From Blackadder, which helped him make a name for himself, to House, and a number of other films and projects, actor Hugh Laurie has had an incredible career. This British-born actor’s popularity has grown enormously over the years, and he’s now considered one of the best in Hollywood.

Recently, he has been spotted taking his dog for a walk and what many noticed was that he altered his looks. Wearing a pair of dark trousers and trainers, with a hat and a bushy beard, many agreed that he didn’t resembled his old self as we are used to see him clean-shaven most, if not all, of the time.
The photos were made shortly before the release of his three-part series Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?

Being a popular name in the industry, Laurie brings what he says is his favorite Agatha Christie novel to the screen with this mini series.
“I would say the novel has been a passion of mine for a long time,” Laurie, 62, shared with Reuters. “The more I thought about it, the more I enjoyed the idea of trying to get what I thought was a sort of comic adventure spirit onto the screen.”
The cast consists of Will Poulter and Frances Derwent, as well as Emma Thompson and Jim Broadbent, who play Lady Frances Marcham’s aristocratic parents.

Back in the day, before tying the knot with his wife of 33 years, Jo Green, Laurie and Thompson dated for a while.
Regarding his first major directing role, Laurie said: “The hairs on the back of my neck haven’t properly settled down from the first time I grasped the beauty of the essential mystery.
“Since then, I have fallen deeper and deeper in love with the characters, and feel immensely honored to have been given the chance to retell their story in this form.
“I will wear a tie on set, and give it everything I have.”
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