Pierce Brosnan opens up about his wife’s passing

What a tragedy! Pierce Brosnan opens up about the death of his beloved wife.


Charming Pierce Brosnan, best known for portraying agent 007, has had quite a career in the film industry. Landing the ultimate macho role of James Bond marked his professional life, but at the time he was about to take off with his first box office hit, Brosnan suffered a personal tragedy that changed his life forever. His wife and great love of his life, actress Cassandra Harris, lost her life to ovarian cancer.

Brosnan and Harris met back in 1977 while she was still married to husband Dermot Harris, with whom she had two children, Chris and Charlotte.

Brosnan was said to have been smitten by Harris’ charm and beauty. She was five years his senior, but he fell for her instantly and the two married five years later. After the passing of Harris’ first husband, Brosnan officially adopted her two children. The couple went on to have a child on their own, son Sean.

“We just clicked as a family,” the actor once revealed. “To begin with I was Pierce, then I was Daddy Pierce, and then I just became Dad. Charlotte and Chris have just been amazing in my life.”

When Sean was welcomed into the world, the family seemed complete. But then, in 1987, Harris received the news of the devastating diagnosis. She battled cancer for four years before passing away.

Brosnan recalled that the night he lost his wife was the longest of his life.

“I was in a helpless state of…confusion and anger. She was comforting me,” he told People as he opened up of the tragic loss he suffered.

“She has made me the man I am, the actor I am, the father I am.

“She’s forever embedded in every fibre of my being. She’s there with me every day. I was so blessed to have met someone like that.”

Years after Harris left this world, Brosnan suffered yet another heartbreak when his adopted daughter Charlotte was diagnosed with the same form of cancer as her mother. She too passed away, leaving behind her two children and a husband. This loss brought back many bitter memories for Brosnan who was grief-stricken.

“Charlotte fought her cancer with grace and humanity, courage and dignity. Our hearts are heavy with the loss of our beautiful dear girl. We pray for her and that the cure for this wretched disease will be close at hand soon,” the actor said in a statement.

Today, Brosnan is married to wife Keely Smith with whom he has two children.

“I don’t look at the cup as half full, believe me. The dark, melancholy Irish dog sits beside me from time to time,” he told Esquire.

“To watch someone you love have his or her life eaten away bit by bit by this insidious disease, that kind of sorrow becomes an indelible part of your psyche.”

Brosnan says it was Smith who helped him move on with “a strength I wouldn’t be able to live without.”

“I have experienced both being a widower and finding love again. Therefore, I am aware that there is hope and that you must learn to move on,” Brosnan previously told the

We are so very sorry Pierce Brosnan was forced to endure the loss of people he loved unconditionally.

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