5-year-old sole survivor of cable car crash which left 14 people dead is out of intensive care and asking for his family

Our hearts go out to the grieving families of the victims.


5-year-old Eitan Biran who was the sole survivor of the deadly cable car crash in the Italian mountains is out of intensive care and has spoken to his aunt who has been by his side ever since the tragedy in which he lost his parents, his brother, and his great-grandparents took place.

The Times of Israel reports that Eitan was told that he had been asleep for a few days and that he is asking for his parents.

Eitan’s condition was critical as he suffered multiple injuries including broken bones. Luckily, he didn’t suffer any neurological injuries despite hurting his head. According to the doctors who treat him, Eitan only managed to survive all thanks to his father’s embrace. “In order to be able to survive the terrible impact, it is likely that the father, who was of robust build, wrapped his son in a hug,” the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin said, as cited by Italian la Repubblica newspaper.

The investigation regarding the crash is still ongoing. So far, the Italian police have arrested three senior managers from the cable car operating company. Allegedly, they deliberately deactivated the emergency that should have prevented the cable car from falling backwards when the cable snapped, as per The Guardian.

According to The Times of Israel, the boy’s family, his father Amit Biran, 30, his mother Tal Peleg-Biran, 26, his younger brother Tom Biran,2, and his great-grand parents Barbara and Yitzhak Cohen, 71 and 81, who traveled to Italy because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, have all been buried in Israel.

The Biran family resided in Italy.

Three Italian families offered to adopt Eitan and the Italian Jewish organizations have gathered together to help the boy.

Among the other victims of the horrific tragedy was a 40-year-old doctor who had been on the front-lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and her boyfriend.

Engaged couple Silvia Malnati 27, and Alessandro Merlo, 29, who had taken the trip to celebrate Silvia getting her economics degree were also killed in the crash.

“I express the condolences of the whole Government to the families of the victims, with special thought for the seriously injured children and their families,” Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said in a statement.

Our hearts go out to the grieving families of the victims.