Millions of hearts have been melted by this incredibly cute video of a four-month-old baby who is enchanted by his mom’s friend’s voice and tries to sing along. Of course, sweet Adler is way too young to be able to speak, and only produces sounds, but many say that he’s a singer in the making judging from his innate musicality.

When the woman, Anne, started belting out the lyrics of Karen Carpenter’s song I Need to Be in Love, all eyes were on her and baby Adler. People who have seen the video agree that Anne’s voice is angelic and that is why the tiny human is so charmed by it.
The way Adler smiles and tries to imitate the words coming from Anne’s mouth is beyond adorable.

Luckily, another person who witnessed this special moment, John, was quick to take his phone out and film the whole thing.
It doesn’t really come as a surprise that the duet between Anne and Adler has been seen over 8.5 million times and everyone loves it. This all happened back in 2014, and we are eager to learn whether Adler, who is now almost 7 years old, still has his music talent. But one thing is certain, he probably adores this video of him that turned him into an overnight sensation among Internet users.

Check out the video below. You are going to love it, that’s for sure.