Kids can be awesome. For one, their hearts are pure and they see the world with different eyes than us grown ups. They make friends easily and don’t hold grudges. Kids always say what they mean and follow their gut.
Below are ten incredibly cute stories involving some extraordinary youngsters.
1. Christian McPhilamy is an 8-year-old boy with a heart of gold. Around three years ago, he decided to let his blond hair grow pretty long. Well, boys with long hair can easily become subject of ridicule by their peers, but Christian didn’t care about that because he set a goal and was ready to go above and beyond to accomplish it.

Namely, when his hair grew long enough, he donated it to the charity Children With Hair Loss for children who lost their hair due to chemotherapy treatments. Way to go, Christian!

2. On a flight with Alaskan Airlines, there was a passenger named Tim who was both deaf and blind. The staff had a hard time communicating with him, so they decided to ask if any of the rest of the passengers knew sign language. Luckily, 15-year-old Clara stepped in. She spent the entire flight communicating with Tom by drawing letters on his palm using her fingers. It was very obvious that Tim was extremely happy for that opportunity. He asked her a lot of questions. Clara definitely made his day.

Many of the people who were on the flight and witnessed the encounter shared photos of it praising the teen for her act.

3. True friendship knows no boundaries, and Ross and Isam are just the perfect proof of that. Namely, Isam is deaf and needs assistance at school occasionally. Luckily, Ross is there for him every step of the way. Ross wanted to be able to communicate with his friend so much that he learned the sign language.
His teacher nominated Ross for a special humanity award and he ended up winning it. We’d say he earned it.

4. One bright second-grader from York, Pennsylvania, named Christian Buck, found a way for every kid at his school to make friends in case they didn’t have any. Knowing that some of his peers had a hard time bonding with other students at the school, he invented “The Buddy Bench.” Shy and lonely students can sit on the bench and make friends with others who are feeling the same way.
Realizing how helpful this bench idea turned out to be, around 200 other schools implemented the project.

5. Can you imagine the joy of getting a signed jersey from the player you love and look up to? 7-year-old Alex Ibarra knows that feeling all too well. He got a jersey from his favorite soccer star Christian Pulisic. However, no matter how much he loved having that special piece of clothing, he knew he could do so much more out of it than keep it for himself. Namely, Alex decided to sell it for $3,200. money that he used to help Puerto Rico after the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in 2018.
We will be raffling off a special item at our Oct. 6th viewing party donated by our Jr. capo, Alex. All proceeds benefit Puerto Rico relief!
— AO Oakland (@AOOakland) September 27, 2017
Once the story of Alex’s kind deed spread around, it reached Pulistic who decided to give Alex a new signed jersey. The star even donated money on his own to the cause.

6. A group of five-graders from Andover, Kansas, decided to put a stop to the violence and bullying which was taking place at their school by staring “The Kindness Project.”
They offer kindness and teach others to do the same, making their school a much better place.

7. What would you do if you stumbled upon a winning lottery ticket? Buy some nice clothes, or take a trip maybe? Well, 7-year-old Phoebe Brown from Independence, Missouri, was shopping with her mom one day when she spotted a discarded scratch-off lottery ticket. She decided to pick it up and realized it was worth $100. But instead of spending the money on herself, she decided to buy a hundred dollar worth of groceries for the hungry. What a selfless act from such a young girl.

8. It’s not unusual for young kids to be saving money in a piggy bank. Once it’s full, they usually spend their savings on toys or other cool stuff, but not Brecken Hayes, a middle-schooler from Avon, Indiana. After saving $450, Brecken decided to donate it to the local food bank. Speaking of his deed, he said: “People need food and water to live. I just wanted to help them.” What a beautiful thing to do.

9. Most youngsters spend their free time playing games, watching TV, and hanging out with friends. 12-year-old Campbell Remess from Hobart, Australia, however, is using his time sewing teddy bears for the sick children at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Believe it or not, he has made over 800 bears so far, which he says are pretty special because they are made with lost of love.

10. A woman from Lakewood, Washington, named Chrissy, got outside of her home one day just to see that her wind-chime was missing. When she looked down, she noticed a note with $5 in it which broke her hear. It read: “I am sorry that we stole your windchimes our mom died and liked butterflies so my sister took it and put it by our window I am sorry this is only money I have please do not be mad at us.”

Chrissy said she wasn’t mad at all, but she really wanted to find the boy named Jake who left the note because she wanted to give him his money back and buy another wind-chime so that both him and his sister have one. Chrissy also shared that she understood what it was like to grow up without a mother because she lost hers when she was just five.

These kids’ incredible deeds of kindness warmed our hearts.