Disabled man’s life changes completely after meeting a complete stranger who offered him a ride

It's incredible how a single encounter can affect someone's life so drastically.


Many times, when we feel most vulnerable, help comes from unexpected places.

The life story of James Fox from North Miami is as heartbreaking as it is heartwarming. This man was born with partial and malformed arms and legs, but with the help of his parents and his family he managed to learn how to accept his disability. Or so it seemed.

Over the years, James fell into depression a lot of times. Life hasn’t been easy for him at all. But one encounter with a total stranger changed it all.

Source: YouTube/ Humankind

One day, as James was going to his mother’s place, while he was homeless himself, a man driving a truck pulled over and offered him a ride. James, who is moving around using a skateboard, refused the offer. However, the man, Dan Crieghton, who is a chief executive officer of Creighton Construction and Development, couldn’t stop thinking about James and how hard his life must have been.

After speaking to his son, they both agreed that they should step up for James and offered to buy him an electric wheechair, but James refused that offer too.

Source: YouTube/ Humankind

Years after, Dan came across James once again. This time, James’ life was extremely hard. He told Dan how he was completely on his own as both his parents died and he was thinking of taking his own life. He also said that he struggled with anxiety and quit his job as a softer developer, the only thing that made him happy.

Without hesitating, Dan offered James a ride, and this time, he accepted it. Dan then took James to his office and gave him a $10,000 check. It was just a start towards James’ new life.

James became like family to Dan who helped him join a sobriety program at the local church and even bought him an accessible apartment near his home. Dan’s family organized a welcoming party for James, with a huge “welcome home” cake and guests. Shortly after, James was able to go back to working with computers once again.

Source: YouTube/ Humankind

On top of everything Dan did for his new friends, he also started a GoFundMe page which raised $10,000 in a short period of time.

“I love you, Dan, and I really can never repay the way you have changed my life with your kindness and generosity,” James said.

Source: YouTube/ Humankind

It’s incredible how a single encounter can change someone’s life for the better so drastically. We are happy for James and thankful to Dan and his family for accepting the young man into their lives.