12-year-old boy surrenders puppy at shelter to save him from abusive father

Despite growing up in a less-than-compassionate home, a 12-year-old boy loved his puppy enough to make sure he had a better life in a new home.


A baby Pit Bull was surrendered at a shelter in Michoacan, Mexico, along with a note that broke the hearts of many.

According to what was written inside that piece of paper, the puppy was part of an abusive family and his human sibling named Andrés wanted to save him from being hurt. The boy wanted a better life for his furry pal Rene and hoped the shelter staff would keep him safe.

“My name is Andrés and I am 12 years old,” the note read according to CNN. “My mom and I decided to leave my dog in your hands, hiding it from my dad because he is thinking about selling him. But he mistreats and kicks him. One day he kicked him so hard that he hurt his tail. I hope you can help and take care of him.

“I left him a stuffed animal so he won’t forget me.”

Rene was now in the safe hands of the workers at Refugio Xollin who were more than happy to fulfill the little’s boy wish of finding his puppy a new forever home. As expected, the touching story of Rene was quickly shared all over the Internet and a huge number of potential adopters contacted the shelter asking to take the puppy home.

The interest Rene sparked gave the shelter an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of adopting dogs from shelters over buying them.

“If everyone opened their heart and their home like this little dog, they would have adopted all our dogs from the shelter,” adding there were more than 120 animals who were waiting for their future families to come across their path.

“Prayers for the little boy & anyone who is helpless against the man beater! Beautiful dog & I know this little boy loved his dog enough to want it to have a better life!” Wrote Debby Mills.

“How I wish this little boy could know his baby is safe now and how brave and generous of him to think of the puppy first. I wish I could hug this little boy – and pray his father changes. Father may be overwhelmed – which is not to excuse his cruelty. ,” wrote Carolyn Gray.

And as Rene is recovering from his physical injuries and the trauma he suffered, people grew concerns for Andrés and his mother’s safety knowing they were still living with the abusive father and husband. So far, no one has any information about the family nor whether any charges against the abuser have been filed.