Sisters install hidden cameras in mom’s care home – horrified by what staff are caught doing

I wouldn't know what I would do if I saw someone treat her this way...


Seeing someone you love turning into a person unable to take care of themselves because of an illness they suffer is the saddest thing ever. When 71-year-old Joy Lewis was diagnosed with Alzheimer, her three daughters did their best to provide her with all the love and devotion and were there to satisfy every need she had. Sadly, her condition got worse over time, and the family decided it would be for the best if they place her at a residential home.

At first, Joy seemed to love the stay there. But with every visit, her daughters could feel something wasn’t right. In order to be sure their mother was in the right hands, they set up cameras in her room and waited in anticipation to see how the elderly lady got the bruises and why her skin was covered in sores.

The footage showed gruesome images. Their mother was treated with disrespect. She had been dragged out of bed, and forcefully grabbed by the arms. She was also refused her medications, any water, or proper food. Her pleas for going to the bathroom were completely ignored. Joy was experiencing real hell, and her daughters made sure the nurses pay for the pain they caused.

However, it looks like the authorities in this city of England weren’t strict to the wrongdoers, as they were given suspended prison sentences and ordered to carry out community service, although they confessed they committed the act.

Joy’s daughters believe every facility like the one where their mother was placed should have cameras installed.

The video below shows violent images that some viewers may find disturbing.