Baby born with ‘heart-shaped’ birthmark became world famous in 2015 – This is what he looks like today

His parents couldn’t believe their eyes & started crying when they saw the heart-shaped birthmark on their newborn son. Soon, their precious boy gained worldwide attention and was dubbed the ”love baby”. Today, he's all grown up and still as charming as ever!


In 2015, in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, a baby boy was born. And as every child is beautiful in their own way, baby Çinar was truly something special.

The reason why is because he was born with a heart-shaped birthmark on his forehead.

The doctors and nurses were stunned by Çinar’s appearance and dubbed him ‘love baby.’

His mom and dad, Murat Engin, 30, and Ceyda, 28, said that their son became a true sensation and people asked to take photos with him on the streets.

”After a nurse cleaned the bloods on his head, I was the first to see the birthmark on his head. It was difficult for me to hold back my tears,” his father, Murat, told the Daily Mail.

“When we walk around, everyone smiles at us and loves him. All of our friends are curious about his birthmark because of its heart shape. They say that he is a love baby,” Murat added.

The family believes that the birthmark is a gift from God.

“When we go to hospital for checkups, nurses and doctors know him and call him ‘Hearted Boy.’ He already has many fans,” his parents say.

As many have been interested in sweet Çinar, his mom and dad created an Instagram account where they document his life and post adorable photos.

Today, Çinar is all grown up and adorable as ever. This sweet 7-year-old charmer never takes the smile off his face.

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