Adopted woman searches for birth parents, finds them and siblings she never knew about

It took a decade of searching, but she never gave up hope.


When adopted children learn their parents who they grew up with aren’t their biological mom and dad, most feel the urge to learn more about their birth parents. No matter how great their life is, the thought they were given up for adoption is often something that troubles them, so searching for the truth comes as something natural.

Samantha Thomas was eighteen years old when she decided she wanted to track her biological parents. Her adoptive parents were very supportive but all they knew of her mom and dad was that they were from Chicago and that her dad’s name was probably Eddy. That wasn’t much, but at least she knew where to start from.

Source: Samantha Thomas/Facebook

When she turned 20, Samantha got married and gave birth to two children, but the though of finding her birth parents was still alive, especially now that she learned what it felt like to be a mother. So, she continued with the search that led her to the information that her biological parents left her three things when they gave her up for adoption; a photo, a letter, and a blanket. The adoption attorney told her how the items had been destroyed, but the fact they left them there in the first place made Samantha believe they maybe wanted her to find them once she grows older.

Source: Samantha Thomas/Facebook

The next step was getting to court and ask for her birth certificate. The judge refused her wish at first, but when she told them of the belongings her parents left to her when she was still a baby, they gave her her original birth certificate.

Source: Samantha Thomas/Facebook

Samantha now knew her birth mother’s name was Valerie Lopez. From the hundreds of results that popped up, one woman with that name was related to someone called Eddy. Could she be her mother? Samantha was about to find that out. Although her hopes were high, she didn’t want to get overly excited because she knew that it could lead to a disappointment.

Samantha found this Valerie Lopez on Facebook and sent her a message. She explained she was adopted and was born on January 5th 1990 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She also wrote about the photo, the letter, and the blanket her biological parents left her. Finally, Samantha wrote how she really wanted to get in touch in case she was her mother. Once the message was sent, all this woman had to do was wait.

Source: Samantha Thomas/Facebook

A couple of days passed by, but Samantha didn’t get a message. Then on the fourth day, Valerie answered back, writing she was Samantha’s mother. She couldn’t believe her daughter found her and said how she read the message with tears in her eyes. The decision of leaving Samantha was the biggest mistake of her life.

Source: Samantha Thomas/Facebook

They stayed in touch and spoke of their life. Samantha told her biological mother about her adoptive parents and her children, and Valerie told her how she and her dad Eddy got married four years after they gave Samantha for adoption. They had three more children but divorced recently. Samantha was very happy to learn she had siblings and was looking forward to meeting them.

Source: Samantha Thomas/Facebook

She contacted her father and Facetimed with her siblings. They were as excited to meet her in person as she was, and finally, on September 2nd, 2017, the family was reunited.

Source: Samantha Thomas/Facebook

Even today, they are in touch and make sure they visit one another as often as possible.