man named Todd Disotell. What is interesting about the statue is that there are different messages about the fight against the coronavirus. Some of them say, “Be the missing link. Stay home,” “Avoid the Covid bug. Cover your mug,” “Safe distance = six (big) feet,” and “If I can avoid people, so can you.” Creative, isn’t it?

The champion in “hide and seek” also has some valuable advice when it comes to the importance of keeping the hygiene habit at the highest level.

“Stomp out Corona, one Bigfoot at a time,” “Sasqwash your hands for at least 20 seconds,” “Squatch your desire for a haircut,” and “The best is Yeti come.”


Sadly, once the statue of the mythical creature gained popularity among the residents, it was stolen. Disotell offered $2,400 for having Bigfoot back, and luckily, just a few days later, the thieves were reported to have abandoned the statue at the yard of a family house.

Speaking of just how important this Bigfoot statue turned out to be during these tough times for the humanity, Sarah Prager, a mother of a 7-month-old baby who drives around Brimfield when her daughter has a hard time sleeping, says, “The amount I missed Sasquatch surprised me, and I realized how much this creature had become my cheerleader to avoid humans like he does. It takes a lot of willpower to stay away from your friends when you desperately want to see them, and Bigfoot’s messages had made me feel like I was accountable to someone who was directly asking me to keep my distance. The signs were written by a neighbor for other neighbors: We were all in this together.”


The messages Bigfoot sends highlight the importance of the measures and spread positivity and comfort at the same time.