Growing up, little children come across many things that are completely new to them, and it is their curiosity that leads them through life and teaches them about everything that surrounds them. Of course, having their parents and loved ones by their side to guide them through their experiences is a true blessing.

Sweet Harper is a little girl who seems to love the rain so very much. Well, we do understand why she enjoys the drops falling down and wakening that specific scent that radiates from the ground. Whereas some people hate the idea of going out when raining, there are also those who love feeling the drops getting down their skin, and Harper belongs to the latter.

When her dad sees it started to rain, he offers his lovely daughter to take her out for a couple of seconds, just for her to feel the drops of rain on her face. Needless to say, she is over the moon by this “journey” she gets to experience for the first time in her life.
Being out in the rain is so fun that Harper can’t stop giggling. In fact, she managed to put a smile on millions of faces who have seen the video of her playing in the summer rain.

Realizing Harper is happy, dad decided to get her out while carrying her in his arms one more time. And later, he took her hand and let her walk, thus many agree he’s one really cool dad.
Who knew that such a little child having fun in the rain could become one of the cutest videos ever? Take a look at Harper below. Isn’t she adorable?